
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · 漫画同人
998 Chs


And it is because Ash's Aura and Aaron are exactly the same, so when he first appeared, he would mistake Ash for Aaron.

"That's right, the difference between my Aura and other people can be freely changed to any Attribute, so I can also Mimic out other people's Aura. I am afraid that I just set up a spiritual connection with you. The subconscious Mimic has got your mind The most familiar Aura here."

"This change was changed by Aura, because I do n't know what Aura within-the-body in your mouth looks like. Of course, I can also change Aura 's Attribute by myself, like this . "

After hearing Lucario's words, Ash was understood the problem. Because his Aura merged the relationship between Chakra and Senjutsu Chakra, he was free to change the Attribute.

This Attribute includes a lot, such as Five Elements elements, and Spiritual Force can also be Mimic out, in addition to his own can change Aura's Attribute, his Aura itself also has the ability of independent Mimic.

"It turned out to be this way. I misunderstood. I'm very sorry." After the sense was changed to Ash's Aura again, Lucario knew that he had misunderstood and apologized to Ash.

"It doesn't matter. In fact, I came here because of this." Next, Ash stated his purpose of coming to the city of Ouro de Lang, because now only Lucario can know the existence of the tree of creation.

As can be seen from the legendary, Aaron and Mew are very good friends, and Earl Dervish Pokémon, who is Aaron, has naturally seen Mew, and the relationship may still be very good.

So Ash believes that this Lucario must know something about the tree of creation.

"How could there be such a thing." After hearing the whole story of Ash, Madison said incredulously, as if he didn't believe how such an evil person exists.

"Not good, I do know the location of the tree of creation, and I have been to Aaron Lord several times."

"The tree was almost alert to everyone except Mew and the nearby Pokémon. At the beginning, Aaron Lord only entered the area of ​​​​the tree slightly, which caused a large area of ​​​​the nearby forest to wither. Fortunately, With the help of Mew, that crisis was resolved."

"By the way, does it mean that Aaron Lord is looking for the tree to help, so did he sacrifice his life." Saying here, Lucario suddenly thought of the ability of the tree of creation, combining with what happened on this small island at the beginning, suddenly.

Aaron didn't want him to sacrifice his life with him, so he said that deliberately, so that the misunderstanding of the two people existed for 2 years.

"That should be correct. According to legend, the trees of your island were destroyed by the war at that time, so that the island's Pokémon rioted."

"According to what you said, if the tree of creation needs Aura Force to communicate with it, the Aura of Aaron may not be enough to communicate with the tree of creation, so it will sacrifice its life and save this. The island and the country you are in."

With Lucario's story, the whole thing can be understood, and the places where the legends are not understandable can be understood. Although the tree of creation is also mentioned in it, Aaron is not recorded because What sacrificed his life.

"Bzz Bzz ~" At this moment, the phone in Ash's pocket suddenly vibrated and felt the vibration of the phone. Ash took it out of his pocket and found that it was Yulong Du's message.

"It was the message sent by elder cousin." After seeing it, Ash said to Steven and Jerry Lee. When the two heard the message, it suddenly surrounded them.

"So that's how it is, didn't expect The black hand behind the scene turned out to be the Fire Rock team, and even the boss behind the Fire Rock team appeared."

"And this guy named Maxie, you guys from Oudrond, no wonder you will notice the existence of the tree of creation."

After reading the information sent by Watanabe, Ash, Steven and Jerry Lee also understood the black hands behind the scenes, and even their current position was understood.

"The situation is not good. According to the information sent by Dudu, this group of guys have found the location of the tree of creation. No wonder our people didn't find them, they didn't expect them to go underground." Steven said.

"Impossible, the island where the Genesis Tree is located, except Mew, everyone can find it impossible, because the island is floating and will not stay in place, but has been drifting." At this time, Lucario suddenly started to talk, saying an information they didn't know about.

"The message sent by elder cousin said:" After hearing Lucario's words, Ash wrinkled frowned, and finally got a clue, and now it's a bit confusing.

"Oh, legendary, it was Mew who took Aaron to find the tree of creation, putting it that way." Suddenly, Ash seemed to remember something, and said to Steven and Jerry: "Steven, Jerry, hurry up. Notify Alliance people that I want all known information about Mew."

"Understood." Steven and Jerry Lee nod. Although they didn't know why Ash wanted Mew's information, now they can only trust Ash.

It did n't take long for Steven and Jerry Lee 's mobile phones to start shaking. Mew is known as the Pokémon of the legendary. Anyone in the Region knows that Mew exists, but only few have seen it.

But Mew's legend has many different versions handed down, and Ash wants these different versions of the legend.

"So that's how it is, I didn't notice it at the beginning, it was a mistake." After reading all the legends about Mew, Ash finally determined his thoughts, and there will be no mistakes.