Reincarnated and killed several times, Blake Listerio a child born from a demon Lord and an Angel was casted down from the supreme realm to dwell in earth, grow his powers so that he'd be the protector, savior and the only one capable of stopping what is to come. But the moment disaster came, the Supreme realm went in an all-out battle dragging in the Megaverse with it. In the end, one man was left standing.
The next minute, a powerful arm slammed Blake throwing him back and for few minutes, he was surrounded by thick darkness.
Immediately, Marshall was upon him again and then he was kicked tremendiously on the chest and the impact threw him behind the ancient pillars of the Vile Castle, coalasing with the hard foundation.
Blood seeped down his forehead and Blake touched the warm liquid. Marshall was extreemly powerful when it comes to strength and right now, Blake couldn't hold a candle to his kind of power Marshall possessed.
Instantly, [The eye of the gods] enhanced morbidly and then, he saw Marshall. The man blurred quickly. But before Marshall could come upon him with such lightening speed, Blake unlocked his [Reflexe] ability only to dodge a tremor which shook the Castle verbally. It was as if a shockwave iterated its grace and descended non-chalantly. Blake didn't wait for him to finally recover from the blast of his own power, he immediately jerked up with only one word stucked within his brain…
Blake dashed towards the outward part of the Vile Castle only to recieve a ferrocious push on the back which landed him towards the concave iron wall of the castle and then he turned only to see a blur approaching him.
'What the fuck'
Marshall was actually not relenting. He was so hellbent on wiping Blake from the surface of the earth and then, a punch followed as if the immortal was not willing to let Blake take a single break and another blow landed.
Blake felt doomed. His whole body was rumminating with intense pain. The pain he felt now was worse than when he fought a Mallock. Actually, the Mallock did give him a hard time but the Mallock was actually in their number but this immortal was alone, so why was Blake not able to take him out, Blake spat out blood from his mouth and stood up without sparing a second and the both blades appeared out of nothingness.
The [Night Tide] and the [Azure Blade].
Blake charged immersely at the immortal who effortlessly dodged his attack and then with a furious speed, Marshall banged at the [Azure blade]
The blade broke at the impact and Blake was rendered speechless not knowing that an attack came from the immortal and then he felt himself descending the stairs one after the other.
Right now, the distance between him and the immortal was now becoming farther. And then regaining his balance, he turned and darted off through the bridge inter-linked together with the somber cathedral and then he was inside it once again. But this time around, it was completely different.
Blake felt something off and he was bothered. The Lieutenants were...
Looking around, the floor was slick with blood, and so were the walls. Even the ceiling was painted red. All of the hall was one vast, morbid pool of the crimson liquid, with severed limbs and mangled bodies sprawled in it, some of them mutilated so thoroughly that it was almost impossible to recognize them as former humans.
The sight of it was revolting and horrid.
The immortals... the guards, was...
Yeah, it looks like them.
Blake turned back as the distant foot step of Marshall approached and he hid behind large wooden boxes.
Marshall stepped into the cathedral, but what he saw next completely diverted his attention. Blake now had his opportunity to finish the man off.
The mangled and multilated bodies were non other than his fellow immortals but the question right now was;
'who had killed them?'
Before Marshall could sense the attack from Blake coming, it was already too late. He already sensed that Blake was upto something but he didn't know that Blake wanted to use his own attack moves on him. Marshall turned, raising a long spear but turning that way also aided Blake's blade [Night Tide] which sunk deep into Marshall's chest and then reached his heart.
His eyes widened.
Blake smirked evily as he pierced the blade into him without wasting much time. Obviously, the man could no longer attack so he just waited for the last moment of life to take him from the embrace of the world.
[You have slained an Immortal Blake Listerio, your abilities have been added...]
'My abilities have been added?'
'Does it mean that…'
[Blake Listerio, you have aquired new abilities...]
'Nice... this is a boon'
Blake felt overwhelmed as he focused solely on the new abilities and then a few writings like his status simmered in the air describing his abilities.
Ability: [Eye of the gods] [Levity] [Reflexes]...
[Darness cover]
Blake hummed...
'Darkness cover. Does that mean that, wherever the darkness lies, he would be like invisible, just like the [Obsidian Mallad] profers him low invisibility only when touched continously by water.'
'Yes this is...'
All of a sudden, Blake remembered the harrowing flames and his speed picked up as he descended the basement.
The staircase was long and winding, circling the entire tower many times. With each revolution, the spiral became narrower. From time to time, he saw closed doors to his left, but never to his right.
And then, he dashed in...
He saw people. They were looking torn and sad. Evie and Tera was in their midst stairing at a particular place and Blake froze. He was late.
Looking at the two large pillars by the wall, he sighed.
In its center, there was a wide stone platform. It was covered in rubble, large pieces of black obsidian laying in piles where the black altar had once stood.
'They really destroyed it…'
The harrowing flames destroyed the Alter including the gateway.
Blake walked to the rubbles and piles. The aftermath warmth was still felt due to the descend of the harrowing flames and then Blake walked back to Tera.
"Did you all have the immortals killed?'
Evie responded and continued.
"We do not know where some of them are hiding."
"What do we do?"
Gabriel asked and Tera turned to the three of them.
"Remember guys, we need to help the people here with us. They are [Temple Slaves] just like us and we all deserve freedom so please lets involve them."
Blake sighed...
They really needed to get out of here. The battle with the Monk cannot just end there, he would most definitely come back to have his revenge because a creature of that nature cannot leave his food to escape although he had had enough humans already. Blake was like a different kind of meal so Blake expected much and just as he though, the whole Cathedral shook intensely and Blake sighed.
Stones descended from above and sand was loosening from the top of the dacon.
"Let's leave guys... Lord Monk is coming to get... us!!"
The moment they heard 'Lord Monk,' everyone's pupil dilated with fear and then a cold shiver ran down their spines.
"Lets find a spear gateway... there must be a way out."
The horde of people started ascending the stairs untill they came to the upper belfries of the cathedral.