
blades of destiny

The epic story of "Blades of Destiny" centers on Hiroshi, a young samurai prodigy who forms a link with an apparently insignificant monkey spirit. They create Team Unison and take on the difficulties of the Academy of Spirits together with their blind archer partner Masumi and air-controlling sorcerer Kaito. They fight barbarous nations with superhuman strength as they unravel the mysteries of their spirit animals.

madara_uchiha7 · 武侠
38 Chs

Chapter 10: Forbidden Knowledge

Team Unison discovered itself surrounded by antiquated books and scrolls in the academy's secret library, their secrets buried for many years. The history weighing heavily on them made the dimly lighted room appear to be locked in time.

Masumi's delicate fingers scanned the book spines like Braille as her hand slid along a shelf of volumes. "These texts—they contain the solutions we've been looking for. The real story behind our spirit animals.

With unflinching resolve, Kaito nodded. "We have gone a long way. It's time to solve the puzzles behind our connections.

While experiencing an odd kinship with something in the library, Hiroshi was unaware of its full significance at the time. Whatever was contained in these pages, he was certain, held the secret to unlocking their special aptitudes.

They started looking for the elusive knowledge they were looking for with their resolve strengthened. They found allusions to a mythological event known as the "Rite of Beast Bonding," which has since been lost to time, as they dug through the old writings.

Hiroshi read an inscription and said, "This is it." The Rite of Beast Bonding, as the saying goes, "lays the very foundation of our powers."

As though in accord, Masumi's owl spirit let out a quiet hoot. They continued reading the scriptures with renewed vigor, fitting the complex phases of the ritual together.

As they immersed themselves in the legend, the hours went into days. They learned that the Rite of Beast Bonding was a revered ritual that created a strong bond between people and their spirit animals. But as they dug deeper, they came to understand that the ritual had been kept secret for a reason.

Kaito said with caution in his voice, "There are cautions here. The Rite is strong yet hazardous. It necessitates greater devotion and sacrifice than we have ever experienced.

Hiroshi nodded as he looked over the documents. "It appears that the ritual puts a human's relationship with their spirit animal to the test. It requires everlasting trust and understanding between parties.

Team Unison became increasingly conscious of the difficulties ahead as they pursued their investigation. The Rite of Beast Bonding wasn't just a formality; it was a test of their bond's strength, togetherness, and trust.

Weeks went into days as their understanding and tenacity grew with each new hour. They read descriptions of former warriors who had tried the Rite; some had succeeded in gaining power unparalleled, while others had failed and been eaten by the link.

They were in the middle of their study when they got a surprise visitor. Their teacher, Master Jiro, had been in the background quietly observing their commitment. He had been monitoring their development.

Jiro declared with his lion spirit standing regal by his side, "You've started on a dangerous adventure. It is important not to take the Rite of Beast Bonding lightly. It will put your very soul to the test.

The owl belonging to Masumi fluttered its wings to indicate readiness. "Master Jiro, we get it. We're ready to work together to meet this challenge.

Jiro nodded, his eyes flashing a hint of pride. "Therefore, it is now necessary for you to be ready for the Rite. But keep in mind that your trio's relationship is your best asset. Create it, believe in it, and you will prevail.

Team Unison set out to get ready for the Rite of Beast Bonding with their newly acquired knowledge and their mentor's advice. They were aware that the path ahead would be difficult, but their cohesion and resolve would see them through.