
Blackmailed By A Yandere To Be Her Boyfriend

My crazy yandere girl blackmailed me and so I became her boyfriend. Overprotective, caring, rich, loving, sweet, sexy, obsessed, and beautiful one of the most that men had ever wanted to have, Oh how wonderful that I have all of them and no it's not! This was the worst day of my life!!!

White_Cream · 奇幻
7 Chs

How it happened...

You were probably wondering how I got here...

Of course, you didn't know, barely in the first chapter and I said this, who am I kidding. I wrote this freaking novel because of how crazy the turn of events had happened to me.

It started when I was in high school, starting my normal life being a normal student. I was walking in the hallway with my friend Tom, going to the chemistry class. Tom was an idiot retard that I admire because he was my bestie, we were walking peacefully until I bumped into someone.

Our heads crashed and my eyes went fuzzy, the crash made her books fall, I stood up and helped her. Her charming beauty, her silky smooth black hair, her scent was very sweet that made me imagine a lavender, she had a robust and voluptuous body as well, kinda erotic, but I prefer flat ones. But still, she was a hot babe.

She said sorry and after she looked at me, her eyes glued. It was as if a cupid impaled her heart, I helped her carry her books but she started blushing.

I gave her her books and she thanked me, Tom just smirked at me like I'm some sort of an idiot maybe because of the weird atmosphere between me and her.

I then started the conversation but she left hurriedly, I scratch my head thinking maybe I got too awkward.

Tom said to me that she was in our class, I got shocked because I didn't notice she was there...

We continued to the chemistry class before the bell rings.

In the chemistry class, I and tom were dressed like a scientist wearing a lab coat and goggles for protection. We were examining how should I call it, chemical stuff, they said it could irritate our eyes so that was why they made us use goggles.

We put a hella performance, we made a chemical that could explode, the teacher applaud us and I stood there confused. What are we a terrorist?

The teacher gave us an A, my friend Tom celebrated although he didn't do sh!t, he backed away shielding himself with a tray if the chemical reaction went wrong.

I was unsurprised for sure, two of us were 100% smart and called ourselves the smarty duo, sound lame but whatever, without my friend Tom we would lose 1% in our duo.

We left the room, the bell rings and so the school had ended. We then hang out together, walking with Duke my sports buddy.

We played games watch some anime until sundown. I said my goodbyes to them as they were playing PSP, I then straight ahead went to my home.

Upon reaching the door, I noticed my doorknob was warm, I raised my shoulders and thought probably someone was grabbing the door or maybe it was exposed to the sun.

I took off my shoes and went to the shower when I was showering I heard a thumping noise, I ignored it and thought it maybe was a rat running in the ceiling.

Finally done showering I left the bathroom, next thing I know my uniform was gone and I searched it everywhere on the floor, I grunted and thought that my friends were pulling tricks on me. I shouted quietly so the neighbors weren't disturbed.

Someone then approached behind me and I busted out some karate moves. It didn't work and so I was drugged.

Damn it! I want my money back for those karate lessons!

I woke up in a very dimmed lighted room, I was tied to the chair with ropes on my hands and feet.

I shouted "Who's there" then Someone giggled.

She came out from the shadows and it turned out it was her. The one that I bumped into earlier, and heck she wore a vulgar dress, her breast bounced up and down when she walked at me. She then sat down on her chair and started feeding me.

A porridge made by herself, she apologized to me for drugging me and so she feeds me with porridge, I take a spoon from her, and damn it was delicious. She was glad that I liked her love juice mixed in the porridge.

I spat the porridge to my right because I was jumped. She pouted at me and told me It was a waste, she then put the porridge in her mouth and offered me to eat directly from her mouth.

I got freaked out and shake my head violently. She swallowed it and pouted again.

I started to inquire why I was here and what she want?

She just answered that she loved me since kindergarten. I was perplexed by how could a child that age fell in love??? She then told me she would do anything for me to love her. I declined and that was the biggest regret that I ever come by.

Her eyes faded and started laughing maniacally, she then showed me her phone, 100,000 Pictures of me, what was she nuts? She then found out my worst fear, my browser history...

She was mad as heck because I love flat girls, she cried because she wasn't fated to be. She then let out my diary book and hell how does she unlock my secret code. It was an 8 digit code that she was able to break into...

I then got blackmailed again when she showed me her phone with a weird pict. A misunderstanding that when I fell on the public's bath floor because my soap was dropped, I and my buddy Garry were involved there, the view and timing were too perfect as if I'm sucking him to infinity and beyond.

3 Blackmails in a row, could my day get any worse?

She then offered me a chance, be her boyfriend or she would send these pictures and she would also kill me, now 4 blackmails in a row.

I nodded and that's how it started.

My name is John and I now have a girlfriend who is a yandere and my story with her begins...




Note: if you're wondering...Yeah, an author writing a novel of an author writing a novel about his past life.

Oh yeah for those who commented like he was a coward should've let her be his boyfriend and should've accepted her. Note: This is how I write my story...

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