
Black Panther Cultivation System

Author's Note: It's hard to place this as male or female lead as the MC is a man in a female panther's body considering this it could be considered both female and male lead. Hi, my name is Shinji, or at least it was. I was a 34yo male gaming addict who still lived with his mother. I did nothing but gaming, until meeting a beauty, that I shamelessly failed to protect. Of course, that led to my death, and now I’ve been reincarnated into the wuxia world as a female black panther spirit beast. Yeah, whatever God or Goddess put me here has a keen sense of humor, I mean D#mn she really took my manhood. And apparently, she also blessed me with a system, which would have been completely bad as$ if wasn't so #%*ing obnoxious. Well, I invite you to follow me on this quest from man, to woman, to beast, as I find my way to godhood.

DaoistMacchiete · 奇幻
16 Chs

Towards the temple of the God’s

"Yeah Mishi hunting sounds great but we should do it while heading towards the temple of the gods, and now that you so ingeniously…wait no it was actually me who thought of picking the shadow allies skill, I can physically lead the way."

At that point, we finally left the cave, and my whole world changed. Once this forest seemed huge, overbearing, with dangers hidden everywhere, but now it felt smaller, less threatening.

Then Kujo turned to me and said "don't let the perceived tranquility fool you. You may now be strong enough to scare most spirit beasts from even getting in your presence, but many are just as powerful if not more so, aiming for your mother's spot. To get that Spot they will be aiming towards you. Come on let's start moving away from here and head towards the temple. Once we get closer you will be safe for the moment at least."

Kujo then led me through the forest but disappointingly we couldn't find anything to hunt. "Where the hell are all the spirit beasts? I wanted to at least test my skills out before we get there!"

Kujo then turned to me with a piercing condescending gaze. "Ok, I guess the increase in wisdom and intelligence hasn't fully come into effect yet, or you are just that hopelessly dumb. First, you're an idiot, if you yell any animal that might be stupid enough to come would instantly flee hearing your loud ass voice. Second right now your SE (Spirit Energy) is flooding the entire area. Any spirit beast would be deaf dumb and stupid to even come near us. And third, any spirit beast that does come would be strong enough to nearly kill you at the very least."


"Yes I'm very well versed in how skilled you are with your tongue, but damn woman, can you stop flaunting your sensual wilds and focus. You need to suppress your SE or else we are both screwed. This would be a good time for you to practice your sneak skill, and maybe just maybe, try sticking to the many shadows since you are midnight black and you stand out like a sore thumb."

Getting into my sneaking position I started to stick to the shadows with Kujo being right there with me. Then I whispered "You know if this was that important you might have thought of telling me that before we left the cave. And stop being such a damn perv, I starting to think you are trying to make a play on me. And know this" I said while extending one of my claws to his nether region. "If your piece, if you even have one, will be the first thing I filet! Now stop fucking around and tell me how to suppress my aura!"

"Ok...Lorraina Choppit, hormonal much. Try to think back when your Kaasan first taught you sneak, what did you see her SE do."

Then I remembered how she caused her SE to flow closer to her body forming a paper-thin layer right around every inch of her body. I began to visualize my own SE both around me and within me. I started circulating the SE in my dantian as if it was a whirlpool drawing all of my outer energy in as close to my body as possible. I had to practice this a few times before finally getting the hang of it. It wasn't as clean as Kaasan's, instead of it being paper-thin or was more like a tight dome around my body.


You have just unlocked the technique aura suppression.


this skill hides your SE from nearby enemies. Currently, this technique will hide your SE from any cultivator that is at least 5 ft away from you. If they come within 5ft of your presence they will immediately be able to sense your SE. Gain additional levels to decrease your range of detection.

As this is a technique no SP is consumed when activated.

Kujo turned toward me and said "great now you seem to have it down well enough. Let's continue."

We started quietly almost gliding through the forest staying hidden amongst its many shadows.






Just from a few hours of utilizing sneak, I gained 3 lvls. With each level, I noticed my steps were being increasingly softer until it was like I was walking on air. Just as Kujo predicted we finally found some prey. We came upon a group of large chickens. This is going to be an easy hunt.

"Wait Mishi don't under…" before Kujo could finish speaking and barely listening to him, I jumped through the shadows. I crept up behind one of the large chickens. I cast analyze: Baasan Foundation Building 9th rank.

Brimming with confidence I leapt with an Assassin's Bite. Before the Baasan knew what hit him, I bit down on the back of its neck nearly decapitating it in the process.

Just as I turned to the three other Baasan's they collectively opened their mouths, blasting cones of infernal blue flames right upon me.

" YOU DUMB ASS IMPULSIVE IDIOT! Kujo yelled as he slammed into me throwing us just out of the Baasans' flames. Just as I thought we cleared their line of fire I felt a searing pain emanating my tail. I looked to find the tip of my tail in flames. Kujo stomped on my tail putting the fire out witch sent a shockwave of pain through my entire body. Not giving us time to recover the three other baasans came running towards us, mouths agape glowing bright blue as flames began to protrude from their beaks yet again

"You got to be fucking kidding me!" Kujo yelled As he grabbed me running and throwing me to the furthest shadow he could find. As I was flipping backwards in the air I could see Kujo with incredible speed altering his direction weaving in and out of the trees circling the Baasans. I finally came upon the tree that was casting the shadow. Before my back could hit the tree I was able to twist my body so that I was able to bounce off of it landing directly into the shadow.

As I looked up I could see Kujo running towards me as one more of the Baasans fell with blood gushing from its neck. Kujo stopped right beside me, saying "listen, I need you to distract the larger Baasan while I take out the smaller one. Do…Not.. attack until the third Baasan falls. You are to only distract. We have to fight him together because he is three ranks above you! Do you UNDERSTAND!"

"Yes!" I exclaimed.

"Now Go!" I bolted from the shadow activating swift step. I ran directly towards the largest Baasan, being sure to bob and weave in different directions as I circled the beast. I was just barely able to dodge it's attacks before hiding in another shadow. Even though my agility is definitely superior his accuracy was of the utmost precision. I narrowly escaped the lick of each flame as I kept his attention on me.

Meanwhile Kujo was utilizing his amazing werewolf agility to not only dodge each swipe of its talons, or snapping of his beak, but he was landing precise swipes of his razor sharp claws. The Baasan thrust his beak towards Kujo one last time as he ducked under it, shifting to its left as he severed one of its legs. Now that it was off-balanced Kujo took full advantage springing from his crouched position back towards the right side of the beast severing its head in the process.

He immediately turned running towards the huge Baasan. It noticed Kujo's persuit and leaned forward to unleash another torrent of flames. Taking advantage of the situation I leapt towards its neck activating shadow claw. As my claw trailed towards its neck a secondary set of claws barely corporeal formed from my shadow. They both struck on target, but instead of the kill shot, I was hoping for, cuts weren't deep enough to be anything more than flesh wounds.

Apparently the cut was deep enough to completely enrage the beast. It used the momentum to bash me with one of wings as it twisted in the same direction of my blow. The attack knocked me back about ten ft until I was able to regain my footing. Kujo took this opportunity to slash the fleshy part of the back of its leg. Even though he wasn't able to do anything more than create four more shallow gashes to its leg, it was enough to take the bird off balance.

It was at this moment that I cast shadow realm, and shadow bind in quick succession. The shadows from all the surrounding trees pulled directly towards me casting darkness all around me, enveloping me, Kujo, and that tough skinned Baasan. This time around, the dark tendrils that crept up around the legs of the creature looked different. It was as if the darkness itself boosted its strength, making them change from their once incorporeal appearance to pitch black vines holding it in place.

Apparently Baasan's don't deal with darkness in the most favorable of ways. It became terrified casting its blue flames in every direction it could cock its head in. The brilliant blue flames could clearly be seen but had no effect on the darkness around it. It was as if the shadows were eating away the light of the flames before they could even begin to radiate the slightest glimmer of light.

Once its head was elevated enough both Kujo and I leapt towards its throat slashing along the previous wounds I inflicted, but it still wasn't enough to finish the deed. Infuriated the chicken started pecking on the ground below it trying to pierce us through. It was all for not, as with my midnight dark fur and Kujo's body of shadow we were almost impossible to see. That combined with our speed it was impossible for it to land a single strike.

We both circled around its side waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Once it lifted its head we both once again leapt, but this time I wasn't going to strike with my claws. This time I leapt with my mouth ajar latching on to its throat, using my momentum to swing around landing on its back without ever letting go. While the back of its neck was still securely compressed within my jaws, I immediately wrapped my legs around its body anchoring my claws in its flesh. In this position I was able to successfully keep its head firmly held up, exposing its increasingly vulnerable wound upon its throat.

Wanting to avoid hitting me, Kujo changed his tactic mid air from striking to merely landing right below this oversized chicken's head. The beast roared out flames in the air all for naught as its targets were safely out of reach. Kujo took this opportunity to continuously strike that same wound with one slash from the right, then one slash from the left. Centimeter by centimeter the cuts drove deeper and deeper as Kujo only increased the rate of his strikes. I could barely see his arms anymore as they resembled mere blurs arching in front of him. Then finally a fountain of blood burst from its neck as it helplessly fell to the ground with my teeth deeply lodged into it, and my claws within its sides.

Once I was sure this beast was no more I finally let my grip loose pulling two of my legs from underneath its massive body.

Before I could utter a word Kujo came up to me full of furry, no longer possessing that nonchalant ignorant attitude. "Listen Mishi, Never, and I mean Never, jump into battle before taking possible dangers into effect. If you had just waited a few more moments before jumping in, you could have analyzed each of the fucking bastards. Then you would have noticed that not only there was a big ass fucker right among them, but that he was the freaking leader of the group and three ranks above you. Congrats you killed one while almost making yourself their next fried meal. I can't lose you, you mean…I…mean if you die, I die!" Towards the end of his rant it was obvious he was trying to saying something more, but hesitated in revealing his true thoughts.

"I'm sor…" "No, not now, just eat all three of these beasts to gain their cultivation points." "But…I…can't…" I tried to say before Kujo abruptly said "I don't care, just eat them all and…I just need time to myself for right now." He walked away sitting about ten to twenty ft away from me, sitting against a tree deep in thought. What happened to his annoying ignorant jokes, his irritating non caring banter. I didn't understand what was going on, nor could I understand why it was even affecting me in this way. Why... I even missed it.

"I don't hear any rending of flesh, it's not safe to let the smell of blood and battle sit too long before someone else wants to claim a feast of their own!" Fine, enough thinking, chunk by chunk I ripped and tore the flesh from each of the four Baasans, making sure not one piece of flesh was left. Surprisingly I never felt overfilled just satiated. Once I was done all could be seen was the skeletal remains of these three uncharacteristicly strong beasts.


You consumed a Baasan foundation building realm rank 9 . 5,000 CP gained 9,500/13,500 CP until next rank up.


You have consumed a Baasan Core Formation Realm Rank 1 6,000 CP obtained. You have gained a rank Core Formation Realm Rank 2. 15,500/31,500 CP until next rank up.


You have consumed a Baasan Core Formation Realm Rank 4 Beast 17,500 CP obtained. You have gained a rank Core Formation Realm Rank 3 .

33,000/93,000 CP until your next rank up.

You have 10 stat points and 2 skill points to distribute.

"Now that, that's over distribute your points so we can leave I already opened your status screen."












WISDOM 42 (-1)

CHARISMA 24 (-2)


"Kujo…please allocate 2 to dexterity, 2 to strength, 2 to agility, 1 to intelligence, 2 to wisdom, and 1 to charisma. Please unlock the skills, Glimmering Light, and Shadow Armament.













WISDOM 44(-1)

CHARISMA 25 (-r2)


"Let's go" wow he didn't even ask me to confirm, or bother using the system voice. I really pissed him off. Argh why the hell is this bothering me so much.

With his melancholy expression, he lead the way and I shamefully followed.