

Hugo took refuge in a friend's home, unbeknownst to him that a Particle made Nightfall stronger.

"So... are you back?" His friend asked from the side, putting him out of contemplation.

"Yeah," he gently sipped the tea she prepared and looked over at the coat folded neatly by his side.

This particular acquaintance was just a few years older and was into vigilante work too. It was pretty strange to see such a young woman in the bloody business of killing villains, and sometimes even Dancers.

Alice known by her pseudonym, Corpse Flower was a popular figure in the underground world known to be even crueller than the popularly known cruel vigilantes.

Alice had curly blonde hair and greyish-blue eyes that gave her a cold, aloof aura. She wore a Red crop top and jean shorts that brought out the most in her figure.