

It stood high and tall the same 10 feet as he was, the body covered in something like a coil, dark brown in color, with a horn at the center. It looked more like a beast than a ghoul, having no eyes but sharp deadly fangs for a mouth.

It roared an insanely loud sound, all hell was about to break loose as next was a bloodbath.

The 10 ghouls came in front but in a blink of an eye, he fought them off, pushing, and clawing at their Claws, before going after the kill, raging and relentless.

Sean came in between but with one plunge of the beast's hand Sean was sent flying in the air smashing into a building on fire a distance away.

"SEAN!" Iris shouts in horror.

"IRIS LOOK OUT!" Riley shouts as the Beast almost smashes through her heart but then a rod wraps around the Beast's hand, stopping it.

It snaps facing Riley and then roaring with one fling of its hand Riley was sent flying into the air, still holding onto the rod, as did the Beast.