35 year old mercenary named Jack died and get reincarnated in BLACK CLOVER as Asta with small wishes.....Asta will be more strong, smart and wise unlike original... this is my first novel so try to co-operate.... I don't own any characters or cover art or any power from any novel..they belong to their respective show. --------- HIATUS --------- ...
They both nodded and followed Nero and my lead.
"Hell yeah! This path is easy as hell! As expected of Yami's trusted man!" Magna shouted as he ran down the hallway.
"Could this be the path to the real treasure?" Noelle glanced back at me. Before I could answer, there was a loud tremor that shook the ceiling.
"What was that?" Magna looked around. "This magic signature. I think Luck is fighting with someone right now." Noelle muttered.
"Really?! Then we need to go and back him up!" Magna shouted as he prepared to run.
"No, we don't need to back him up. He went off on his own looking for a fight. And if others are looking to find the relic in the dungeon, then we need to hurry up." Noelle stated. "What do we do, Asta?" Magna turned his head to me. 'Don't ask me this kind of question! umm let's just get it over with'
"Anyone in Black Bulls is our friend, right now Luck is in trouble so we gotta help him! Plus, I don't think Golden Dawn is catching up anytime soon." They are probably battling with Mars... I hope that Klause learns his lesson and Mimosa doesn't get heavily injured T^T
"What a saint...! Okay! Let's go help Luck!" Magna pumped up his fist while Noelle let out a sigh.
~~Timeskip to when we found Luck~~
"There he is! Luck's shrouded in Black smoke! let me Cut it apart!" I pointed in Luck's direction. then I summon my DS sword from my grimoire and dissipated the magical black smoke.
"Another powerful one appears. Who are you?" The user of the black smoke smirked. "We're teammates!" I replied. If I'm not wrong... I think Yuno said the same thing as me when he fought Mars.
"This isn't good... Your teammates are here too." This guy... If I remember correctly, I think he was called Lotus right?
"We're going to take you down, old man!" Magna glared at Lotus.
"No... He's mine! I'm going to beat him on my own." Luck slowly got up and gave a creepy smile. He then rushed towards Lotus and tried to punch him, but failed. Lotus then used this opportunity to wrap Luck around with his smoke magic once again.
Magna looked at me and frowned at Luck. I mean if I didn't know anything about Luck then I would be pissed at him but his past is kinda sad... It left a trauma in him that made him want to win no matter what. Poor guy...
"Whatever, man. Do what you want. I'll do whatever I wanted, and we'll continue helping you!" I sprinted towards Lotus and cut through his smoke magic, freeing Luck.
"You're not in this alone! I don't know... how you think of me. But to me, you're a teammate!" I ran to Luck and helped him up. I said the things I wanted to say to him
"I guess you're right... Fighting him as a group does... seem a lot more fun." Luck's eyes brightened up a lot and his creepy smile turned into a genuine one.
"Things aren't looking too good for me. I guess this old man will... have to get serious too." Lotus said as his grimoire opened up.
'Smoke mode: King's Cell.' Huge puffs of black smoke began to surround us and soon began attacking us from many directions.
"You young pups aren't getting out of this one." I hear Lotus' laugh in the distance.
"It doesn't matter who our opponent is, the Black Bulls will not lose!" Magna clenched onto his bat made of fire as he tried to burn the magic smoke. This continued for 2 minutes... "Damn! it just keeps coming back!" Magna yelled.
"I'm getting dizzy." Magna's face paled as he inhaled the black smoke, which isn't good for one's health! The smoke is thick right now... they're going to suffocate at this rate... No...! I think it's about time for to Mash and Golen dawn to fight, let's get it over with.
Lotus is located at 3 o'clock. So he's there...? Damn I can't see him but he sure as hell can see us. but I can sense hin easily.
"Hey Luck, Magna" I called out. "Yes?" They both answered in unison. "He's over there." I pointed to my 3 o'clock. "Then I'm going to burn him down!" Magna prepared to sprint over to where I was pointing but I quickly stopped him.
"No! He's going to notice you. You need some kind of distraction... Luck, can you shoot some of your magic slightly left to where I'm pointing at? This will make the guy escape to the right. Magna, after Luck finis his short of magic, sprint to slightly to the right of where I'm pointing at and swing right with all your might. Is this plan okay?" I confirmed with them to see whether they understand.
"Whoa! That's a good plan!" Luck let out a bright smile as he carried out with my plan.
"As expected of Asta!" Magna's eyes twinkled as he held his bat and waited for the moment Luck shot his final magic ball.
"Now!" I signaled Magna to sprint.
"Yes!" Magna sprinted off to the right of where I was pointing at and swung wide to the right. I could hear a loud impact going on Magna's direction. I'm guessing that Magna managed to give Lotus a critical hit. Okay, plan successful!
"You were right, this is important, teamwork." Luck laughed as he give me high-five.
The smoke surrounding us quickly dissipated and we managed to take at Lotus' condition. Ouch! Looks like his left arm is a goner and several ribs were most probably broken.
'That hurrrrrrt! What the hell are you doing to a weak old man? My left arm is broken and he got a couple of my ribs too. Come to think of it... That boy over there seemed to have thought up of this plan. Damn... If they're going to take me for their prisoner, I'd very much d--' Lotus thought as he opened his grimoire and created a car out of his smoke magic to get away from us.
"Eat my dust!" Lotus cackled as he strode away. "The hell do you think you're going?!" Magna shouted as he watched Lotus escape into a dark tunnel. "Dammit, I lost him..." Magna gritted his teeth.
"As much as I want to chase him... If we met someone like that on our way, that means that Golden Dawn would have met up with someone else too. I can feel that someone is strong. We need to check up on them." I need to check on Yuno & co. they should be having a hard time-fighting Mars...! I could finish him off easily but this is real life and I don't want to take any chances with their life.
"I'd like to go and finish him off, but that isn't what we should be doing. He's right. We should head to the treasure room." Luck smiled at me.
What?! I didn't say that we should go to the treasure room! "Now who's talking!" Noelle stared at Luck in disbelief. "Oh yeah, you're right! Let's go!" Magna pumped up his fist. Ah, whatever, I think that we would encounter the fight anyways cuz it is near the treasure room.
so wait for me...