
Ch.8 Meeting The Other Newbie

'.....' (Character's thoughts)

"....." (Speech)

[…..] (Voice Transmission)

{.....} (Spell Names)

<…. > (Telepathic Communication)

"Here it is! Your room. Pretty dank huh?" Magna said as he brought Asta to his room.

Asta didn't mind as he had never had his own room before so he got super excited and started cleaning his room as fast as his body would allow. Magna just laughed it off and left him to it. He then looked at me.

"As for you, Captain Yami said that our 'Secret Weapon' needs a better room." Magna said with obvious sarcasm when he said the words 'secret weapon'.

"Ok." I replied.

"Follow me newbie." Magna said as we walked around the base until we got to a larger room.

I nodded and after we got to the room I saw it was probably about 3 times the size of Asta's room so only a little big bigger than Magna's room.

"Sorry bout the state of it, but we don't have a lot of members so most of these rooms have never been used." Magna explained.

"It's fine." I replied and used water and wind magic and cleaned the room up almost instantly. The water washed everything including the cobwebs and caked on grime, and the wind got all the stuck on dust and dried everything.

"Alright see you tomorrow for breakfast." Magna said as he left.


(Next Day)

I walked out of my room and immediately had to avoid a column that was outside my room.

'Damnit Henry, I feel like he does that on purpose'

I started to walk downstairs and came across Asta and Magna.

"Yo!" I said as I walked up.

"Hey newbie, so I'm going to be your guys' tour guide, you're lucky as I'm the best person to show you all the secrets of the hideout." Magna said as we started our tour of the Black Bull's Hideout.

He introduced us to the Dinning hall which was way bigger than it needed to be, and of course only had one person there, Charmy. He showed us to the baths where we took a nice soak and Gordon was being super creepy, I decided right then, that unless it's important, I'm going to pretend I just wasn't paying attention to him.

Magna then started walking toward a certain room.

"I wouldn't open that door if I were you." I said as I let them move ahead as I stayed back.

"It's fine, now here's, the bathroom." Magna said dramatically as he opened the door only to see Captain Yami on the toilet.

"You're dead!" Captain Yami said.

"We're really sorry sir!!" Asta and Magna screamed as they ran away.

"Hehe, I told you not to open the door." I chuckled as i was running next to them..

"You could've warned us y'know?" Magna said.

"I did, ya idiot. It's not my fault you didn't listen." I replied.

"Who are you calling an idiot, I'm your superior!?!?!" Magna said angrily.

I ignored him and looked around.

"So, what's next?"

Magna was going to say something, but suddenly seemed to get an idea.

"Follow me newbies." Magna said with a grin.

We arrived in front of a giant room filled with beasts who were banging up against the door which was like a cage.

"Whoa, what's in there?" Asta asked.

"Oh that's the beast room." Magna said as his smile got wider.

"What for?" Asta asked.

"Oh just a little hobby of the Captain, and Mr secret weapon, it's your job to feed them. It's a great honor y'know. Hate to give it up, but it's your turn now as the newbie. They get fed in the morning and the evening, go ahead give it a try." Magna said hoping to scare me.

"Sure." I said as I nodded.

I grabbed a big piece of meat and walked toward the cage door.

"Hey you beasts, shut the hell up!!" I shouted as I released my magic pressure. The beasts calmed down instantly and became as docile as pets.

(AN: Just to clarify to avoid any issues in the future, this magic pressure isn't actually the pressure that Magic Knight Squad Captains can release as that is an advanced ability. This is simply the MC releasing his force magic as an aura. He also has the mana of a royal so it helps.)

I tossed the meat in there and without removing my magic pressure I reached in and started to pet them.

"There, there, you guys you were just hungry weren't you?" The beasts snarled but they didn't seem angry, as a matter of fact, they almost seemed playful.

"Urgh, that's so damn unfair, I did that job for a long time and nearly died everytime." Magna complained.

"You just gotta know how to handle em. Beasts like these, who are kept in captivity, aren't nearly as bloodthirsty as those you'd find in the wild. And even the ones you find in the wild are honestly little cry babies. I remember this time when I was around 6, I fought this bear like beast and while it was intimidating, as soon as I cut it's arm off it ran away. You just gotta show em who's boss."

"What the hell kind of 6 year old can fight a beast without a grimoire?" Magna asked.

"It was easier than I thought, but I did also nearly die cuz there was this boar beast that attacked me as well." I said.

"Soo cool." Asta whisper shouted.

"Tch, fine. Let's move on." Magna said as we walked back inside.

As we kept walking we eventually started to head to a different area outside when Magna suddenly stopped. Asta and I both looked up and saw a girl with silver hair that was styled in pigtails.

"Who's she?" I asked.

"Whaddaya know, she's your fellow rookie. She's our other new member this year." Magna said.

"Cool, another new member, good to know, nice to meet ya I'm Asta from Hage village. Let's give this all we got, whaddya say?" Asta said as he went in for a handshake.


She slapped his hand away as she glared at him and said. "Don't speak to me so casually, you're an insect of a commoner with barely any mana." She said with a classic noble 'I'm better than you look'.

"I am Noelle Silva of the Royal Silva House." She continued.

'I couldn't stand how she treated Asta in the begining as it was exactly how her family treated her, and I could never understand why she always had so much pride in saying she was from House Silva considering the majority of her childhood was horrible. Still maybe I should scare her straight a little."

All of the sudden her face changed as she felt an insane magical pressure. She looked over and could see a silver aura covering me and could feel my intense mana.

"Touch my little brother again and you'll live to regret it." I said as I increased the pressure until she was on her knees.

"Hmph, so he's a little insect huh? I don't care who you are, you don't call him that. Besides if he's an insect to you, then what would that make you to me." I said as I gestured to my four leaf clover grimoire.

'This pressure, I haven't felt anything like this except from my siblings.' She thought to herself.

"Do I make myself clear?" I asked, to which she nodded.

As soon as she nodded I released the pressure and my angry face faded so fast one would think the previous scene never happened.

"Okay cool, as long as you don't mess with my brother when he doesn't deserve it, then they'll be no problem." I said then offered her my hand to help her up.

She hesitated to take my hand, most likely it was pride or fear, but eventually she took my hand and I helped her up.

"Sorry I had to get all scary there, I am very protective of my family after all." I said.

"Let's go Asta, Magna." I said as we walked past her.

(Noelle POV)

'I can't believe I have to be in this stupid squad, but no one other Magic Knight Squad would take me since I can't control my magic.'

'Huh? It's those guys from last night. I remember the initiation ceremony, the taller guy was very strong, probably on Solid or Nebra's level'

("Cool, another new member, good to know, nice to meet ya I'm Asta from Hage village. Let's give this all we got, whaddya say?" )

'Ugh that damn loudmouthed insect again. I just need to show him his place just like how it was shown to me.'

'Ugh, i can't move. I have never felt such intense magical pressure from someone so young, I can't believe we're actually the same age.'

'Phew, I can finally move again. I felt like his magic was suffocating me, but at least it's over now.'

("Sorry I had to get all scary there, I am very protective of my family after all." He said.)

'He walked off after saying that last line. I wonder how great it feels to have your family care so much about you. That insect is lucky to have someone who cares.'

(Normal POV)

I saw Asta walking around looking lost and I knew what he was looking for.

"Hey bro, bathrooms 2 hallways down, make a right and take it all the way down the right hallway. Better hurry before it moves again." I said to help him out.

"Thanks Ranto!" He said as he rushed where I told him.

I then walked around outside until I heard the sounds of Noelle training and walked over to her.

I hid in the bushes near her just like Asta and any spell that started to go toward me, I just dispersed with my magic.

"Why won't it work? Why can't I ever hit, what I'm aiming for?" Noelle asked aloud as she continuously missed her attacks that were aimed at the bullseye painted on the tree in front of her.

"So it's true? Everything they said about me." She said as she was remembering all the times where she was ridiculed and pushed around by her family and other nobles.

Suddenly her eyes shown with determination.

"I'm not a failure, somehow I will make you accept me!!" Noelle shouted as she cast more and more spells.

'Man, maybe I was a bit too harsh on her earlier considering what she's been through, but I can't help it, when it comes to my family, I see red.'

As I was lost in my thoughts I unconsciously took a step and stepped on a stick. Which caused Noelle to gasp in shock

"Yo" I said as I waved.

"H-how long have you been standing there?!?!" Noelle said very shocked to see me.

'Here it comes, the mocking' she thought to herself especially since I reminded her of her siblings.

"Are you....?" I started before she started to cast a spell in panic.

"N-NO!! Take This!" She said she cast the spell.

Before the spell could fire however, it backfired and sucked her inside and she started to float up in the water bubble which got larger and larger and started to go out of control.

The massive surge of mana attracted the other Black Bulls that could sense it and they began to rush outside. Asta, not being able to sense mana, just followed the crowd.

As they walked out and saw the massive out of control magic they had different reactions.

"My goodness!" -Vanessa

"Hey, cool!" -Luck

"(Whispers) Whatever that thing is, it looks like some serious magic." -Gordon

"That's magic power gone out of control" -Gauche

"And a whole hell of a lot of it to. We're gonna have to do something." -Magna

"Well, attacking the thing with magic is out, she could get hurt if we do that." Captain Yami said but then looked up and saw me flying up to the giant water spell.

"STRING BEAN!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Captain Yami shouted up at me.

I then sent Captain Yami a voice transmission.

[Don't worry Captain, I can do it safetly and quickly]

[Alright fine, we're counting on ya kid]

"{Storm Magic: Water Siphon} "

All of the sudden all the Water started to be pulled from the giant ball of water and started to form above me. I then condensed the water into a smaller and smaller ball as I added more water. Once I got it to the water ball was just 10 meters wide I realized that it wouldn't Siphon off all the water as she was constantly adding more water so I looked down.

"ASTA!!" I shouted.

"YEAH?" He responded.


Asta nodded his head and ran till he was underneath me.

"{Storm Magic: Flight}"

After I cast the flight spell, a silver aura covered Asta and he started to rise toward me. I controlled his ascent until he was right next to me.

"Hey Asta, y'know how you always wanted to fly?" I asked.

"YEAH" He answered.

"Well, with the flight spell I cast on you, all you have to do is relax and imagine where you want to go and the spell will take care of it." I said.

"Really??" He asked.

"Yep. Now what I need you to do is, while I'm siphoning the water, you have to use your Anti-magic to cut off her connection to her magic. Can you do that for me?"


Asta was took a couple minutes to get used to flying and then flew towards the water ball and slashed it with his sword. The sword also seemed to cut off the flight spell I cast, so both Noelle and Asta started to fall.

I flew below Noelle and caught her in a princess carry and then grabbed Asta with wind magic right before he hit the ground, and then just let him fall.

I was holding Noelle in my arms and I looked at her before asking.

"Hey Noelle?"

'Here it comes, the mocking.'

"Y'know, that was an amazing spell you did there. You could give me a run for my money, my water magic isn't nearly that powerful. It was honestly amazing. A little training and you could be one of the most powerful mages in the kingdom. Isn't that right Asta."

"Oh yeah, you've got some crazy magic power, I have no magic power, like, none, I'm crazy jealous of you. With some training you'll be strong, unstoppable, unbeatable!"

"Huh? R-Ranto? Asta?" Noelle said with a blush at my name. As I put her down.

"Really, you were running away because you can't control your magic power? You shoulda said something earlier Ya royal failure. I mean come on, this is the Black Bulls, we're a whole squad of failures. Except for Ranto there, apparently he's perfect." Magna said and made a joke at the end.

Vanessa then used her thread magic to make the Black Bull's Robe float onto Noelle as Magna continued.

"So you have a weakness or three, doesn't matter to us you big dummy."

Noelle started to cry as each of the Black Bulls talked about how much they cared. I then put a hand on her shoulder and said with a wink at the end.

"According to me, we're family now, and families look out for each other."

Asta then walked up and put out his hand for a handshake again. "Now come on, we'll do our best together!" He said with a smile.

Noelle took his hand and looked at all our faces smiling at her and said.

"I'm looking forward to working with you."