
Bit by bit Manual for Learning the Specialty of Tantric Sex!

Sex is a fundamental piece of life, and a movement should be performed by grown-ups for their actual prosperity, however for their psychological prosperity as well. In this day and age, where we have all become used to our unquestionably rushed ways of life, even 24 hours don't appear to be adequate. Attempting to shuffle between their work and public activity, as a general rule, individuals will quite often abandon their sex lives. Sexless relationships have been developing at a disturbing rate in the new past, where the couple takes part in nearly nothing or even no sex. Sex is fundamental for having a mentally and truly sustaining relationship.

24 Chs

Teachings of tantric sex

Let's take a closer look at the teachings of tantric sex in this chapter. These teachings will help you and your partner experience more sexual pleasure and intimacy. The relationship you have will benefit from this. You will be one step closer to becoming enlightened if you apply these teachings in the right way. These teachings can be applied in both a sexual and non-sexual context. Breathe Always remember to breathe. When it comes to Tantric sex, you probably know how important breathing is by now. It goes beyond tantric sex; Breathing is frequently given a lot of importance in any of the enlightenment-related teachings that originated in the East. You need to know why this is done and how it relates to Tantra and individual spiritual growth.

The response to this is straightforward: all living things breathe. We breathe constantly, and if we stop breathing for an extended period of time, we will eventually pass away or become unconscious. The connection between our state of consciousness and breathing can thus be easily understood. Breath is like energy. Every time we take a breath, we draw carbon dioxide out of our bodies and replace it with oxygen. The oxygen we breathe is then delivered to various body cells. Breathing oxygen is necessary for our bodies to function. There is no conscious or voluntary act of breathing. It is a function that our bodies were made to perform. Despite the fact that you may never pay any attention to how you breathe, you never really stop breathing while you are alive. Isn't it scary how much of our life is dependent on a task we don't even want to do?

So, what would happen if you started to think of breathing as a conscious action rather than an unconscious one? The teachings of Tantra, as well as all of the East's teachings, hold that breathing should also be a voluntary act. As was mentioned earlier, breath is energy, and if you can control your breathing, you can also control how energy moves through your body.

It is fascinating to observe the effects that conscious and controlled breathing can have on various aspects of one's life, including one's sexual life. People frequently hold their breath while engaging in any kind of sexual activity, but this is not a known function. You might notice that you tend to hold your breath whenever you get excited. Most likely, you are holding on to your breath without even realizing it. Your body's energy flow will also be disrupted when you stop breathing. While having sex, you can learn to control your energy and how it moves through your body by making conscious breathing a habit. Breathing in a relaxed and calm manner is the focus of this Tantric teaching. Allow your breath to move through your body slowly. You will need to ensure that your breathing is deep and even if you want to have an all-over orgasm. You'll find that it's easier to reach the climax if you start focusing on this. Relax because the tension in your body's muscles and joints will prevent you from breathing deeply. When you have any kind of sexual activity, you tend to feel muscle tension without even realizing it. One of the tenets of Tantric sex is that you should be aware of the muscular tension in your body and all the different muscles that are being held up by tension. The only thing you need is a little tension to help the body move and hold itself up, but that's all. Not all parts of the body require muscular tension.

You will notice that you are probably tensing up a few muscles in your body while having sex in an unnecessary manner if you start making the decision to tensify your muscles conscious. For instance, oral sex may cause a man to contract all of his muscles. He should simply relax and take in his partner's attention, but instead he is tightening his legs and torso muscles. In such a situation, there is no need for the additional tension, which only impedes the body's energy flow. Concentrate on relaxing each of these tense muscles. Enjoy the sexual warmth that is coursing through your body while concentrating on your breathing.

However, it is essential that relaxation encompasses not only the release of physical tension but also mental tension. Let go of every thought and expectation that isn't necessary. Don't be afraid to enjoy the moment, the warmth, and the sensations. Sounds that can be of assistance When it comes to how the body moves energy, sounds are very important. It's possible that some people are uncomfortable or even aware of the sounds they make when they are awakened. While participating in Tantric sex, these considerations should not be taken seriously. Let go of any and all inhibitions that are keeping you from moving forward. You are free to express yourself however you want. Except for the ones that you have placed on yourself, there is no restriction. Make any and all sounds that come to mind. These sounds are your involuntary responses to the pleasure you're feeling and are connected to your feelings and sensations. The movement of sexual energy in your body slows down if you are quiet or silent. The body starts to move the energy when you say what you are feeling out loud. Tantric sex is all about bringing the body's dormant sexual energy to life and using it to achieve enlightenment. Well, if you're worried about something as insignificant as how you sound, how will energy flow?

You are not required to decipher the various sounds that correspond to the various feelings you are experiencing. Depending on the pleasure you're having, you moan, groan, or take a deep breath. The pleasure you and your partner would get from sex is enhanced by the many different sounds you make. Coherence is not required in the produced sounds; It's nothing more than expressing the feelings you're experiencing at the time. When you are having sex, there will be times when you may feel ecstatic, and this will be reflected in the sounds you make. There may also be some unpleasant experiences. You are not required to hold back from verbally expressing both your pleasure and your displeasure. You must inform your partner of your pleasure or displeasure. It's not just a matter of speaking up. You can also express yourself verbally. In addition to sounds, words can also be used to convey the same message. If you have the impression that your partner is having a good time doing something, you should freely express that to them. Not only does this give your partner some support, but it also lets them know that they are doing something right. In a similar way, in the event that you could do without something then you

ought to communicate your uneasiness to your accomplice. Only by letting go of your inhibitions will you be able to truly enjoy life to the fullest. The importance of making eye contact may seem obvious. In fact, it enhances the entire sexual experience. While performing any sexual activity, looking at your partner will intensify the experience. However, making eye contact does not imply that you gaze longingly into their eyes. Pay attention to the longing expression in a puppy's eyes. Prepare yourself for some serious X-rated gazing as we speak.

This will assist you with accomplishing some additional closeness. You and your partner can sit in a comfortable position so that you can look into each other's eyes to get started. Take a moment to think things through; Usually, taking a deep breath will suffice. You can open your eyes and look into your partner's eyes when you feel ready. Give your partner access to see you as you really are without any pretenses, and in the same way, you can look at them. Initially, this may seem a little stupid, but it will be very effective.

Give yourself permission to communicate with your eyes as well as your genitalia.

You can look at each other's body from anywhere. Show your partner the lust in your eyes as well as your willful abandonment. Knowing that your partner wants and needs you is the best way to attract them. In the same way that sounds and touch can communicate, you can communicate a great deal more by using only your eyes. This will assist you in having sincere conversations with one another. Pay attention The body's energy flows in accordance with your attention. You will need to pay attention to this body's energy flow. If you want to have an orgasm that covers your entire body, the energy in your body should spread to every cell.

You will need to start paying more attention to the sexually explicit feelings you want to have all over your body. If a woman wants to have a vaginal orgasm, she needs to work on getting the sexual energy in her that has been dormant out and getting it to move freely in her body.

For focusing your attention, you can use the other principles of Tantra.

You will need to visualize the same in order to draw out the energy and direct it in the direction you want it to go. Imagine this energy moving from where it is currently resting to where you want to feel pleasure. According to the tenets of Tantra, energy should be moving throughout the body rather than being restricted to a single area. Always be present The need to be present in the moment is the fundamental tenet of all teachings.

Being present does not imply being physically present. It also entails being mentally present. You will need to be fully present right now. Don't let your thoughts or thoughts wander, and don't fantasize about anything other than the thing you're doing right now. With your partner, be aware of what is going on and present in the moment.

While having sex, it is common for people to zone out and not be fully present. Instead of being present and participating in the sexual activity, they frequently close their eyes and allow their thoughts to wander to their fantasy world. Men typically do this on purpose at times. In order to delay their ejaculation, men frequently divert or distract themselves by considering various nonsexual activities.

When it comes to Tantra, you don't have to do this. You will need to be aware of what is going on around you if you want to enjoy every moment to the fullest.

Your energy tends to move in the same direction as your focus and attention. Your body's energy flow tends to fluctuate when your concentration is low. You will become disoriented and detached from the current situation as a result.

Concentrate on the performance, yourself, and your partner. Be present in the moment and remain focused on this.