

Inside the Palace Of a kingdom who is on the verge of conquered. Inside the capital where the people of the capital were having a hard time to sleep but there was one chamber in the palace who contains a young man who was sleeping comfortably. He was the young prince who all of the people in the capital deem to be useless but when the Invaders reach the royal capital he was the one who led the soldiers to repel the invaders now they bathe him with praise and singing in the capital that he will lead the imperial army to liberate the kingdom from the invaders who have struck their kingdom to its very heart.


The Prince who was sleeping finally wake up but there was something different about his waking up this morning because he has a dream of seeing a man whose name was similar to him but this man wants to live in his era where war is constant and lives vanishes in an instant. and he who wants to leave this era and just wants to live in peace But The GOD allowed their souls to switch bodies Because of the cause of their death which was somewhat ridiculous in some way. The Prince suffered a wound which led to his death but the people outside didn't know of his death because he didn't allow anyone to come to his chamber which eventually led to his death And The other one died because of eating popcorn while laughing too hard while reading his favorite novel. So The GOD decided to take their soul and switch it for the other person's soul. so they can achieve both of their dreams while helping the other one to live their life.


Morning When the new soul in the prince body has woken up he was so excited because his dream was now finally becoming true. but what he didn't expect was the day he was awakened in this body

the capital was being besieged by enemies so now he needed to think how to defeat the enemy and get back the land which was conquered. so when he got out of the room the first he did was eat after eating he directly goes to the throne room to meet the king. and the nobles of the kingdom who survive the attack of the enemies. "your highness were blessed by your presence" said by one of the nobles, the other nobles and eunuch gladly smiled at the prince. then the prince suddenly started saying the words"your majesty i would like to wish you to decree that all 18 to 35 years old man and other veterans to serve in the army because we are gonna need all man to defeat the army outside the capital wall and i request that you transfer the chief of military title to me and also i wish that all the nobles and eunuch don't question my decision, that's all i have to say, your Majesty".

Emperor said "okay but i need a detailed plan of the things you will do before i issue the imperial edict".

"I will make a draft as soon as possible your majesty, I will leave the hall now and make the draft" After the prince has said what he needed to say he immediately leave for his study room to make his plans to present it to the emperor and the other nobles.


After arriving at his study room he immediately called for his butler to get him some food, papers and ink for the plan he will make

I will try to increase the word counts for the next chapter

DunkNDonutcreators' thoughts