

DE_CZAR · 奇幻
161 Chs

His Diary

Marcus Renold Currently leads his Company with Authority, The Authority he has right now is Destructive, He has reached a stage where Countries could do as he wishes them to do, He is Extremely Powerful.

Marcus Renold is done with Scotland and now he is currently located in North Ireland, Since The North Ireland is a Big Fan of Marcus Renold, He incidentally gained total country of the country before he realized it

Marcus Renold established his Military into the Country to keep them calm!

Marcus Renold spent up to thirty billion dollars in the Growth of that Country, Making it a Powerful Nation while they are under the Private Army, the Primordial Devils so he designed his estate.

Marcus Renold is excitedly with this development of his and now he is ready to depart back to England in other to relax himself and to prepare for something even more drastic than he could ever imagine.

Marcus Renold travelled back to England on his Private Jet, He enjoyed the fresh air he received, The Love and the Welcome back he received, He isn't aware of Gloria becoming a Full fleshed member of the Supreme Table.


Lady Helen Renold could be seen standing before Gloria Del Vorda, The Family of Del Vorda has now been established, She is seen standing with pride while dressed in her sexy red gown, Lady Helen Renold growled.

" Gloria, What exactly are you planning? I introduced you into the Syndicate and now you are a Member of the Supreme Table, What exactly is a Demon like you planning? " Lady Helen Renold asked.

" Who is a Demon between the two of us, You who destroyed many lives with thousands of bloods in your hands, You are the Monster and I am an Upcoming Monster " Gloria Del Vorda said.

" Upcoming Eh? I see....You already have a plan to sabotage My Son " Lady Helen said.

" I am afraid to say but yes, Before Marcus Renold will become the Elder of the Syndicate, I will ruin the life of my Child's father, He knew I was pregnant and yet he abadoned me, I must exercise my revenge " Gloria said.

" But I understand why you are worried and trust me, Killing your son is the Worst thing I can do, I still love that bastard but firstly, I must show him the consequences of his actions towards me " Gloria said.

" Very well then, I don't really have the authority to remove you from the Supreme Table at will but I must warn you kid, Don't make me your Enemy, I am certain you know the consequences if that happens right? "

" I am not someone who can merciful, I am evil and diabolical and when it comes to Protecting my children, I don't care what manner of monster I am going to be, Be warned!! " Lady Helen Renold warned, Her voice carried Authority when she turns to leave, Gloria Del Vorda watched as Lady Helen Renold turned to leave, She could be seen smiling brightly while watching everything when a Young Man walked up to her.

" My Lady, I believe that woman is a Huge Threat....We need to take care of her before she does something Nefarious towards you " The Young Man dressed in black suit whispered when Gloria grinned.

" Stop giving me stupid advices, I should take care of her? The Woman who is considered the wife of the Devil? She doesn't care what I do as long as it doesn't affect her son in a pretty bad way "

" The Two Things I mustn't do is to kill her son and to make him Mentally Unstable, She will have my head if I did that and I don't plan on doing that either, I love Marcus Renold so I am going to teach him a lesson "

" My Lady, I apologise for the stupid advices I do give, I am simply worried about your safety so I believe all those who are huge threats Should be erased, You are the only true being I know " The Young Man said.

" Stop with the flatter, I don't need them " Gloria Del Vorda said.

" The Only one who is Permitted to flatter me is Marcus Renold and currently I need to teach him a huge lesson, So that when next we come back together, He won't disrespect me in that manner anymore " Gloria Del Vorda said.

" You are always the best my lady but I must ask, Does Marcus Renold feel the same way for you and besides, Do you really believe you guys can be together again, Marcus must have forgotten you " The Young Man said.

" Watch your tongue, I will allow such insults no more, And besides if you don't want to lose your life to be, Bridle you tongue and mind your words, That's a Warning I can afford to give you now " Gloria Del Vorda said, Her warnings are always pure because she warns with the Intentions to kill.

" I am sorry my lady, Please I will change for your greatness " The Young Man said when he fell on his knees, Bowing his head before Gloria Del Vorda when Gloria smirked, She slowly faces the sky.

" I don't care if you change but simply bridle your tongue, Killing you won't be difficult " Gloria Del Vorda said when she slowly made her move, She existed from the Headquarters of the Syndicate which is located in New Zealand.

She approached her Convoy with smiles on her face when the Door of her Mercedes Benz Brabus was opened for her, She entered into the Vehicle and they drove off from the Headquarters with pride.

All Members of the Syndicate are Millionaires and Billionaires and now Gloria Del Vorda is a Confirmed Billionaire, She Currently has the Networth of A Hundred and Thirty Billion dollars with many businesses.

She has established Clubs and Hotels and even Stadiums for Football clubs, She made sure she had standard businesses in the eyes of the world so the source of her wealth won't be questioned by everyone.

She is currently dwelling in Singapore for some reasons, That's the country she chose is better for her to stay and now Marcus Renold's Marriage is getting closer than ever, She is preparing herself to sabotage everything.

She has already promised herself to ruin Marcus life after his Marriage with Maribel Bizrac is perfectly made, Then once she destroys the Marriage, She will be United to Marcus Renold once again.

And besides she will make use of her son she bore to Marcus Renold, Her son is the Heir to the throne of the Renold Family, She understands that already and her son will complete her plans for her.

Even as her son is merely a baby when the time comes, she will singlehandedly fight for his Position, to make her son the future heir to the Renold Family, So that he will be well valued in the family.

Gloria's plans is slowly getting perfect, She has all the means to become even more wicked and now she is seen approaching her Private Jet when she received a call, Gloria established an Operation is Congo.

Since she is a Fan of Africa's Oil And Minerals, She saw her opportunity to secretly loot from Africa while she had this power, Gloria has the mentality of Slave owners since she doesn't consider blacks as living beings.

" My Lady, The Congolese are trying to protect their Minerals and Oil, They are already establishing an Organization to block us from gaining control, what should we do next? " A Voice spoke out from the other end of the call.

" I see, those blacks are getting even more stubborn than I thought they would be, Then the only option we have is to take it will full force, I don't care about the casualties since they are fragile creatures "

" Their black skins signifies the Devil, They are nothing more than the Children of the Devil, They don't deserve any mercy or compassion from us at all, Take them out and break their wings " Gloria ordered.

She immediately cut the call when she took a deep breath, She came from a Spanish Family of Racist and Slave Owners in the past, For Generations, They passed on their hatred of the black people to their descendants and now Gloria Del Vorda is one of the few who openly demonstrate her hatred towards the blacks!


Marcus Renold has made his way back to England with smiles on his face, His Private Jet arrived at one of the Airports under him in England, The Boys, Pack Jae yung and Jason Mcintyre came down with smiles on their faces.

They are both excited to be back to England after their hectic days of working, Working so that their boss will be satisfied with their works and now Marcus is satisfied, Marcus was Welcomed at the Airport by Maribel.

Marcus Renold kept his hands in his pocket when he walks up to Maribel Bizrac, Maribel Bizrac stretched forth her hand to hug Marcus Renold but he ignored it, He stood before her with his hands in his pocket.

" Oh that's cold of you, Why didn't you hug me back? " Maribel asked with a sad look on her face when Marcus sighed, He drew her close when he immediately hug her, Her head is seen resting on his chest.

" Sorry about that but I wasn't expecting you here, You of all people should even care about me in the first place so I am suprised " Marcus Renold said while hugging her when she smiled brightly.

" Well I didn't care before but I do care now, After all....You are going to be my husband soon " Maribel Bizrac said when Marcus Renold stared at her in a strange way, He doesn't just Understand her current behavior.

" Maribel Bizrac is currently acting strange towards me, Is she probably on drugs or has she completely fallen for me? I don't just Understand this girl but I will check it out, If she is on drugs that's better but if she is in love with me "

" That is going to be extremely terrible for me!! "