

DE_CZAR · 奇幻
161 Chs

A Secret To Behold

Maribel Bizrac was summoned back to the Royal Palace of the Bizrac Family which is located in Moscow, She received this summoning request which was sent by her father, She can't defiles the orders of her Father.

Lord Pedro Bizrac saw this as a perfect opportunity to summon his daughter back to Russia since Marcus Renold is currently busy and won't have anyone's time, Marcus is close to being the New Lord of the Renold Family.

Maribel flew back to Russia in her Private Airline when she went to meet her father!

She is currently inside the Royal Palace of the Bizrac Family when she made her way into the Throne Room of her Father, Her Father....Lord Pedro Bizrac could be seen seated on his throne magestically.

His Legs were crossed when he took a deep breath, Smiling brightly....He enjoyed the fresh air as The Lord of the Bizrac Family, Lord Pedro Bizrac isn't the only one present, He has his sister standing beside him.

Other High Members were present also, There were more than Fifteen Members of the High Members of the Bizrac Family and they were all dressed in their bright whitened robe, Designed for Billionaires and Royals.

" Father, You summoned me here today " Maribel Bizrac spoke out when she fell on her knees!

She may be the Heir to the Throne of the Bizrac Family but as long as she stands before the One sitted on the Throne, She must kneel before him, That has been the laws of the Bizrac Family from the very first Beginning.

" Yes my Daughter, I can see you are doing a very great and nice job in your stay which is in England and the Five Elders are now requesting for a Date to your Wedding with Marcus Renold " Lord Pedro Bizrac said.

" A date to the wedding? But isn't it just too soon? I mean Marcus Renold still has a Case that he hasn't finished yet, Shouldn't we wait until then? " Maribel Bizrac asked, She doesn't want to rush anything.

" I am afraid we can't let that happen, Not Even The Five Elders is ready to delay it any further and besides you are already ripe to bare children, You are perfect to be married off to Marcus Renold " Lord Pedro said.

" But Father, Selling off your daughter in this manner isn't right " Maribel said.

" Maribel, You are just a little girl.....You have no idea the kind of life your father is currently building for you, Having your Grand Position in the Two Families will increase your powers and Dominance "

" You have no Authority to object his words, My Brother's Words is final " Maribel's aunt spoke out, Her voice also carried Authority when Lord Pedro Bizrac smiled, That's why he keeps his sister besides him.

She always makes sure his will is being carried out by force!!

" I am sorry for opposing your words Father, I will agree with your decision but I still feel that this marriage of a thing is still too early, I should be given time " Maribel said when Lord Pedro took a deep breath.

" You should be given time? Why is that? " Lord Pedro Bizrac asked!

" I am the one being asked to Marry Marcus Renold and I have been studying his character since, I can't lie to you father, I am starting to like him more but this marriage of a thing is just too early, I need time " Maribel answered.

" Hmph, Very well then.....I guess I will give you time then, My Precious Daughter, You have only until the end of the Trial to think about it, Once Prince Andrew has been charged Guilty....Marcus will have no Opposition "

" His Position in the Renold Family as the New Lord will be guaranteed, I don't have the strength to waste anymore time, I hope you understand me my daughter....This is for your own good " Lord Pedro said.

" Don't say it like you mean it, It's not for my own good but for yours, Having an Offspring who's both Heir to the Renold Family and the Bizrac Family at the same time, It will result to the Two Families Merging right? "

" Then when the Bizrac and the Renold Family merges together and becomes one, The Offspring will Control the Entire World by sitting on the Elder's Throne.....I know everything, All about the Syndicate " Maribel said.

Maribel's Aunt was stunned to hear what Maribel Bizrac said but Lord Pedro simply smiled, He is suprised how his daughter got this information, It is an Highly Classified Information that not even the Five Elders knows.

" How did you know about all of this? " Lord Pedro Bizrac asked.

" Well it wasn't really that easy but I knew that you seeking to give me out to Marcus Renold freely doesn't makes sense, You have a reason why you want the Two Families to be United in Marriage "

" If there is one thing that I know about my father and is that he is a man of Reason, He can't do anything without a standard reason so I wanted to know that reason, I became a Member of the Syndicate "

" And I digged deep into the rules and laws, Only to realize your crafty plan all along, But do you really think the Five Elders Doesn't have a plan of their own, They aren't dumb that can be Manipulated easily " Maribel said.

" I am aware of the already but I don't care as long as their plans goes along with mine, That's all that matters to me.....So what are you going to do with all this Informations you have with you " Lord Pedro Bizrac asked..

" Huh? What do you think I would do? There isn't anything I can do other than to obey your wishes, My Father.....I Simple wanted to understand your reason that's all, I am not going to stand against you "

Maribel Bizrac said with smiles on her face when she bowed her head before her father, Lord Pedro Bizrac became calm since he understands that his daughter won't be a threat to his plans at all.

" Very well then.....You will stay in Russia until the Case is over, Once it's over....You will fly back to England " Lord Pedro Bizrac ordered when Maribel nodded, She bowed her head once again before her father.

Maribel walked out of the scene with smiles on her face!

" I can't believe Maribel could get classified Syndicate's Files, It shows that your daughter has become even more smarter than she ever was, Are you worried? " Lord Pedro's Sister asked when Lord Pedro sighed.

" No, Not at all.....There isn't any reason why I should be worried, Maribel is my daughter....No matter how smart and powerful she gets, She will always be under her father.....I made sure of that " Lord Pedro answered.

" Very well then but what do you have to say about ongoing case? " Lord Pedro's Sister asked.

" Well I never knew Prince Andrew would be such a fool, In the first place....He shouldn't have attacked and killed Carlos Renold, Carlos is not any Low Level Member of the Renold Family, He is an High Member "

" The High Member Position is a Position that is treated like glass, Those High Members are Precious to the Family so If one has been murdered, The Murderer must surely be dealt with at once "

" But you killed our brothers who were also High Members, How did you escape the Wrath of our Family? " Lord Pedro's Sister asked when Lord Pedro grinned evily, He relaxed his back on his throne.

Looking more Magestic like the Lord he is, The Rumors were true, Lord Pedro Bizrac did really kill all his brothers, But he made their deaths looks like a Natural cause so he wouldn't be arrested and judged.

" There is nothing in this world that you cannot get away with, As long as you are smart and skilled, That's the difference between myself and Prince Andrew Renold, He isn't smart and neither is he skilled "

" And now....The Brat is going to be a prey before his own nephew, He should have thought twice before planning this out and besides, I realized something....The Bet between Lady Helen and Lord Lee Chao Zhen "

" The End of Xhu Zhen Family is even more closer than I anticipated, I will need to take control over some parts of the Xhu Zhen Family while it still has values, Once they are removed from the Supreme Table "

" They will Completely lose their value and Lord Lee Chao Zhen will be executed by the hands of Lady Helen Renold, My Dear Sister....You will be visiting China tomorrow, This is a Secret Mission " Lord Pedro said.

" My Brother.....Your wish is my command, You are my Lord after all.....I will do as you have commanded " Lord Pedro's Sister said with a bright smile on her face, They love eachother Dearly but there is a deep secret.

Not much is known about Maribel's mother because it is said that Lord Pedro Bizrac didn't marry any wife, Which means Legally Maribel has no mother, She was brought up and raised by her own father.

Maribel Bizrac was never told who her mother it and to be truthful, She doesn't even care to know who her mother is, That is her normal character, She is a selfish being who doesn't give two fvcks about anything.

The Secret that has been kept from the entire world is that Maribel Bizrac has been seeing her mother all her life but she doesn't know who exactly her mother is, Her Mother is her aunt, The Lover and Sister of Lord Pedro Bizrac.

She was born out of Incest and that's why they don't want to know about it, Even she herself is not allowed to know about this deep secret that's why Lord Pedro's Sister was cautious about Maribel's secret ways.

She doesn't want her daughter to find out that she was born out of Incest!!