


Harold stayed at the office until nearly eight o'clock in the night,poring over files, answering emails,and filling things.

He realised he was avoiding going home.

He had deeply engrossed himself in his work just to forget Irene.

But could she really do that to him?

  He's still finding it hard to believe even though it seems real.

Irene had left him...for Ethan.


Because of some stupid revenge?

He never knew her to be someone like that, could it be that she changed overnight.

He really missed her and his heart ache for her every seconds, he's trying to hate her for what she did to him but he just couldn't.

She kept coming to his head even while he was working.

How could she hurt him this much.

What he's feeling now is beyond heartbreak.

The two women he loved in his life had been robbed off him by the same man!