
Chapter 15 Preparations for Stark

Sherry woke up in the morning to the softness of velvet.

What had happened last night? She rubbed her head, massaging away her discomfort. She remembered drinking, he had stripped her, and then….

They hadn’t done it, right?

She got up slowly from the bed. No signs of soreness, nor did it seem she engaged in any sexual activity. She was fine for now.

It was a long time since she had such luxuries to herself. She cleared her head, recalling what she could from the night before. Wait, she had fallen asleep on the Iceman’s couch. So what was she doing in this small room, lying comfortably on a soft bed? Had Iceman brought her there?

Nothing made sense. Iceman was so cold and stoic, that he wouldn’t even care about her well-being. He would have left her to freeze in the living room, wouldn’t he?

Then, why had he said all those words under the effect of alcohol?