

This is a story between two people who are extremely opposite two each other. The two people who never thought they could be together. The story which is started with hate slowly turning into love. so lets enjoy this rollercoaster journey of Ryan and Charlie.

Bookworm_1545 · 奇幻言情
17 Chs


Ryan's POV

I am utterly and completely shock right now. How can she be here? This is the girl about whom I am thinking for I don't know what time. Is she really here? I look at Ms. Hope's face and she is also shock like me. The only difference is she is shock to see me.

Finally I again look at her. Charlie! Nice name. she is looking at me as she is seeing ghost. I don't know who is more shocked. Me or her? She is looking with her eyes wide open. Those hazel eyes are boring into mine. Her eyelashes are beautifully curved as she is blinking it constantly. She open her lips maybe trying to say something but again closed it with those lips again touch each other slowly. Her eyes turn from me to Ms. Hope and its like they both are talking something with each other.

Finally she open it again, "Hello....Hello Mr. Ryan."

"What are you doing here?" I think that I am sounding rude here but I am really curious that what she is doing here? In my company?

"I...I...." and with that 'I' she again looks at Ms. Hope.

"Actually Ryan she is Ms. Hope's Best friend she is here to meet her."

I look at Josh as he said everything in one go. How the hell he knows everything about her. They just met 2 days ago right? Like me!

"How do you know all of these?" I look at him curiously.

"Charlie told me this when I met her at your place that day. She ask me about where I work and then she told me that her friend Hope works here. that is how I know."

I look at both of them. Ms. Hope is looking at Josh and Charlie she is looking at him with those happy eyes. Her eyes turn towards me and she is seeing into my eyes if I am okay with this explanation.

"Okay." As soon as I said this her eyes sparkle like new year's eve firecrackers.

"I will leave." She is so eager to leave but this time I am not letting her go fast.

"No wait Charlie. Actually I want to discuss something important with both Ms. Hope and Josh and as you are good friends with both of them why don't you have a coffee with us?"

With my last word she looks at me like I asked her to kill someone. I so want to laugh on her expression but I controlled my stern face.

We all sit. Charlie is sitting opposite to me. Josh is looking at me curiously. I can see his burning looks to my side and I know he is going to ask me millions of questions as soon as we leave from here.

"What is it Mr. Ryan?" Ms. Hope ask me. I can see that impatience in her tone.

"Actually Ms. Hope our project in Italy has become little complicated. I want you and Mr. Josh to visit our branch in Italy and inform me what exactly going on there. The project is very important for us so I cant risk anyone else going there."

I can see Ms. Hope is quite shock with hearing this. I look at Josh and I want to laugh by looking at his face. He is damn more shock that Ms. Hope herself. He is looking at me like I push me into lion's Dane.

"But Mr. Ryan is it necessary to go with Mr. Josh. If you want I can go with someone other than him."

"No. it's necessary that you both go together. As I said I can't trust anyone else."

During this whole conversation Josh did not say a word at all. Maybe he is too happy that I gave him this opportunity or he is too pissed that I throw him under the train when he is least expecting it.

I look at Charlie and in this whole conversation she is looking at both Ms. Hope and Josh. She is also trying to avoid me completely during this whole time.

"So, you are Charlie right? You are friends with Ms. Hope."

And with that finally her eyes turn towards me. Those eyes are not calm at all. Whenever they look ta me its like her mind is yelling at her to not look at me. She becomes so confused.

"Yes. Yes I am Charlotte. I am just here to meet her. I will leave now as I have to be at my workplace soon."

"Where do you work?"

I don't know why I am asking all these questions. It's like my mind just cannot control words coming out of my mouth when I am with her.

"I work nearby place only. I will leave now." She is on so much hurry.

"Where nearby? What is the name of place where you job?"

By looking at her face I can easily say something is fishy! But I don't want to intrude into someone's privacy. I am waiting for her answer. She is looking at both Hope's and Josh's face constantly.

"There is nearby realtor startup. I am working with them."

"OHH okay." As soon as I agree she looks relieved. She is in such a hurry that she get up and due to misbalance the glass of water pour on me.

"OHH! Shit! Sir I am really sorry."
