
Bijuu Species

GodofDeathDragons · 漫画同人
55 Chs

Fall of Iwa and Family Reunion part 2

( Uzu)

Now in the basement. You could hear sounds of flesh being smacked as you could see the Happy Faces of both Temari and Pakura who are being plowed from behind by both Naruto's the real one is fucking Temari while his clone bangs Pakura.

They moaned in pleasure feeling their alpha making them feel good in their pussies. Lust-filled faces. Pakura and Temari wore on their faces. Feeling very happy and is in pleasure.

"Feel good ladies?" Naruto asks with a grin

"Yes! Yes! I feel good Alpha-sama! Fuck me!" moaned Pakura who was enjoying this as she moaned.

"I feel great too! Please keep fucking me! I want your child!" Temari moaned as he plowed harder into her making her moan loud.

Naruto grinned more as he and his clone continued to keep fucking his new wives with the thick Uzumaki dick that has broken and impregnated many kunoichi.

He pounded deep into her Temari's pussy. With his clone doing the same to Pakura. Both ladies were lost in pleasure and loved being dominated.

Now converted and turned they become truly devoted to Naruto and will help him take any Kunoichi that is worthy of being his. This is their new lives and they can't go back to who they once were.

Naruto smiled looking at the lust-filled faces of Temari and Pakura. This is exactly what he will do to Kurotsuchi. Once claims her.

Moments later.

Now both of them are laid on their backs with both Naruto's still fucking their pussies hard. With both of them moaning and still kept their lust filled face as He kept pounding them harder and Harder as they screamed in pleasure throwing their heads back.

Naruto had cummed in both of Temari and Pakura. As he pulled out of them. They gasped feeling his thick warm cum now inside their wombs impregnated. As their stomachs began to expand.

3 minutes later.

The sound of crying filled the room they were in.

Temari gave birth to a little girl. Who she names xiaoqiao uzumaki.

Pakura gave birth to A boy. Her son is named Tsunayoshi Sawada Uzumaki.

Now both children are born. Naruto takes them upstairs to meet the family.

"Everyone meet our new family members. Temari and Pakura. Including their children." Naruto introduced as everyone came around to observe the newborn babies and new wives.

He watched everyone see his new children. He sees his other sons and daughters, bond with their newborn siblings.

Now in a week. He will Strike at Iwa. He already knows what to do. Kill the old man. Take his granddaughter, convince the two jinchuriki to join him. Then leave iwa in ruins.

But he also must prevent them from also contacting and alerting their allies.. In which he cant allow.

(Iwa A week later)


Now with their defenses up and is on guard. Fully not aware of what is coming to them.

In the bushes looking directly at the village. Was Naruto and his group which consisted of: Sil, Eve, Mikoto, Azula, Rinko, Koga and Saeko.

They already formed a plan to throw the enemy off guard. On their way here Naruto had consumed a Iwa Shinobi to get entry. Once he goes inside the village. He will coat the entire village in a hidden mist and will summon his Rampage Summons to attack in which will be the signal for his group. Sil and Eve will summon their Xenomorph summons to swarm the Iwa shinobi. He himself will fight Onoki.

He transforms into an Iwa nin and walks over to the gate. As the guards at the gate asked for his identification in which Naruto did and they let him pass.

He smirked as he was in the village now heading someplace secluded. No one didn't suspect him or notice him. As he did he looked around to make sure no one was following him. Seeing he was completely alone. He weaved some hand seals.

"Hidden Mist Jutsu." He says as he accumulated a massive large mist over the whole village. The villagers themselves and shinobi were wondering where did this mist come from.

"Summoning Jutsu!" he called out summoning both Ralph and George to start doing some damage.

Both monsters started attacking in the mist.

"That's the signal. Summoning jutsu!" Sil Says with Eve also doing it summoning a horde of Xenomorphs.

The guards were instantly killed before they could do anything to stop the Xenomorphs.

"We're under attack!" Yelled a Iwa Nin

"Someone alert the tsuchikage!" says a Iwa Chunin.

"What the hell are these black things! There are too many of them!" says a Iwa Jonin who tossed a kunai at one of them only to be swarmed by them and ripped apart.

Ralph the giant wolf bit down and are multiple Iwa Villagers and shinobi in his path and also tossed his porcupine quills at several Iwa Anbu killing them. George was smashing buildings and crushing all in his path.

Sil and Eve turned into their true alien forms and joined in on the massacre.

The Anbu were doing what they could to repel tne Xenomorphs but their numbers were far too great, neither of them were able to kill a Xenomorph. Too many were going After the Shinobi, villagers, Anbu and Kunoichi. Some of the creatures captured their prey and teleported back to their summoning realm which is their hive to turn their prey into breeding stock to create more of them. Most of them were eating their prey and also killing them with their inner jaws and tails.

Sil and Eve together were killing Iwa Shinobi with their claws and their breast tentacles.

Koga joined in grinning wolf like as he killed a couple Iwa Shinobi that tried to attack him.

Rinko went pass 6 Iwa Anbu beheading them in a quick motion with her katana sword. Saeko joined in also stabbing and cutting many Iwa Chunins and Anbu with her sword.

Azula grew a cold smile and turned on her Sharingan.

"Firestyle: Fireball Jutsu!" She says breathing a homing fireball at a group of Iwa Shinobi burning them.

Mikoto was also killing a few of them. Holding a sword too beheading and also cutting them down while breathing multiple fireballs at some Iwa Anbu burning them.

Naruto smiled at the destruction he was causing. As he too massacred a few Iwa Shinobi in his path.

Onoki arrived as he looks in shock at the destruction his village is receiving. All these black creatures killing all his Shinobi and Sees a giant Wolf and White Gorilla destroy everything.

He looks around in the sky and then spotted a blonde haired Man. He narrowed his eyes glaring at the man. He knew that blonde hair anywhere! This must be the Yondaime's bastard child!

Attempting to finish what his father started?

"I think not! I will stop you!" Onoki growled as he charged at Naruto.

Naruto looked up and saw Onoki grinning.

"So I got your attention old man?" Naruto says with a wide grin.

"I will not allow you to finish what you started son of yellow flash! Never! You and all your offspring will never exist!" Onoki growled preparing his dust release

Naruto evaded it seeing it destroy a portion of the ground. He grinned further. Looking at the Oldman.

"I know who you are after! I won't let you have her and turn her into your whore!" Onoki snarled unleashing another dust release beam at Naruto who dodged it.

"That's the idea. Old man. She will be mine. She will be my bitch after I'm through with you and you know what else. She will carry my children. Bet you don't want your granddaughter to have Namikaze bastard children am I right?" Naruto says with a smile seeing the old man scowled.

Ever since Jiraiya had told him about Naruto and what he does to women of his choice he dreaded his granddaughter will become a target for the son of Yellow Flash. No! Never will he let that happen! He's not letting this son of a bitch take his granddaughter and turn her into a whore to birth Namikaze/Uzumaki Children!.

And this was what he had feared.

"Don't worry old man. Your granddaughter will be in good hands. Me and her will make fine children." Naruto added

"Go to hell you son of a bitch!" Onoki growled firing another dust release beam with Naruto dodging that and charged at the man and kicked him down sending him into a nearby building.

Naruto went after him and transformed his hands into large claws.

Onoki lunged at Naruto and sent a swift punch at the Namkaze's face sending him flying into a building.

"I won't let you have her!" He declared. Luckily he thought of a backup plan should the Namikaze come here to his village to get his granddaughter. He sent her away from the village for her own protection. It was the only way to keep her from him. He already has bodyguards with her to protect her. He assigned: Akatsuchi, Roshi, Han and a platoon of Iwa Anbu as her protection against Naruto.

Naruto jumped out from the debris and attempted to claw at Onoki who backed away avoiding his claw strikes.

Naruto jumped and turned his arms into large scythe blades and attempted to cleave the old Kage who avoided each one and then ducked one of them and palm striked Naruto's midsection knocking him back. But Naruto quickly recovered and finally landed a slash on Onoki's face with his claws. Onoki glared and moved away to prepare another dust release attack. Naruto evaded it at the last Minute but then Onoki saw his chance sent a strong kick and landed several blows on Naruto. Then kicked him through 3 buildings.

He blasted a dust release beam to follow after Naruto in hopes of killing him this time.

Naruto broke free from the rubble.

"He's tough.. I'm lucky his Dust release didn't hit me. Mom warned me about his power. I must end this fight now." Naruto says making a Shadowclone hand seal to summon a clone to fight Onoki.

While he added more mist making it more dense.

"Is he dead.. or.." Onoki muttered only to see Naruto pop out.

"Damn it. He's still alive." Onoki grumbled

"Still feeling lucky and think you could kill me old man?" Naruto asks

"I will kill you! And send you to hell to join with your bastard father! You will never touch my granddaughter!" Onoki snarled

"Very funny. It will be you that will be going to hell. While your granddaughter makes children with me." Naruto replied seeing the anger on the old man. Both charged at one another and exchanged blows at one another. Naruto and Onoki soon fought on the ground and battled harshly. Naruto swiped his claws at a fast pace but Onoki was evading each of them. Onoki ducked and delivered a Upper cut hitting Naruto's jaw knocking him up in the air and then flew up and kicked him on the ground sending him down and this time prepared his Dust Release.

"Die!" Onoki roared firing it at Naruto. That it erased half of Naruto's torso along with his head and shoulders. Only his legs and waist remained.

Onoki smiled. He did it.. he killed the son of bitch. Now his granddaughter is safe.


The waist disappeared.

That Shocked Onoki. He fought a Shadowclone!?

"What!? Where is he-" Before he could try looking around Naruto appeared Behind him and impaled him with his claws lifting the old man up in the air who was coughing up blood.

"Thought you actually got me?" Naruto asks with Onoki looking horrified as blood leaked from his mouth.

"Now that I got you. I can go find your granddaughter. Don't worry I'll tell her that you've been put to rest." Naruto says as Onoki spit blood at Naruto's face.

"You will never find her! She's safe! I've sent her away! Where you could never find her!" Onoki glared

"Oh I will find her. I will FIND her. And nothing is going to stop me from getting what I want." Naruto says as he began to consume Onoki as red mist scattered. He instantly received Onoki's memories. Including his knowledge of Dust Release. He saw a memory of sending His granddaughter northwest far away from Iwa along with her bodyguards. He sees a fat man, along with two of iwa's Jinchuriki. And a platoon of Iwa Anbu.

Now he knows where she is.

Mikoto found him.

"You killed Onoki?" She asks

"In a way yes. He's apart of me. He's been consumed just like I did with Zabuza. How are the others?" He asks

"Doing fine. Naruto-kun. They are still fighting." She says as she noticed Azula appear along with Saeko.

"Well then.. let's go after his granddaughter. She's not alone. She has bodyguards." He says as they nodded and watched him go northwest and they followed him

( With Kurotsuchi)

She looked agitated. Why did her grandfather send her away? She could handle the Namikaze bastard. She could have done it. But he wouldn't budge. Now she's alone with Akatsuchi, Roshi and Han. While outside of the safe house there are in there is a platoon of Iwa Anbu to guard her. She couldn't help but think...

"The village is under attack?" Says Roshi who noticed a pillar of smoke as Akatsuchi and Kurotsuchi came to the window. She grew worried. The village was being attacked. She went to the door but Akatsuchi stopped her.

"Kurotsuchi we can't leave!" He says

"Our village is under attack! We can't just sit here and do nothing!" She protested.

"We can't leave. Your grandfather ordered that you are not to leave this area." He says.

"But what if he's in danger! We cant abandon him! Or our village!" She says not budging

"I can't disobey his orders and neither can you!" He says holding her back.

"Please Kurotsuchi! Stay! We are to remain here until it's over! Have faith that Onoki-sama is fine!" Says Akatsuchi while she stopped and took a deep breath calming herself.

She resigned. She knew he was right... she just needs faith in her grandfather to make it alive...

Roshi and Han perked up as the two heard something.

"What's going on?" Han says as they heard fighting outside.

Naruto used his Dust Release to vaporize the entire Anbu platoon. He grinned smiling at his new power. As he glanced at the safe house.

The doors opened up and revealed Kurotsuchi, Akatsuchi, Han and Roshi only to widen their eyes at the sight before them.

There stood Naruto with Mikoto, Azula and Saeko.

Naruto eyed Kurotsuchi.

She has short, black hair and distinctly black eyes. which are accentuated by her eyelashes running upwards at the corners. She wears the standard attire of the Iwa-nin consisting of a red uniform with her right sleeve missing and a lapel over her right leg, the brown Iwagakure flak jacket, fishnet tights and a skirt over them. She also wears regular shinobi sandals and a pair of gloves. While possessing a curvaceous figure.

"You... what have you done to my grandfather!?" Hissed Kurotsuchi glaring at Naruto who smiled

"What have I done? Do you really want to know? I consumed him. He's no more. And soon you will be mine." Naruto says with Kurotsuchi glaring.

"You bastard! I'll kill you!" She hissed charging after him but was caught by Akatsuchi.

"No Kurotsuchi! Run! We will hold them off!" Akatsuchi says glaring at Naruto.

"I'm not leaving! I want to kill this son of a bitch! If he wants me so much then let me kill him!" She hissed fighting to break free.

"You two! Fight them!" Akatsuchi ordered Han and Roshi who both got into a stance.

"So... your here... Itachi-kun.." Says Mikoto with everyone turning to her then looked behind them and noticed it was Itachi Uchiha with Kisame besides him.

Itachi had wide eyes... looking at his mother.

"Mother... what are you doing here...?" He says looking at his mother with his Sharingan and saw a unusual chakra signature from her that matches Naruto's.

"I am here with my alpha.. my husband.. who is your step-father." Mikoto answered with her Sharingan also on. As she saw her son narrowed his eyes.

"So... this is my older brother... mother." Says Azula looking at Itachi making him turn to her.

"Meet your Half Sister. Itachi. Azula this is your older brother." Mikoto says with Azula flashing a cold smile at Itachi.

Itachi was visibly shaken with anger... as he looked from Azula. To his mother and to Naruto.

Kisame had a shocked face.

"Damn.. he banged Itachi's mom.. Itachi must be really pissed." Thought Kisame

"Well isn't this a lovely family reunion. A shame Sasuke isn't here he would have loved this." Naruto says

"So... you corrupted my mother Naruto?" Itachi asks

"Planning to hurt my alpha Itachi? I think not. Because if you do. I will hurt you.. if not kill you." Mikoto says

"Azula. Help saeko fight shark face. I will deal with those three then Kurotsuchi.." Naruto says looking at Akatsuchi, Han and Roshi as the three of them got into a stance.

"Kurotsuchi. You must run! We will hold them off!" Akatsuchi says with her glaring.

"Hell no! I'm not running! I'm going to avenge my grandfather!" She snaps.

"How noble... and very fiery. I like that in women. Me and you will definitely make great children." Naruto says smiling at her.

"Like hell will I ever birth your bastard children! I'd rather die then be your whore!" Kurotsuchi spat

"You will be mine one way or another." Naruto says lunging at the four with his large claws.

The four got into a stance and prepared themselves to fight him.

Itachi glares at Mikoto who also glares at him as she pulled out her sword and he pulls out his kunai.

Azula and Saeko focus on Kisame who grinned and hefted his sword.