
Beyond Your Eyes

There is an old classic saying, in which our eyes are the window to our soul. Our deepest fears and desires hide within them. For Celeste D’Angelo, she is someone others would consider to be very blessed. As the only child to a vastly wealthy family whose power and influence knows no bounds, nothing stands in her way. With her serene personality she adored by her friends and is even considered among her peers as a glamorous classic doll. But despite that, internally Celeste has her own struggles, desires, and fears that if someone paid just a little more attention - they might mock and be cruel to her. On the surface nothing fazes or bothers her, but as one gets deeper and deeper into her skin a different story is told. Dean Cortez is a man who is a human hurricane. Also hailing from a wealthy family, Dean takes life by the reins and drives off leaving a disaster in his wake. Crass and wild, much like a wild mustang, he is a force that can’t be stopped. For Dean he indulges in doing whatever, whoever, and whenever. Embodying everything people expect from a rich kid especially one of equal status to the Cortez Family. But everyone has secrets, and though everyone gets close to him, no one sees the secrets he hides beyond his eyes and deep in his heart. Through some circumstances the pair end up together, and while they are vastly different from one another, their defining traits perfectly balance them out like Yin and Yang. Follow along to see how they navigate their mid-twenties, familial and societal pressures, the secrets they carry, and their growing affection for one another. authors note: This is my first kind of slice of life novel! I appreciate any feedback and I hope you enjoy! The artwork is courtesy of Claudia Wilson via Canva

jklena · 现代言情
174 Chs

Chapter 74 - Now Or Never

This was what I was waiting for and I knew what I had to do.

I felt like someone gave me shot of pure adrenaline. My heart was pounding and I felt jittery; my palms felt clammy. I pulled my watch to my face to see the time. It was still early in the afternoon. He most likely had time to see me.

"Dean I appreciate the advice I will let my friend know right away. I gotta go I have something I need to do."

I think he knew what I was planning but made no comment on it. "Oh sure do what you need to do. By the way for the wedding Rebecca had some changes that I need to go over with you so when you get the chance call me so we can talk."

His words slightly stopped the buzz I was feeling. 'Rebecca made wedding changes and asked Dean to tell me?' I must have had a quizzical look on my face because he further explained himself.

"Oh its nothing major. She and I talked earlier due to my whole beating up the man of honor incident. She mentioned some changes she needed to share, I offered to tell you since you were coming. "

Ah. "Oh ok um I still have a few minutes if you want." I went back to sit down but Dean ushered me back up. "Oh its nothing crazy if you need to leave right now we can talk later, I wouldn't want to make you late."

"No no its fine what is going on." I should still have enough time. "Rebecca is making seat changes. Felix is planning on attending with Sol so she moved them away from you but moved me to be your seat partner. Consider me a charm to ward off vile things or better yet a guard dog."

He laughed a bit at that last comment, finding humor in it. So did I. I giggled uncontrollably at the thought of Dean being a guard dog. "Ahh I see." Dean has been pretty good at warding off Felix. He was all to aware of what crossing Dean felt like and by keeping us separate he had no chance of approaching.

"I have to get Rebecca something as a thanks for that she is very intuitive. I will still call to go over things since my parents are also gonna go as I am sure your parents will too."

I waved him off at his door. "Get some rest and talk to you later." He also waved me off and watched me leave. He wanted to walk me down but with too many eyes and ears around he settled for watching from his bedroom window.

I texted Dante about heading over to him but he did not respond. I arrived at his building unsure of my next step. He potentially could not be home right now but also could be and was ignoring me because I ignored him.

It had to be now or never.

I figured if he did not answer his door I would just come back later. However when I arrived he opened the door. "Celeste, what are you doing here?" He looked shocked and even peeked his head out to see if I was with company.

"Sorry for dropping by unannounced but I had to talk to you." I clutched the side strap to my bag. I reached over to remove my mask but he stopped my hand. "I appreciate you coming by, I really do but now is not a good time."

Before I could ask why another voice sounded inside. It was a woman's voice. "Son who is at the door?"

'Shit I forgot his parents were in town.' His grip on my hand prevented me from leaving and gave enough time for his mother to see me. "Oh Celeste honey is that you? What a good girl you are, stopping by to see us. Come in!"

Considering I wanted to talk to Dante alone about are relationship this was bad timing. "Oh sorry for the intrusion I could come back another time. I would hate to take time away from you being with your son."

This trick was often how I would get away from being with Felix's mother. She would make any excuse to hang around. I think she wanted to make sure Felix did not fumble the bag.

"Who cares about him I can see him anytime. Come come I am glad you are here I just made lunch." She also pulled me in leaving no room for arguments. As much as I wanted to pull away, by social pressure I could not.

The dining table was full of food and there were four plates arranged. "Oh did you have more company besides your parents?" He was an only child so it could not have been for a sibling unless they were undisclosed.

"No I just like even numbers. Works out since you can eat with us." His father had walked out from one of the many rooms. Dante heavily resembled his father. Both were tall and lean with a head full of hair. Despite his own father claiming otherwise the number of plates felt too intentional. Like it was designed for me to be here at this moment in time.

Cornered I was left with no other option but to eat. As the food was served his parents animatedly talked about anything and everything with me. But very quickly it diverged to talks of the future.

"So is your hair your natural color? When you and Dante have children I hope at least one gets your hair color." I nearly spat out my water but swallowed it painfully instead. It felt like I swallowed a stone. I did not miss his mothers wording. Not 'if' but 'when' like it was already determined, even the number of children as well.

"It is my natural color." I refused to comment on the second half of her sentence. "Oh how wonderful! I am so excited for you to come to our home in Italy. The wedding will be the biggest event in Italy aside from the appointment of the Pope!"

I simply started blankly at them, too angry to even speak. His parents just trudged on brushing off the clearly foul mood I was in.

What made me even more furious was that Dante made no effort to correct his parents. His parents went on and on about what our married life will be like. How I will move into their home in Italy. How I will have many children. Even down to what assets we will each gain in the marriage. "Dante my boy, you have much to learn by her father if you intend of being the head of the house." It implied that he will inherit my families business, not me.

It felt like every noise in the room turned to mumblings. So much blood rushed into my ears from my anger. I was seething. My phone buzzed a bit and I glanced down hoping for a lifeline to leave before I flipped out.

But it was only a message from Dante. 'Sorry. I will explain later.' I felt my left eye twitch a bit.

I had enough. "Dante will you show me to the restroom." I did not even wait for him to respond. I got up before him and pointedly waited for him to take a hint.

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