
[4] Illness

Day Wrecker Countdown: 3468 days (9 years)

Reign was having his 'maintenance check-up' to see if there's infections, bacteria building up and etc. on his right arm since it was not his organic arm. He was born with a condition called 'Phocomelia' which involves malformations of the arms and legs. In his case, Phocomelia caused his right arm to not fully grow.

As usual, I'm the one who goes with him to the hospital since his father was always busy and his mother needed to take care of his baby sister.

I was shocked to see Alice wearing a 'Wandering Clothes'. So I asked her where she was headed to. She said "I want to go with you"

Why in the world would she want to go with me to the hospital? Are we having a date there? At first, I forbid her but then she started begging me and freakin' cry! Is she psychotic or what? I had no other choice but to say yes. Then she hugged me and thanked me.

After that, we walked for about 5 mins? I think so... We just walked to the Hospital since it wasn't that far from our place. As we walk I noticed Alice holding Reign's hand. I was jealous and I can't even react because we're not dating...


We went home after half an hour of tests for Reign's right arm condition.

As we walked back to our place, I got dizzy and my sight got blurry and all I heard from Reign and Alice was "hey, are you okay?"

I "yeah I'm Fi-...' I attempted to say before I fainted.

I woke up and saw Reign took an unpeaceful nap on a chair beside my hospital bed. I leaned forward to him and blew his ears until he's awake.

He then panicked and called the nurses. All I did was laugh at his reaction😂.

"Dude, calm down. I'm fine, you know." I said.

"You sure, Babi?" He replied.

Yup! Sometimes when nature calls, we called each other 'Babi'.

I replied "Yes, Babi"

Then he sat beside me on my bed. And hugged me 'tightly' as if there was no tomorrow.

"Where's Alice by the way?" I asked.

"Oh, I let her go home by herself and also to keep this a secret." He replied.

Nurses and doctors came in. I was shocked! 3 doctors and 4 nurses came in! What's happenin'??!!??

I asked Reign why we needed these huge amount of people if I'm fine and healthy.

He then replied in a husky voice "I don't know how to say it. Babi..." He was cut by the doctor saying "You Have Cancer"

I laughed so hard. "Hahahaha, tell me they're joking Babi." Reign just lookin' down the floor till I noticed... He's crying!

He replied "No... they're not."

I didn't even realize my tears started to fall.

Later on, the doctors and nurses went out of our hospital room. I screamed, I did all things to make me calm, but I can't.

"Babi... St-stop please" Reign said. "No! Nooooooo! I don't have a freakin' cancer!!!"

He then hugged and whispered "Babi, please. You have me, you don't need to fight alone. We will."

After I calmed down, we talked about how are we gonna say it to my parents. After hours and hours of talking, I decided to keep it a secret so I dont become a burden to my parents.

As we went home, we walked by a 'Liquor Store'. I asked Reign to buy me my favorite wine 'Rose Wine'.

He told me that I should stop drinking for the sake of my good. I replied, "Yeah, this will be the last one."

Since Reign doesn't want me to help him carry the things that we bought, he carried all them alone.

I felt sorry for him, they weren't even that heavy and yet he forbid me. What a problematic guy he is.

After we bought all the necessities, we gathered all of our friends, as if we do have hundredths of them 'hahaha'. Just me, Babi, Alice, and Sophia.

The night was filled with joy and happines.

We played 'Truth or dare'.

I was the first one to spin the bottle, it stopped on Sophia's. I smirked.

I didn't let her choose, I asked her immediately "Who's your crush?" then Babi, Alice and I laughed.

"Who is it! Who is it! Who is it" We yelled.

"Okay fine, just calm down. It's...

... Alice."

Did she just come out? Heck no?

We just frozed, we didn't know she was Gay or... much better if 'Bi'... like me.

To break the sudden pause of our fun, I screamed "Hoooraaay for Sophia!"

"Horaaaay!!!" They yelled.

Then the fun continued.

Not long after, all four of us were already drunk.

Sophia hugged the wine bottle while lying on the floor... smiling.

Alice went home since her father passed by at our place and managed to fetch her up.

I was about to stand up when I felt Reign's hand on my arm, restraining me.

"Y-your'e gonna leave me here, B-babi?... Please stay" Reign said in his deep, warm drunken voice.

We laid on the floor topless since we vomited all over our clothes. He hugged me while putting his one leg on top of mine till he fell asleep.

We haven't change position for a while. I didn't want to move either. I feel his breath on my neck, it felt like heaven.

I left him 6 kisses; 1 on his forehead, 1 for both cheeks, 1 on his chin and lastly, 2 kisses on his lips.

I was about stand when I feel his hug tighten. I was shocked! I was about make a noise when he topped me while covering my mouth.

I managed to uncover my mouth from his hands. "What are you doing, Reign!?!" I whispered.

"Oh, it was just you Babi. I thought it was someone else." He chuckles and falls back to sleep.