
Beyond realistic - The Amber Kingdom

Chris tries an unbelievably realistic new game, but soon he realizes that something is terribly wrong. He can't logout! After surviving in a forest clearing with nothing except for a Shrine, he comes to the conclusion that he has been transported to a another world. He is probably in the fantasy world of the game he was trying out. Chris is your ordinary college student, so surviving on his own is a rude awakening. Luckily, he soon discovers a woman next to his makeshift camp. Oh no, she hits him with a branch. He has to make her trust him, and quickly, before she hits him again! After a bit of convincing, the woman introduces herself as Lady Amelia of the Moon. She is a beautiful and fierce Elf Priestess. Chris is immediately interested in her. Even better, she will lead him to a nearby village. Huzzah! He is rescued! This is the beginning of a fantastic journey filled with magic and deadly perils. Alongside Amelia, Chris will discover great power within himself and an even greater destiny! They will face ferocious opponents such as demons, werewolves, warlocks, undead, and even dragons on their journey to find and defeat a great and mysterious Evil. Over time, they may also develop feelings toward each other.

Cobbe · 奇幻
49 Chs

Disappearances in the forest

Chris and Amelia started heading back to the inn. Darkness had just fallen over Harborton and it was starting to get chilly. The town, however, wasn't dark. There were candles in most windows and magic lights on all the bigger streets.

They walked close together, holding hands. As Chris' hand warmed Amelia's cold one, she felt a strong urge for lying down in their bed, cozy up close to him, and feel his heat radiate toward her.

A little while later, they stepped into the warmth of the inn. People of stature seemed to be gathered here for supper after today's festivities. Amelia just wanted to go up to their room and dive into bed. She looked at Chris with sleepy eyes, "Would you ask them to bring up a light evening meal, maybe just some fruit? I would like to head up, change into something cozier and crawl into bed."

Chris took Amelia's hand, brought the palm of it up to his lips, and kissed it. Amelia's cheeks reddened at the affectionate gesture. Then he simply nodded and went to find someone from the staff to bring up his request.

When Chris got up to the room, Amelia had already slipped into bed. Chris lay down fully clothed next to her, on top of the blankets, so he would be decent when the servant came with the food.

"Hi my sweet Amelia, are you feeling well?", he said with a hint of worry in the tone of his voice.

Amelia looked up at him with a warm smile, "I am well. Just tired after the day and the journey here." She took his hand and placed a gentle kiss on top of it.

A few moments later a female servant knocked at the door. Chris got up, walked over to the door, opened it, and accepted a large tray of food from her. He brought it over to Amelia and put it down next to her on his side of the bed.

The tray had all kinds of fruits, there must have been at least ten different sorts. There were also a few pieces of bread and some honey. Amelia sat to eat and dropped her blanket down on her lap. She wore a thin, silky, white nightgown with some lace at the top. It had a narrow waist and looked to be custom fitted precisely to her body. Chris looked at her and swallowed hard.

Amelia noticed the lust in his eyes and it made her want to tease him. Amelia dipped a piece of bread in the honey, put it on her lips, and fed it to Chris with her mouth. He barely knew what had happened. She slowly licked some honey that had gotten on a few of her fingers.

Chris just stared at Amelia in disbelief. He had never expected her to tease him like this. How did she even know that this would affect him in this way? It seems that she wasn't as innocent as he had thought.

After the initial shock, Chris' eyes were burning with raw carnal desire. He embraced Amelia and kissed her. It was a powerful and passionate kiss, but she then pushed him off. "I am sorry to have teased you. I just couldn't refuse when I saw your lecherous looks. Today I just want to eat, crawl back under the blankets, and finally get some rest."

For a brief moment, Amelia could see the disappointment in Chris' eyes, but it was soon replaced with his usual warm smile. "You wicked wicked tease... But I understand that you are tired and I will not disturb your rest."

They quickly finished their meals and went to bed. Amelia was out cold as soon as her head hit the soft, comfortable pillow. It took a while for Chris to relax, but eventually, he fell asleep as well.

Chris woke up feeling something, or rather someone rub against him. It was Amelia who had snuggled herself into his embrace. It was a nice and cozy feeling. They stayed like that for a while.

Suddenly it knocked on the door. Chris shouted, "Give me a moment". He got up and quickly dressed. Amelia hid under the blankets, as she was far from proper. Chris opened the door to find the knight he had fought in the competition final yesterday. He went out into the corridor and closed the door behind himself.

"Hi, sir Knight, why have you come looking for me?", Chris asks.

"I am sorry to come unannounced and I do hope that I am not disturbing you.", the knight answered and Chris could tell that he was feeling a bit ashamed for just showing up like this.

Chris gives the knight a polite smile and says, "Since you are already here, why don't you tell me what brings you here."

"I am investigating a matter of disappearing townspeople. I come to you as I find myself in need of skilled companions and you impressed me in the competition yesterday." the knight explains.

"Would you mind waiting for me and my companion Amelia down in the lobby? We shall be down in just a little while." Chris says.

The knight simply nods and is then on his way down.

Chris goes inside and tells Amelia. They prepare themselves and go down to the lobby.

The knight introduces himself as Sir Harold of Harborton and starts telling Chris and Amelia of the disappearances.

"I sometimes visit the tavern in Harborton and a few weeks back I heard rumors of disappearances in the forest. In the past, citizens of the town would often go to the forest for various reasons and it was usually safe if they only went there during the day and didn't go in too deep. Hunters would even roam the entire forest freely and they were rarely hurt.

These days people are afraid of even going near the edge of Amber forest and this is due to a large number of disappearances over the last few weeks. The lord of Harborton has even posted a reward for anyone with information related to the disappearances."

Chris and Amelia looked at each other and wondered if this had anything to do with the werewolf they had encountered on their way to town. With this in mind, they decided to go with Sir Harold into the forest and look for clues as to where the villagers may have gone.