
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · 漫画同人
126 Chs


I looked at Lylia who looked at me with an annoyed expression as if knowing I would do this.

[Name: Lylia

Current thoughts: Fuck you

Affinity: ??? /Blocked by something, please increase rank/

Thinks you are: A little bitch]

{Normally you wouldn't even see shit in there but I allowed some parts to show, how about it? Want to see how it would look in the next form? It's only 50 units.}

[Name: Lylia (Avatar of Lylia)

Race: ???

Current thoughts: Nothing to see here

Affinity: ??? /Blocked by something, please increase rank/

Thinks you are: Not a waste]

{Now it shows their race and most important job if the ability ranks allows you to see it that is. The other features were enhanced to show more accurate and longer results. It's 100 Units to the next level if you are up for it.}

-Not now. Just because we have an extra amount to spend it doesn't mean we should just waste it. We should have 230 (100+200-70) units now right?


-Then let's leave this for later, after I get the crystals.

{How about we take a look around the school and see what everyone thinks?}

-You say that as if you don't already know.

{I can read everyone's mind, but the reason why I gave you this is that it would be a bother to tell you what each person thinks, and...}

Just tell me you are worried that I will be met with some problem while you are away.


I went to the cafeteria, considering it was almost time for dinner.

A group of girls passed by me and greeted me, I greeted them back, not before using the power.

[Name: Louise Amelia (First-year student of ...)

Race: Human

Current thoughts: Seiichi is here, should I talk with him?

Affinity: 80-Crush (Affinity goes from -100 to 100 in this version)

Thinks you are: A handsome and heroic man]

[Name: Larissa Valentina (First-year student of ...)

Race: Human

Current thoughts: I just came back from the club, my clothes are in taters… Ahhhh.

Affinity: 75-Crush

Thinks you are: A powerful and handsome IS pilot]

[Name: Tina Hamilton (Linlin's roommate)

Race: Human

Current thoughts: I got fatter again… 50 grams, I shouldn't have eaten...

Affinity: 90-Respect

Thinks you are: Galant and capable]


I tried using this power on a few more girls along the way but all of them had similar results.

{From their perspective, that's what you are. A genius who can make incredible creations and pilot an IS as if you were a veteran, coupled with everything else. There you have it. Your clones also made a good job at building your image around the school.}

What was that about "Linlin's roommate"?

{It will always try to analyze the person using standards close to yours. Hence, it's better to say she is Linlin roommate than a first-year student}

I decided to stop using the power for now and went to my room to sleep, on the way I met Ichika walking alone in the hallways.

[Name: Ichika Orimura (Brother of Chifuyu)

Race: Genetically modified Human

Current thoughts: I finally got alone...

Affinity: 95 Best-friend

Thinks you are: A good friend to share the pressure of being the only two men ...]

I didn't like how it just ended there.

{He would even take a bullet for you.}

He would do it for any of his friends

I even find it strange that it's only 95 at this point considering Ichika's character

{Different people have different standards. It might be very easy to get a high affinity with someone but progressing from there might take a monumental amount of effort. The contrary is also true, it might be hard to even become someone's friend but when you do have the person open to you then it's easy to progress. Use this tool well, you will see how useful it really is.}

{Upgrading it will show more information and more accurate descriptions, emotions can't be described just like that after all.}

Let's go home… I need to sleep.

Tatenashi wasn't in the room yet. She was most likely in the student council

-Better start making the food.

-In fact, before I start. Can I use this on myself?

[Name: Miyoshi Seiichi (Champion of ???)

Race: Mutant Human

Current thoughts: Can I use this on myself?

Affinity: 90-Self confident

Thinks you are: Handsome and hard working]

-... I am not that narcissistic. And What's that about 90? Do I love myself too much, or do I lack something?

{I like it, I think it's pretty accurate}

{Some of the information isn't showing due to its level, so its normal you are confused, don't let it get over your head, but don't worry, I will always prevent others from seeing your information, I will bend the information to avoid suspicion if necessary. But if I am away, then my own ranking will be what protects you.}

So kinda like Your ranking X His ability level?

{Mostly, yes}

This has potential, but let's talk about it later, time to make some food. Ohh yeah can the clones use it?

{No, the clones can't copy the ability and use it}

That limits some of its uses but it's not that bad.

I decided to make some pasta for today. Just some Lasagna Bolognese. If you don't know what it is then I am sorry for your eating habits.

Around half an hour later the Lasagna was almost ready. I made it pretty fast, I'm even afraid that Tatenashi will come late and it will get cold.

Tatenashi came 10 minutes later, just when I had removed it from the oven,

-You finally arrived. I thought it was going to get cold.

[Name: Tatenashi Sarashiki

Race: Human+

Current thoughts: What a good smell...

Affinity: 75-Slight crush

Thinks you are: Someone trustworthy who helped her sister and...]


{She is way better than most humans. Her genome makes her body stronger than most and she is also smarter than most, what did you expect?}

-What is this smell?

-Come and see it.

She looked at the perfectly good-looking Lasagna, looking crispy and tasty.

-Pick some plates over there and we shall eat.

-Hay, hay!

We picked our things up and sat at the table.

-Good drinks, nice atmosphere, good food, we only need some music and this date shall be perfect.

-... What do you think?

-You really thought about everything, are you really playing both sides? Do you want both of us sisters…

-I meant the food.

She looked at me with a smirk, she opened her fan and it said: Playboy.

We started talking, with me asking about her many duties of the student council, and she similarly asked me about my life.

The mood was getting interesting when suddenly the door made a creaking sound, before it got blasted open.

-My door… I wasn't worried as I knew who was behind this event

-Seiichi-sann… X2

-Laura, Cecilia, you're here. Grab some food and sit with us.

They didn't look happy

-Why are there two beds here? Asked Laura pointing her military knife in my direction.

-Calm down and pick some food up, It will get cold.

-You better explain this to us very thoroughly okay? Said Cacilia

I looked at them both and decided to test my power on them.

I have just finihsed chap 40 on my papers.

this and the previus chaps were rather small huh? 1200 words or so.

I had an ideia if you all think its feasable. It is to post some side chapters. Realy small ones and then put them in between the existing chaps in order to extend the world a bit. Like for example. I create a 10.1 chap then put ir after chapter 10. There is no need to read it. But you can if you feel like it.

These chaps would have some of the events from the original and some others I created myself. A more for fun chaps then anything else, but at the emd of the day they improve the world with more details. There might be some fighting scenes but because of the type of world... you know... those classic scenes. But this isnt going to be a commom ocurrence. in the next world these types of chapters may have a greater role in the story then you might think. Oh well just thinking about it for now.

What do you think of the novel progress so far? Just send it in the comments. Peace.

I didnt wright this using grammarly this time hence there will be a shit ton of errors.

Abadomcreators' thoughts