
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · 漫画同人
126 Chs

Searching for supplies?

After around 20 minutes of "walking", I finally arrived at the pier at the other end of the river. But I didn't find Wyl's shop.

The town looked rather poor for some reason, the buildings were either made of stone or hardened clay.

It was hard to traverse the town due to the many alleys and its strange verticality.

Sometimes you have to go up to go proceed down. Walk backward so that you can continue forward.

So I just jumped high into the sky and made my way by kicking the air.

But because of how cramped the buildings were, I didn't manage to find Wyl's shop.

I saw a kid playing in one of the rare parks of the town.

-Hey kid excuse me.


The kid looked at me with suspicion

-Sorry to interrupt the construction of your amazing sandcastle. But would you know of a shop named "Kikyo pass"?

-... Mom told me to not talk to strangers…

Fucking hell… Sigh, not like there aren't any other people around. Better than discussing with a kid

-I see, you should listen to your mom then kid, see ya.

No need to discuss with a kid and cause a misunderstanding, it's better to just look for another person. Like the old lady feeding pigeons over there.

-Excuse me, miss.

-Oya? Its been several years since someone called me that, even more, a handsome young man such as yourself hohoho.

(The Mc isn't wearing his hat, at this point in time I think I should drop a proper image for him.)

(How about a vote? I will open an extra chapter and drop several images. the winner with the most votes shall be the mc)

-Thank you miss. But would you know of a shop named Kikyo pass?

She looked at me with a surprised expression

-The shop owned by that old crook? I will tell you something, he is a swindler! He sells things several times their worth, and he tends to force his clients to buy useless things saying they are priceless artifacts. Hear my advice and don't go there.

-But where am I supposed to buy supplies then?

-Kids these days, they do love to go on adventures… If you seek the same kind of supplies sold at that bastard's shop, then you should go to the "Paradise of consumption".

-It's my first time hearing about this shop.

-It's quite new in the town, just opened last month. It sells everything, from normal food supplies to spices from other islands.

-A food shop? I am not really looking for food…

-Let me finish young man! Although they focus on food, they also sell all kinds of "stuff" from other islands. Even if you don't find what you are looking for, at the very least you will find most of them.

-And where can I find this shop?

-Just down the road. You can't miss it.

I hope this road is straight...

-I see, thank you.

-It's nothing sweetie.

I waved towards the granny and left towards the shop.

After 3 minutes of walking on the surprisingly straight road, I arrived at the shop.

It was a nicely decorated shop over 4 stories tall. In fact, it seemed to be too good for this place.

Something is wrong, why would there be such a nice place in this desolate island? Is that marble? Yup, something is wrong.

Although this place is the first island in the Grand line, business is still very poor. The people in this place are also poor.

So investing in a shop so much that you would add marble to the floor, seems exaggerated.

Wait, it isn't marble. It's some kind of shiny stone. But it is still suspicious.

After getting my guards up, I entered the shop.


The doors opened as if they were automatic doors. Followed by an electronic bell sound.

-... Okay…

I could hear faint music playing in the background.

The shop smelled of fresh fruits and grass.

-This is…

The way the shop was organized, from the way they place their products on shelves to the environment…

The light bulbs in the ceiling, the shopping carts, the worker's uniforms…


(The One piece world is more advanced than you think, but I would say its technological level, for the most part, is around pre-world war 1 era? The Marines have self-powered warships and they seem to gave the concept of building tall buildings, they even have things that look like cars.)

-Excuse me, customer.

From behind me, a girl wearing a normal white shirt with a skirt that went to her knees tried to get my attention with her sweet voice.

She was rather pretty, but just that.


-By your clothes, I imagine you are new to the town right? Just passing by or staying?

-Just passing by, I came here to buy some supplies for my boat…

-Oh! That's just over there in the "Ships and transportation" section. Do you have any questions?

-No… I don't have any for now.

-If you have any, please look for anyone wearing the same outfit. Or you can look for me. My name is Guily.

-Thank you.

I went to the side and picked one of the red shopping carts, and under the nice elevator song, Looked around.

Is that a vending machine?...

Coc@... Peps7… Hey! This guy doesn't have any shame!

Who owns this place anyway?...


While John was busy "shopping", the rest of the crew got their hands dirty.

-So. Ready to talk now punk? Said the man with his face hidden under a mask.

-Yes yes… Please no more…

-What are you waiting for then? Talk.

-... Ever since the dissolution of Baroque works, we bounty hunters had it though. I had given over 90% of all of my earnings towards the cause but ended up just receiving a massive debt when everything turned out to be a scam.

-I wasn't alone. Many of us had the same problems… It was then that someone appeared to "save" us. He gave us money with immense time-windows to pay him back, and amidst desperation I accepted it.

-At the start, everything seemed normal, and with my money problems checked, I managed to go back to pirate hunting. It was just about that time…

The man stopped talking

-What happened? Asked the masked girl on his side

-He showed his true face, that's what happened! He turned the table around and put us all in immense depth. The only difference was that this time almost half of all of the bounty hunters were indebted to a single person.

-We tried to fight against him but he was too strong…

-I guess this explains why everyone on the island is so gloomy. Said the man

-But what does all of that have to do with what we asked?

-You want supplies right?! Rare and unusual things one can't find on his own.

-I guarantee you that everything you asked of me is in that damned man base! Log poses, maps… Hell. He even has a strong enough boat to sail across the sea of the Grand Line.

-He controls the entirety of the island's black market, and there are rumors he wants to overthrow the government of this island... It shouldn't be that hard, considering how horrible they all are.

-And who would that be? Asked the masked man

-The Marines.

-What a fool. Said the masked woman while sitting on her chair.

-After Baroque works were taken down, this man and his crew of tugs docked on the island. He looked like a good man, and because he changed his appearance, no one noticed who he really was…

-Who is he?

-... Don…

-Don who?

(Don Nuts)

-Don Krieg.

Both of the masked people seemed to be confused for a moment.

-Didn't I hear that name somewhere? Said the girl

-I also have this feeling…

'They both kept thinking for a straight minute before they stoped'

-If we can't remember then it's not something important.

-Damn right!

The man bound to the chair looked at his captors in an awkward stare.

-So let me see if I got everything right. There is this man that has made life horrible on the island, so as long as I remove him from this place we will be able to get what we want?

-Are you two really doing it?! Thank yo…


The masked man punched the man again knocking him unconscious.

-Why is he all happy? He is also a criminal. Said the man

-He seemed rather desperate though. Like he was forced into this situation.

-You talk as if any of that mattered. The least we can do is send him to jail without breaking too many bones. As long as he has a bounty of course.

The girl rolled her eyes before removing her mask, revealing Frindin! The Cook

Her partner also removed his mask revealing Loodwick.

/Bang bang bang!/

-Oi! Are you all finished there?

-Yes we are. No need to be so noisy.

The door opened showing a beautiful black haired girl. It was Susein the cook.

-Did you get it?

-This seems to be our best bet. Replied Frindin

Susein looked at the man and sighed.

-You truly beat him up huh. Was that necessary?

-... I might have gotten a little pumped up…

-Sigh, Fri, would you mind?

-No problem.

She then went to the unconscious man and fed him a small seed, making his injuries heal at a speed noticeable to the eyes.

-I still don't think he deserved that. Commented Loodwick

-Come on man. He was just a petty thief. One created out of desperation.

-Alright you win. I need some booze…


-You can drink later! Said Susein

-... He is alright now… But what do we do now? Replied Frindin

-We report obviously! We don't even know the strength of this Don.

-Lood is right, let's go back to the captain, he will surely be happy to hear about our findings.

The three left the old house they were in and made their way to the pier.

Hey. This chapter has 1700 Words

I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading

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