
Full moon

Driftwood City is a town where the outcasts and unwanted members of society like criminals find themselves on a particularly bright night. The very town experienced a great change. When it happened the night was still young. The bar was full of tons of people all with their problems. No one had a care in the world. The moon was full of you too but things changed soon as someone kicked in The doors to the pub. Everyone stopped their doing and looked at the doorway and that's when she walked in a black hair sun cap, a choker with a brooch of the moon, and a purple dress. The room was silent. No one knew what moved to make. Then she looked into the crowd.Lady: Is anybody in this crowd? Who wants power? It isn't afraid of the consequences. Step forward now and it's yours.

The people looked at her and then looked at each other and then looked at her again. I'd rather a large gentleman steps forward with long dreads and a moderate build. He looks to be trying to ask her what this is about but before he could say anything she grabs his arm and pulls him out of the bar. The man attempted to stop her but she appeared to be too strong. She stopped for a minute 3 in away from the bar and looks at the man.

Lady: where is your place of work

She looked at the man with a serious expression. The man looked back. Completely confused but answered anyways

Gentleman: Three blocks down there in the alleyway. There's a door that only opens on one side. That's where I work.

Now knowing where she was going she takes off down the street dragging the man along to the alleyway. Peering down the trashy alleyway she spots a door that has a visible peephole but no door knob on the outside. She pushes forward towards the door but the man begs her to stop.

Gentleman: look, lady. I don't know what this is about but I strongly recommend you don't mess with those people. I work for them and I know they're bad news. By the time you try talking to them, they will have you pinned down and most likely killed. If not something worse. I strongly suggest you turn around and go back to the bar and calm down a bit.

The lady looks at him with a smile. She appreciated the advice that he gave him, but it didn't seem to care much for the supposed danger that he sees she would be in. Then she reaches under her skirt and pulls out a magnum.

Lady: thank you for your concern. But they can't do anything to me. That will never bother me.

With her willful expression, she knocks on the door with the Magnum three times. Then aims the barrel at the door. It's a peephole. Once the people open, she fires the gun, shooting a hole into the onlooker's head and onward. She then proceeds to kick open the door completely knocking it off attention and walking into the room. A large commotion with all the gang members gathered around in the center of the room lay an unsettling corpse that was missing the top half of its head. Being unable to identify she looks to the man she brought with her.

Lady: was that your boss?

She points to the headless body sitting in a chair at the center of the room.

Gentleman: Yes, I believe that was him.

The gentleman stares at John Doe in awe so do the rest of the gang members in the room. In confusion, the lady takes the center gathering all of the gang member's attention.

Lady: greetings hoodlums, I am duchess bloody moon. Many of you who had an interest in this Lance property may know my name very well. I have come to fulfill my responsibilities to this land and from now on this gentleman behind me will be your new leader. He answers me and you answer him any questions. Step forward now.

One shaggy-looking individual tries to step forward to speak, but she immediately shoots him in the shoulder causing him to fall back bleeding out on the ground. His fellow gang members gather around and try to help him stop the bleeding.

Dutches: well it looks like no one has anything to say. I have more business to do. You all will now proceed to everyone in your game. Know the new order of things. Any other questions? See your new leader.

She walks out of the gang hideout having stirred things up a bit with Magnum still in hand exiting the door. She sees a crowd of people from the bar who had followed her down in curiosity about what she was up to. Most likely they're drunk in nature cause for wanting entertainment. She looks to her right and spots the drunk individual who is dressed quite similarly to a butler.

Dutches: you there Butler? There are two dead individuals in that room back there. I want you to find and or dig a hole big enough to bury those two bodies as well as more that are probably on the way. Be sure to strip them of all their belongings and sell any of their clothing that doesn't look valuable. Once you've done all that, find me and report back.

The individual she called Butler looked at her who had a little bit of blood on her collar and looked back at the mess she made weighing out the pros and cons decided to do what she says. Duchess looks at the crowd with an eager look as if her job became slightly easier.

Dutches: now that I've proved I'm not all talk who's next that wants power come on now. I don't have all day. I've got a whole bunch of heads to kill and I'd rather know who I'm aiming for than go around shooting blindly.

A young blonde individual who is so drunk that he didn't even notice his glasses were crooked walks forward.

Blonde guy: I'm one of the few bank tellers in this town and my boss doesn't deserve his position. If you kill him for me or at least get rid of him, I will gladly serve you.

Will had points in the direction of a small manner down the street. Duchess looks to the lad then looks at the manor and smiles gleefully as she stretches down the street heading towards the house. Upon reaching the house she could say that the doors were firmly on the frame of the entryway and that the house see mostly untouched by the town's altogether bad atmosphere. She inhales once then raises her gun to the lock and shoots the lock off. She then knocks on the door open and starts shouting. Is there a bank teller in the house or a rather large and round individual a sends down from the stairs? Trying to answer the rude callings of an unwanted guest.

Round guy: who are you and what are you doing in my house? I don't know who if you know who I am, but I'm important enough that if I wanted to I could make half of the people in this town disappear and no one would care.

Get your stop for a minute about how serious or amazing that is when you consider how unfortunate this town is and how anyone would pay a bronze coin to make this town disappear. After thinking about it, she shoots a few times around the individual's body and then makes a clear statement.

Dutches: I am the rightful owner of Driftwood City. I've come to claim and clean up this town. Your very image disappoints me, but I'd rather not waste time killing. You get the hell out of town by tomorrow night or you're dead.

Before leaving should destroy the two vases at the entryway on her left and right, then cripple the butler before leaving. At that point, more people had been making requests and she had more bodies to stack up. By the end of the night. 21 people were either dead or heavily injured and the duchess sat at the center of town near the fountain catching her breath while drinking some probably polluted water. She looks to the people celebrating her entry into town and her initial changes then tell them.

Dutches: thank you for your support. It's good knowing that there are people who once what I want and starting tomorrow we will be getting down to the more serious and fewer fun parts of this. As for tonight, I'm going to find a place to lay my head.

As soon as she gets up to leave she meets eyes with the one she called Butler.

Butler: ma'am I have disposed of all the bodies as you requested and the clothing that I have removed. I have kept all the valuables in a bag and the ones that weren't valuable. I have another bag that I will proceed to sell tomorrow when the stores are open. It would appear that you don't have a place to stay tonight. If it pleases you, I will book a place in the hotel.

At that point, it was late in the day and the duchess didn't care anymore. So she nodded for him to do what he was doing and followed him to a less roughed-up motel and thus ended the night that changed it all. Let me get this new era for driftwood City.

The next morning duchess found herself in an unfamiliar room. Taking your time after just waking up. She took in the sights of the ceiling, The wooden boards supporting the roof. We're loose and being held up by duct tape and for whatever reason, the duct tape was held up by nails. It was quite the sight after feeling that staying under this ceiling is a health hazard. She decides to lift her head which guides are set to a mouse that is taking comfort against the wall while eating. Watching her, she could only assume that it had been there long before she woke up and was committed to staying where it was. The two had entered a staring contest of swords. Not sure which would break their focus off the other first but they're not coming at the door.

Butler: my lady you asked that I get you once everything has been straightened out and organized. May I come in?

Don't you start to yourself about who that could be and what they were talking about? She tried remembering what she did last night but it was drawing a blank. Then she tried to retrace her steps of what happened that day. The only thing she could remember was receiving her powers and killing a thief who I tried to mug her of her belongings in her carriage. After that everything was blank. She hadn't tried many different methods to grasp the situation she has found herself in. She knew not of where she was nor of who all she may or may not have, butted heads with things were quite tricky she was unsure of the situation so without thinking she reached for the Magnum. She had hidden under her skirt aimed at the door carefully and told the person to come in a man resembling a butler enters the room. His eyes were baggy and bloodshot from staying up all night running whatever those mysterious requests she had asked of him were thinking about it. She looked at him very carefully and said

Dutches: how far has the plan developed? Give me a full detailed explanation.

The young man looked at her as if he was being tested then went over everything that they did last night in detail starting with her entry into town from his perspective then going over all the instructions she gave all the people and how after he had helped her find a place to stay. She then instructed him to make sure that everyone does the things she asked of them without fail and let her know of anyone who failed to follow her instructions. Sure that she could take care of them. She looks at the mirror hanging over the closet and sees blood all over her collar and shoulders as well as her sleeves.

Dutches: how many people are dead so far?

He looked at her and confusion then responded.

Butler: only the 23 that you killed. Other than that I haven't heard or seen anybody's worth mentioning.

Touch your side on the fact that she killed 23 people and doesn't remember it. Then decide to get up and leave the room after giving another glance at the mouse. Who was so bold enough to stay sitting against the wall eating some mysterious object it found? Heading down to the player. The man at the desk creeps her as duchess a name that at first she didn't recognize. But then after considering the events of yesterday and what she does remember believes that to be her current name exiting the building. A lot of people are staring at her. Most are confused at why others are staring at them being drunk and not remembering the spectacle from last night. While others who were sober and experienced her wrath firsthand watched her movements in order not to anger. Her Butler guides heard back to the center of town. Where the people she had rounded up from last night waited for her. Not sure what to do. She decided to go with what felt natural and asked everyone to report their results like she did the well-dressed individual that she calls Butler.

The first to give their report was a well-built individual with dreads that she had placed in charge of a gang she took control of.

A person with dreads: after having gone around all night looking for all the members of the gang, we weren't able to inform the ones who were out of town at the time. But everyone who's currently in town is now aware that I am the leader and we answer to you. As for the other thing, you asked of us. We have currently managed to dispose of all the bodies from last night.

Duchess looks at the man uncertain of his name for any of the people. She's looking at names so she decides to ask him flat out.

Dutches: and what is your name?

He looked at her. Delighted that she asked and responded.

Breck: Breck mam, thank you for asking.

Dutches then smiled. Finally being able to grasp something of this situation.

Duchess: okay break sure last night I took the time to tell you what my goal is in this place. Why don't you state it for the rest of us so that I know you were paying attention?

With that, he looked at her as if he had been awarded some great honor then looked around and looked back at her and said.

Breck: your goal here and in driftwood City is to reclaim the territory that you purchased long ago so that you can then join the table of dukes and duchesses along with the king and then turn driftwood City into the great criminal City that you believe it can be. To do that, you must first organize the criminals and other residents of the city to make things The way you desire within a week, then gather all the funds the town has available to buy yourself an official position at the table today. Now that you've removed all the previous most likely corrupt figures that were once in power, you now wish to instill your figures. That answer only to you in power so that you can then focus on reforming the town itself while the figures you instilled focus on reforming their positions. Am I correct?

The duchess tried to hide her current state of mind as she realize the situation she was in. She then had the other individuals continue... To be continue