
Target Has Appeared

編輯: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lightning smiled. "Big Sister Qi, I know that you're excited. But we have to work together in order to make sure that we win this fight."

Even though they would really want to see how Tang Jinyu would beat her up, this was still a proper training session. They should not act rashly. 

Jian Qi smirked and nodded. "I'll try my best to hold back." 

Everyone smiled and continued to squat at the same place to discuss their plan. 

Jian Qi was assigned with another veteran. Considering that Jian Qi had not fully recovered yet, they decided that she would be the lookout and the veteran would be the sniper. 

Lightning and Lu Yao were assigned together while the other two veterans were paired up together. 

"We'll split up, but keep in touch…" 

Lu Yao instructed them accordingly and lastly he emphasized again, "Do not act rashly and stick to our plan." 

Everyone nodded and left hurriedly.