
lost my light with in my self

this stroy is about a men who finds his self in two worlds .one world bright.thy other world dark.he falls in love with someone who betrayed him and try to kill him but he calls out to his best friend from the Dark world to help him to only fall in love with him but can not have him.this young men name jones were so alone in his home world bright no one would look at him or wont to be around him cause of his father whom sells everything he could from every body and every were that he goes .one jones was out by a water fall crying and ask the god to send him one friend that would always be by his side.he fell asleep and when woke up there were this big white lion that was there jones ask is name the lion turn to a men and jones eyes got big.the Lion men say hello there my name is terry and im from a world that is dark.there with one look from jones he was in love.jones told terry his life Story and terry started to cry i will always be your friend .just call my name in i come .so terry ask jones to close his eyes and open and when he did they were in the dark world jones say this place looks so scared and cold terry day this is my home i only can bring you here for 24 hours after that you wont be able to breathe but doing this time you will have so much fun.and they did when it was time for jones to return to his bright world terry say when you feel alone just call my name and i come to you