
Between the top and bottom

After leaving a sound life in his world. The boy is forced to reincarnated to another world with magic. He is very angry and tries to escape this world, but can he achieve this ? Let's find out how is going to survive now !!

Cosmo_Qain_3853 · 都市
11 Chs

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"This boy is not even blinking what should we do now ? I think that we need to take him to the another doctor or else the thing might get worse. Your highness I am very sorry that I cannot do anything about this matter. "

" Ok Vaid ( Means doctor ) I will make preparations to get him treated . You may go now ."

" Yes your highness."

In a castle of a great king , a poor prince is suffering from trauma. His face is dead pale, he was trembling with fear and his face showed an intense pain of struggle. Something he cannot surpass , but after some time he became motionless as dead. Beside him a woman of around late thirties is standing , she is her mother. A worried look covered her face but as she sit close close to him her eyes changed ! Her black eyes changed to blue and her cornea expanded with three circles inside her eyes. The eyes seem very beautifull like a blue moon and three ripples of water around it. After some time her expression changed and she shook her head in dissapointment.

There are some female servants beside her wearing traditional blue clothes with identical jwellery. The queen is wearing none , but her dress is beautifully carved with golden and silver strings .


After some time :-


The poor boy opened his eyes and looked at the majestic queen beside her. He seemed confused a bit but after quick nick of time his thoughts cleared.

"Mother ?!" , he said in soft tone.

"Oh yes sweet heart , you are awake !, look at your poor face some unlucky charm has made such a thing happen".

This boy of 12 years old is prince of Ayodha empire. This empire is not the mightiest but it is expanding very quickly , His father emperor Ailish has expanded the Ayodha empire by 10 times in 25 years !! At a age of 17 he fought his first war. He has made what this empire is now. The man who established this empire as a means to protect the people in his town was his great grand father. Ayodha is city of lights and a century old history however this empire is still not reached its peak yet. Her mother is the daughter of Chola dynasty which is no less than Ayodha empire however in terms of history , connections and ties it reins above it .

Some peole think that King Ailish made ties with Chola dynasty in order to gain connections and set ties with other strong nations however some peole believe that Princess of Chola had chosen him in the 'Swayamvar ceremony' ( A ceremony where bride choses her husband . This special ceremony is held only for princess only )

King Ailish made his castle with white and red marble some people think that if you chip these marbel you will be very rich but these marbel are high quality stones , their values cannot be measured in gold or diamonds !!!!

As Silva wake up he panicked .

"What am I doing in this mansion ? Who is this lady ? She seem familiar but I do not know her , do I?

As he was struggling with these thoughts his head started to feel dizzy but this dizziness faded a moment after it.


The middle aged women hugged him and consolidated him , he was very afraid but he calmed down after the hug.

Some maids looked at him with worried expressions and gave him some medicine which he swallowed.

"It's ok dear , I have called the doctor he is arriving soon".

Silva has many questions but in his state he can't get any answer so he decided to take rest instead.

Queen have ordered one of her maid to call Vaid , after 15 minutes he arrived.

After inspecting his eyes and

hands he said , "Looks like he is out of danger now , I will inspect him tomorrow let him sleep.

In the middle of the night where the lamps are blinking , Vaid put his hands over his chest . The air around his hands radiated a yellow aura he said to queen , "His meridian have been healed his future is safe your majesty ".

Queen Elsa nodded and gave the signal to go . This gesture is unique to itself as it does not seem rude in any way like the natural one.

Silva is asleep now . He felt a warm sensation around his chest but that faded away shortly . In his mind he is struggling with two identities of himself.

" Who am I ? My name is Silva but what I saw seem familiar but I don't seem to know her , wait ! Is she my mom ! But my mom looks completely different. If this is me then who was Stuart. This is also me right , ohh !!! this is so confusing !

Stuart a bright student , everything about him is above average his scores are good but not the best in the class, his family runs a restaurant but its not 5 star restaurant but at least a decent one . His life was preety good , he was not athletic but loved soccer , he was happy but as he was treking with his friends in the mountains his hands slipped from the mountain and he felt unconscious ( Actually he died ). He had many things to gain in the future but he loosed it all.

His eyes opened , his pale face have somewhat recovered and he seem to be calmed down.

"Mom I am fine now , you should go to sleep . I know that you have been up for a long time". Silva said .

He wants to be alone for now , so her mother didn't bother much , she patted her sons head softly and left. She is a queen! She has to deal many other things, but altogether as she is a mother she has a soft corner for her son.

" Looks like I am fine for now. Ohh God ! My mind is going crazy now . What the hell happened ! Old people say that after life you will either go to hell or heaven but this is truly unexpected. This place is a palace and the queen is my mom , that means I am a prince right ?!! Looks like this place is not that bad. I know pretty much thing about this world too. I don't know but looks like the owner of this body died too .We must have exchanged souls. I know every thing about this boy , he is pretty spoilt but have good nature . Many poor things happened to him too, must be hard living a prince !

His thoughts ran wild. While thinking he made many strange faces if anyone saw this they will think that the prince had gone mad!

He fell asleep. In the middle of the night the moon is sparkling with grace as the moon light fell on the palace , the red lines appeared around it like a hologram. These things are the magical arrays formed around castle to protect it . Seem beutiful to see!!