
Not even a warm up


++ ANA ++


Ana took down the stairs slowly. The sound of her high heels echoed at her every calculated step. She passed by the Bitch Squad, who were acting like hyenas, and spoke to Camila from a distance. "There is plenty of free space at the back of this building. Let's go there."

"So what?" Camila replied, grimacing. "Are you expecting me to follow you? You're not in a position to—!"

But Ana ignored her every word while maintaining a steady pace to the designated space. Camila grunted out loud and followed her.

Ana could hear all of their bickering, their mocking comments, and their laughter while on their way there.

**Yeah, let's deal with this quickly…**

"How's your cheek?" Camila asked aloud, smirking, making the others chuckle.

"Fine." Ana shrugged. "How's your husband?"

Camila opened her eyes wide, and the girls gasped in unison. "There's no way she said that!"

"Quick, pull out your phone!"

"They've ssstarted to take a video of thisss." Ana's companion informed, peeking back over her master's shoulder. "What ssshould we do?"

"Let them," Ana whispered. "The rumors they have spread about me are way worse than whatever they could record here."

"You think this is funny?" Camila crossed her arms and balanced her weight on her right foot. "Ruining a marriage is funny to you? Just another regular day for a little slut like you?"

**We're just getting started, and the 'S' word has already been brought up.**

Ana took a deep breath before replying, "Just so you know, I never thought of my relationship with Mario to be funny, because to me it was like any other—"

"M-Mario?!" Camila shrieked while covering her chest with both hands.

"What? Too late to call him Mr. García now, don't you agree?" Ana said, shrugging, keeping a collected expression on her face.

"Is that how you used to call him?!" Camila shook her head and turned her gaze toward the group that had brought her there. Two of them were exchanging whispers while the third was busy recording the scene. "Hearing his first name coming out of your dirty mouth so casually is just plain sickening!"

"Hey, ma'am! You're the one who came here looking for some kind of closure!" Ana cried, folding her arms.

"The reason I bothered to come it's because I'm the adult here," Camila said, hiding her disturbed expression in an instant. "I wanted to tell you something, face to face." She sneered. "I don't hold a grudge against you anymore, do you know why?" As she spoke, a creature crawled out of her shadow and took physical form in front of her. A couple of seconds later, what once was a black silhouette materialized as a female antelope, with short pointy horns. "Because, thanks to you, I finally had an excuse to end my shitty relationship with him."

Ana studied the animal, which was ready to charge at her at the slightest provocation.

**If you just wanted to talk, why pull out that thing then?**

"Look at it, all proud and graciousss. It'sss pisssing me off," Ana's companion hissed anxiously. "I'm going to choke him to death!"

"Not yet," Ana whispered before replying to Camila. "So I was just an excuse, huh? There were already troubles in paradise before I even intruded in your life."

Camila chuckled. "Don't think too much about it, brat. What I'm saying is that you gave me the opportunity to be freed of that man… If I can even still call him that." She tossed her hair back. "He was stubborn, a compulsive hoarder, a loudmouth, and a fucking man-child… Yeah, that's the word I was looking for. So as I was saying, thank you so much for opening my eyes and making me notice the huge mistake I was making by keeping him in my life. Better things await me from now on, of that I'm very sure. I bet that after this incident, you've also learned a lesson or two, right?"

Ana lowered her head for a moment and her entire body trembled, which did not go unnoticed by the group of girls, who started giggling. But their mocking smiles faded at the sound of her soft giggling.

Camila squinted. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, sorry, sorry!" Ana showed her face again, this time holding a wide grin. "It's just that I find it curious that you listed all the things I found so attractive about him! That he's stubborn? Hell, yes! We could never agree on something and it made our conversations so interesting! Is he a hoarder? Well, he would always give me a figurine from his personal collection and tell me the story of how he got it, so maybe? A loudmouth? You bet! That's why the other teachers were wary of him, which was so delightful to behold. And a man-child? Pleaaase. You don't have to belittle him just because you didn't share his interests. As for me, I loved watching the new Godzilla movie with him! It was a blast!"

Camila listened to her every word while feeling a burning ache in her stomach. Her cheeks were bright red and her eyes looked like matches. "Could you be any more cynic, brat?!"

With that cry, Camila sent forth her antelope companion, which pointed its sharp horns towards Ana's chest, but something stood in its way. An elongated, thick creature, larger and heavier than any regular snake. An anaconda.

"I'm going to enjoy thisss!" she hissed, showing fangs not shared by its species, shielding its guardian from any attack.

"Let me get this straight," Ana started saying, forming fists. A glitter could be seen in her glaring eyes. "Just because you didn't get satisfied after slapping me this afternoon, you came looking for more? Well, bad news for you! If you were expecting to get out of this unhurt, you're fucking naïve!"


++ CAMILA ++


Both phantasmagorical animals clashed.

The anaconda was massive, slithering through the asphalt with great speed, but the graceful antelope jumped, dodging with ease.

The Bitch Squad snickered after watching Ana's dumb snake attacking like a mindless beast, while Camila's antelope leaped gracefully as a ballerina.

"This will end quickly," Cecy commented to her friends.

But Camila, who was getting sweaty hands, swallowed hard and did her best to keep a poker face.

For only three seconds.

"What is wrong with you!" she cried, not caring if her lady-like image was getting tarnished. "Why in the world are you fighting ME! With what nerve do you dare to face me after what you've done?! I am the one in the right here, you bi—!"

"So what?! Should I just stand still and let you humiliate me some more?! Sorry, but not this time!" Ana took one loud step forward, and Camila could swear that the sound of that heel drummed in her ears. "The only reason I didn't make a fuss at the campus was because I pitied you! I let you hit me so you could feel better with yourself since I wronged you. But you had to come here and demand more?! Well, guess what! You won't get a medal nor a consolation prize after this fight ends, I guarantee it!"

Camila's voice faded. She wanted to shout something, anything at the bitch who had made her life a nightmare, but a sight left her at a loss for words.

**Is it me, or does that snake look bigger than before?**

She stepped back, feeling that her jaw was trembling, until she noticed that her lost concentration had affected her antelope. The animal stood still, looking like prey in front of the huge reptile that little by little gained mass.

"W-wait just a minute, you…" Camila muttered, suddenly feeling dizzy.

"Do you consider yourself a heroine walking into the sunset after getting your rightful revenge against the adulterous witch?! Well, let me tell you something! I'm accustomed to being the evil bitch that ruins everyone's life, so I didn't even bat an eye after meddling in yours!"

**I… I need a break.** Camila shook her head, grabbing the cloth around her chest, feeling at a loss of air. She wanted to ask for a pause. She needed to regain her train of thought. But the now humongous, black snake in front of her was glaring at both master and spirit guardian.

Ana strolled forward, reuniting with her monster, invigorating it, making it hiss fiercely. Her eyes changed to scarlet red and her hair darkened to an almost black shade. "Just because I'm the villainess here doesn't mean I'll let you crush me, you hear?!" Ana cried, showing her canines at every shouted word. "You can't get rid of me, because I exist! I'm the damn embodiment or your broken marriage! You can't just sweep me under the rug, you know?!"

A sudden surge of anger and hatred filled Camila's chest. **After yelling all that nonsense, she doesn't look agitated or infuriated… Why? **

Camila examined Ana's collected mannerisms, her slim figure, her skinny but pretty legs, her tiny waist, her still immaculate youthful face.

**Oh, how I HATE HER!**

**She should look ashamed, torn apart, broken, begging for my forgiveness! Even though her eyes look filled with malice, she still looks fucking composed! Is that why you messed with this girl, Mario?! Because she was a delight to see and play with?! You fucking pervert!**

Camila's face got bright red and her hands arched and contorted like claws, begging for the opportunity to scratch her enemy's smug face. "Stop your barking for a minute, brat!" Camila shouted. "I didn't come here to listen to your—!"

Ana sighed. "Shut up, I'm done with you."

The anaconda leaned over the antelope and swallowed it whole, easily.

Camila's eyes opened wide. She stood there, speechless. **Wait, where did my Ego go?** She then fell to her knees, looking pale and exhausted.

"I don't want to see your face or hear your annoying voice again, understood?" Ana sentenced, turning her back to her.

"Yes, ma'am," Camila replied, absently staring forward at the nothingness. She then got up and made her way to the parking lot, feeling that her brain had been lobotomized.