
Chapter 68

A girl stands next to him, smiling as she tosses a wave of blonde hair over her shoulder. Kelly Perkins. She's in my second period and really, really friendly. I'm not sure what to do. Yell at her for talking to him? Remind her that we're dating? Be totally normal and try to ignore her obvious interest in my boyfriend? None of them sound right. None of them make me feel better because, after her, they'll just be another girl in her place.

Taking a deep breath, I walk over.

"That's so cool!" She laughs. "So, like, you just play whenever you want? You like, set your shows up?"

"It's not me."

"But you play?"

He nods.

"Hey." I glance between them.

Kelly breaks her strict focus on Alex to look at me, her features immediately souring. It's a look of surprise mixed with distaste...maybe even a little curiosity. Like she doesn't get it; she doesn't get why I'm standing next to him and not her.

"Hey," Alex nods, his eyes shifting from her to me. "All ready to go?"
