
Better Not Be Love

River Alecia Landon is a young author who excels at her profession. She has been a writer since high school and has received several awards. She was approached to debut as a scriptwriter at the age of 23, and from then she has never looked back. River had everything at such a young age, except a love life. In the industry, she has learned to live by herself, allowing no one in. Only then could she expect to survive. She kept her feelings hidden.... until he came... Eugene Sam Miguel was a regular guy who worked as an associate art director. He drew little to no attention and was considered a pushover by his superiors. That was before he met her. He assumed she was interested in him at first, but all she wanted was a one-night stand with him. He wasn't going to fulfil her desire; however, she wasn't going to give up without a fight. .................... "Eugene?" I whispered out his name, tasting it on my lips, and he visibly shuddered. "Yeah?" His voice was barely audible, and I liked the control I had on him. I clasped his hands again, if that was even possible, and stared him in the eyes with determination. "Sleep with me." ............

Parvdh1_ · 青春言情
56 Chs

Entry No : 94

I started working on the new movie today. The location is beautiful, but everyone still ignores me. Probably because of my ethnicity, or I am just overthinking.

Tonight, there is a party. At first, I considered cancelling, but doing so would mean giving up on socializing. I guess I will make an attempt to interact with some people. I can't always hide.


Even though I had already written today, I felt the need to enter this.

At the party, I overheard the Director making offensive remarks about the writer. He said he was going to bang her tonight. He was an old guy, and I felt sorry for the young woman. Someone told me she's a newbie. I tried to stay out of their business, but I couldn't help myself and ended up near his hotel room. I thought of just warning her, but it was too late. The girl has already walked into the room.

I waited for a while, ready to intervene if she made any noise. But no sound was heard. And I naturally assumed she was fine with it. However, I heard 'him' scream. A hotel boy came racing from the other end before I could move, and I hid behind a window drape.

I saw the girl emerge from the room, and she walked ahead, gesturing something to the errand boy on her way. She had blood on her clothes, but she didn't look hurt. She seemed nonchalant.

The guy dashed in, and the Director reappeared. He was bleeding from a gash on his head. I did not know exactly what was going on, but he kept cursing at her while being escorted to the elevator. He threatened to kill her and destroy her career. She must have struck him.

When the hallway was empty again, I followed the girl who had taken the emergency exit. She didn't go to her room; instead, I watched her go to the rooftop and sit on the parapet. She got out her phone, and I believed she was about to call the cops. However, she turned on some music and literally laid down on the edge, gazing up at the sky. She even hummed along the lines.

I have never seen someone so cool before.
