
Thirty Six

Clark's POV

"Sir, sir…" I called out as I headed into Mr Matthew's office

Even if Mr Matthew was impossible sometimes, I would very much like to keep my job!

"What happened?", He asked, a huge scowl on his face as he raised his head from his laptop.

He should really stop looking at his screen that way. Ughh! All that radiation!

I pointed the phone towards him, mouthing 'Mr Austin'

Seeing that they were on a conversation, I took the cue and stepped out of his office.

I pushed my glasses further up my nose as I headed towards my office.

You're probably wondering how I got in touch with this man in under fifteen minutes.

Well, I mean it's no big deal that I called his phone till his lockscreen wallpaper had been changed to a clear picture of missed calls and unopened texts from me.

I mean its no hassle, it isn't like the man I've been trying to call won't give me the stink eye when I happen to be around him next time.

No, I mean it, no trouble!

After all, I have a fat paycheck that makes me turn a blind eye to all my outrageous deadlines.

Of course I have no idea of what they had said on the phone!

I mean I would still know eventually, after I have been stink faced!!!

Elle's POV

You know, seeing him… Alex!

I mean the captain, with the other lady, being touchy and happy, I won't lie, it kinda hurts.

I mean it hurts a lot.

I was never the girl to always be interested in every guy that's attractive. Chill I'm really not like Trisha!

But, I just liked him for some reason.

Well now that that's over, I wonder what I'll do to get over such a heartbreaking moment.

When we got back to the station, I looked around for some reason.

Apparently, a very stupid reason because, obviously he wasn't going to be around. He took a day off.

That ruined my mood even more, and so I just kept sighing, till I noticed.

You know, it's different when someone noticed such a new pattern in your behavior.

But when you actually noice that yourself, you must have done that a lot.

For some reason, the general room which was usually bussing with phone calls, grumpy officers on cases, funny dad jokes and much more was awfully quiet today.

Like a phone call in two hours kind of boring!

I just couldn't wait to finish my shift before I go out and drink with my best girl.

You know maybe it was a very bad idea to repeatedly dwell on that thought.

I walked out of the station, not really willing to do anything except drink alcohol.

"Hello!", I said, after picking up Trisha's phone calls.

"Hi baby! How was your day? Did you and the cute captain go for lunch?!", She asked completely oblivious to everything that I had seen in one day.

"Well, it wasn't what we thought. Look, I'm coming over, and I'm staying the night! Help me call mom, I'm just not in the mood to talk!" I replied, slamming my car door shut.

"Oh my God, he wasn't… aww baby! Come over real quick! I'm also heading home right now!", She said before she hung up the call.

I sighed once again.

Sometimes, I doubt Trisha is a witch, because how the fudge did she know that I got off work at this time. She didn't even know about my shift.

I got to her house and the crazy girl dragged me to sit in the living room to "sit and talk about my problems over a little alcohol!"

I don't even know why I still trust the girl sometimes, I mean this girl is like batshit crazy!!

Well, I mean what she described as "a little alcohol" exceeded said description.

We drank quite a lot and cried while we were at it!

Our love lives were desperate for a much needed glow up.

We slept in the living room, and then we woke up in the living room.

After we had Mama's hangover soup we felt better, but that didn't stop us from dressing ourselves up to get drunk again.

Wow! two nights in a row!!

Such a model attitude for a police officer!!

Well, we did it regardless, and we got our before it was too wild.

At least I was sober enough to get out of there before someone took a picture of me in a club, dancing with reckless abandon.

I mean, a girl just wanted to have fun, but I wasn't willing to sacrifice my career.

As we were leaving the club, I was ordering for a designated driver. Like I said, I wasn't willing to ruin my career.

As we waited by Trisha's car waiting for the designated driver, I fought with myself to stay sober and not a little tipsy because, I didn't wanna beleive my eyes seeing Alex coming out of his car across the street!

"Trisha Im going to tell you something but you can't look in that direction!", I said facing Trisha, and looking everywhere except what looked like a livid Alex walking towards us.

"What, what is that!?", She asked, grabbing her purse properly, her gaze unfocused.

"Alex, he's here, and he's waking towards us!", I said

"What, Alex, where?!", Trisha asked, looking around till she found Alex.

What kind of girl is she, I mean I clearly told her not to look.

He was very close now, and I had already spotted the designated driver.

"Oh Alex, hi!", She said slapping his arm, still drunk of course.

"What are you doing out here? Wearing that?!", He asked as he tried to help Trisha get in the car.

"I don't have to answer to you when it comes to my private life!", I said, mustering the coldest voice I had.

Honestly, it hurt so much, yes, even after all the alcohol, but I'm just going to steer clear of him, like till I know I'm not feeling anything!

I walked to the passenger side, sitting gracefully and slamming the door shut.

I exhaled slowly as I convinced myself, 'I needed this!'