
Thirty Four

Trisha sat up, taking off her glasses. She'd been working all morning and the disruption of her phone seemed to be a nice distraction.

Something to get her away from the amount of paperwork she had to go through.

As she looked to see who was calling, she wasn't surprised to see the private number that was calling her phone.

Trisha's POV

I had been expecting this call for a while now. Finally, the private investigator had something for me!

That money that Dave and Adriana absconded with…

I wasn't going to let them enjoy it one bit.

Even if they did, I'm going to make sure they pay it all back.

Mom and dad worked for that money before dad died.

And just cause mom fell in love doesn't mean she has to let go of all her hardwork.

I was going to make sure he returned all that money, it belonged to my family.

But first, I needed to find that sick son of a bi***

And that's why I hired Mr McLaren, to help me find him.

"Hello!", I said picking up the phone.

"Good morning miss Callister!", He said replying my greeting.

"So, any updates, have you found him?!", I asked, getting right to the topic.

"Well, no, but I did call to tell you I was able to get his purchase history for the last month along with his… multiple locations!"

"What do you mean by multiple locations!?", I asked confused.

"Turns out Mr Dave and his daughter have been using your family's money to go on a world tour. He's been spending quite a lot, honestly!", He said.

"Do you know where he is!?", I asked, cursing the coward ten times in my head.

"He was last seen in an airport in the Philippines. As soon as I'm done with this call, I'll track his next location and head there. I'll also send you all the information I've procured so far!",

"Okay, thank you. Bye!", I said cutting the call.

Dave and Aurora sure had guts to spend someone else's money like theirs.

I got a notification on my email and proceeded to open it. I already knew who sent the email, but what it contained…

This duo had gone to half the countries in the world with someone else's hard earned money.

Flying first class everytime they left one country to another.

I don't think infuriation could cover how I was feeling at the moment.

I don't think I want to tell mom or anyone about this, what would she think?

That the damned man left her and stole all her money because he was hungry for a damned world tour.

She would start blaming herself, and I don't want that.

He was a scum and she was nothing but a kind hearted and beautiful lady, the best mother in the world.

And because of that, I am going to keep this to myself.

But what if Mr McLaren finds him? What am I going to do with him? Am I going to kill him? I don't think it's legal to kill someone.

Of course it's not legal to kill someone, so what am I going to do with him then.

I just feel so angry and I want him to suffer for what he did to mom.

I think I know the best person to tell, of course everything here on out is legal!

I promise!

I was going to call Aunt Hermione.

I mean she wouldn't be so happy knowing I'm doing this alone and I'm keeping it from my mom, but, if you think about it, what I'm doing is good, kinda, right ?

Since mom is too kind hearted to take revenge on that coward, I was going to do it for her, and I didn't mind. I take full responsibility.

[Am I the only one that thinks Trisha is bat shit crazy!?]

Paula's POV

Watching Dave leave, sending me the divorce papers weeks later and taking everything me and Martin worked for, I felt utterly devastated.

Like I was a piece of trash.

It became even worse seeing people I regarded as friends making me the laughing stock.

Forgetting everything we shared in common just because I lost all my money.

Quite honestly, I wasn't sad about losing the money, It didn't really matter to me.

What I cared about even when I knew I shouldn't, were the taunt that followed, the gossip and the names they tagged me with.

I wasn't any of them, especially not a whore.

And even if I'm starting to let go of all that hate and negativity, its just something I won't easily forget.

Because of that, I chose to do something that makes me happy , something that made my heart sing.

And that was why I was here in this NGO, donating the little I had to make sure these kids don't go back to the life they lived.

No one deserved that, no one deserved to be hurt.


"Did Austin call back?", A man asked as he left a conference room walking towards the private elevator headed for the 30th floor.

"Negative Mr Grayson!", The other man in a suit following closely behind replied him.

"Alright let me know when he calls back. I might need to smack his head when he gets back!", Mr Grayson replied as the elevator dinged open.

"Uhm sir?", The other man called out as he could barely keep up with his boss.

"He isn't sure he's coming back soon!", He continued.

Only then did Mr Grayson stop and turn back.

"Get me through to him in 15 minutes. I want a video call!", he said turning back and walking towards his office.

'How am I supposed to get this man to pick my calls, he hardly ever uses his phone!', the assistant thought, frustrated now more than ever because of the latest task his boss had assigned him.

Clark sighed pushing his glasses to sit properly on his nose before walking to his office.


Hi guys, Tomi here…

If you noticed, I changed the name of Paula's lawyer.

I also added a new character, wanna guess where he fits in?

Do that in the comments

Don't forget to support the book y'all