
Best Of The Best Billionaire

Ethan Mo is the heir to the Diamond Group, World's largest company. But disappointed in his materialistic ex-girlfriend, Ethan runs away from his family to find his true love in J City. Ethan finds Lidya Watson, a young stockbroker girl with a bright future but, because Ethan remembers his past failures, Ethan decides to test Lidya's love for him. Ethan hides his identity despite being insulted by Lidya's family and friends. Can Lidya pass Ken's love sincerity test? Will their relationship survive the turmoil?

Righting_For · 都市
34 Chs


This big change began when Romel, Lidya's father, reached out to Gabriel and Natasya, Ardy's father and mother. After Gabriel and Natasya were beside Romel, Romel began his words.

"Look, in this series of events my beloved mother's birthday, I will insert a happy news from my family that we want to share with all the attendees here."

Romel paused his words for a moment and after that he said, " My wife and I and Mr. Gabriel and his wife have agreed for a long time to connect our close friendship for decades with the Union of our children.

"What?" Lidya was strangled. Lidya recalled that since long time, Romel and Esy already some say that Lidya has been betrothed since childhood with children from friends Romel and Esy but, that's all delivering Romel and Esy to Lidya.

Lidya had already refused when her parents told Lidya about it. Lidya thought, the arranged marriage was just a rumour or Lidya thought the arranged marriage was not passed on because there were no further words from Romel and Esy.

But, it turns out that after so long the news about Lidya's match disappeared, suddenly the news about the arranged marriage was heard again and unmitigated, the news about the arranged marriage. immediately announced in front of many guests without consulting First with Lidya.

And what was even more surprising for Lidya was the fact that a soul mate for Lidya already for a long time buzzed by Romel and Esy it and for a long time kept secret Romel and Esy of Lidya it turned out to be the most annoying guy in the eyes of Lidya, namely Ardy. Lidya's surprise became more, considering the fact that this announcement, occurred when Lidya had just officially dated Ethan, a charming cleaning service that had long been liked Lidya.

This made Lidya's heart rebel, for a long time she did not accept this arranged marriage, especially after she found out who her soul mate was. Now, he increasingly does not accept because it turns out that his soul mate is a sickening arrogant man.

Lidya's heart increasingly revolted with the fact that she had found the figure of the man she had been looking for in Ethan. Although Ethan was only a cleaning service, but, for Lidya, Ethan was much better than the arrogant Ardy.

At this time, imperceptibly, Lidya stared at Ardy who was standing on the left wing. Ardy seemed to smile at her. Smile of victory as if Lidya was an item and Ardy had managed to win it in an auction.

That's what Lidya saw at this time in Ardy's gaze and Lidya was so sick of Ardy gazed that she couldn't help herself anymore, she immediately shouted, "No!"

Romel immediately glared at Lidya after Lidya shouted this because for Romel, Lidya's cry, connotes insulting Ardy, Gabriel and Natasya. "Shut Up, Lidya! Don't be embarrassed!"

Then Romel looked at Gabriel and Natasya and said, "Lidya has actually agreed to this marriage for a long time. It's just that he wasn't told, so, knowing that he was a little shocked. He he."

"It's okay, Mr. Romel. The important thing is, Lidya already knows about this now and Ardy is also being. I'm ready to lead our company, so it's better for him to get married so that he can be more stable when he becomes my successor later."

"Ha ha ha . Listen, Lidya. It turned out that the candidate your husband will be the Big Boss in our office. So, you ..."

"I don't care!" Lidya immediately pulled Ethan's hand to get him out of the house.

Ethan obeyed Lidya's invitation. He instantly following that very sad-looking Lidya.

"My papa lied. I never agreed to this arranged marriage that he arranged long ago, even I strongly opposed this arranged marriage from the beginning and until whenever. Especially since I have to match with that arrogant humanist like Ardy, huh!"

Ethan nodded, tongue-tied. He still hadn't have a solution that he could say to Lidya, therefore, he could only be silent, Ethan patted Lidya's back for just gave consolation to Lydia because he couldn't say anything to comfort Lidya.

Although Ethan followed sadly the announcement made by Romel. But, Ethan was overjoyed to see the sad expression on the face Lidya, because that means, Lidya was really not want this match.

Ethan was happy in her sadness, because with Lidya's sadness, it meant that Lidya did love Ethan, just as Ethan loved Lidya.

"Take your hands off my fiancee." There was a voice behind Ethan, So Ethan and Lidya immediately turned their bodies back to find the origin of the sound.

It turned out that the voice was the Ardy accompanied by two loyal followers, Alex and Harry.

Ethan did not see Haras since earlier because it seemed that after being thrown into the ditch by Ethan, Haras seemed to go straight home and never come back.

"Get your hands off my fiancee!" Ardy repeated his words because Ethan did not also lower his hands from Lidya's back.

"I'm not your fiancee!" Lidya retorted. "I don't want to be your fiancee."

"Our parents have arranged our engagement. Even today, they are looking for a good day for our wedding." Ardy smiled triumphantly.

"That's not going to happen. I do not agree and do not can anyone force me to marry you!" Lidya stressed.

"Including your parents?"

"Yes, including them. I am their child but, they have no right to impose their will, this is my life, I will live, I will choose my life companion, not them! I prefer Ethan!" Lidya stressed again.

Lidya's words were so sweet to Ethan's ears, that he immediately looked at Lidya warmly, Ethan seemed to fly into space with Lidya's words.

"Unless you don't want to marry me," Lidya said as she continued to stare at Ethan.

"You are the only woman I want to marry." Ethan looked at Lidya, Two Hearts United, four hands clasped each other affectionately as if the world belonged to both of them. They both looked at each other until they forgot Ardy.

Ardy was very angry with the intimacy displayed by Lidya and Ethan in front of his eyes, so Ardy said, "Poor thing, this is your last meeting because starting tomorrow, Ethan I fired from office."

"YOU MUSTN'T BE CARELESS!" Lidya snapped, worried about the fate of Ethan.

"I am. But, I love you very much, Lidya."

"I won't!" Lidya sneered.

"Let's bet tomorrow to fight for Lidya, the fight of the two of us tomorrow, is the determination. If I win, break off your engagement to Lidya. If I lose, I'm willing to be fired and no longer see Lidya, how?"