
Chapter 39: Reality

Anthony only dropped his jaw.

"Jesus Christ."

A hand grasped his shoulder only to be Gwen.

"Hey. It's alright; you're here. " Gwen said softly, locking her green eyes with the boy's evading brown ones. "That's what matters."

Sunny appeared, rubbing his back and getting a raised brow from Gwen.

"I'm sorry, but this Omni-Vex. What does it do?" Blue looks to Pearl. "Or is it like some virus of sort?"

"I don't believe it's contagious. If that was the answer. These two or Max would follow suit."

"He can change just like the Omnitix." Garnet voiced, looking at the giant woman. "By so. There's Edge. The symbiote. Red Riot. Rogsapien. And many more. But we didn't get the chance to see it."

"I'm sorry." Gwen cuts in. "To interrupt. Can someone take me to where my cousin and grandpa were taken too?"

Yellow Diamond nodded to the Yellow Pearl, who bowed.

"Right this way, Miss?" Yellow Pearl voiced while Gwen gazed at the yellow pixie cut styled up to a point. Yellow Pearl opened her hand to the large bronze door.

"Uh. Gwen."

"It's not too far. Uh. Gwen." They exited the room together.

"White." Steven squinted his eyes on White Diamond, who locked onto the boy. "Are you forgetting something?"

"Like what?" She blushed.

"Pink." Steven's eyes bounce to White Pearl, staring in the distance with an unwavering smile.

"Oh, uh. Right! Right. It's a habit." Her smile quickly dropped, as did the color, revealing Pink Pearl staggering.

Blue Pearl caught her arm.

"What's happening?" Pink Pearl looked around with her good eye to Steven approaching the two.

"White. She had you under her thumb again. White!" Steven raised his voice, making White Diamond drop her gaze.

"I'm genuinely sorry. Would you forgive me?" White eyes bounce to Pink Pearl, rising to her feet and down the white-decorated floor.

"Aw. I can never stay mad at you, White." Pearl Pink waved her hand. "But, please give me a heads up if you wanna do it again."

"There won't be a next time." Steven glared while White sunk deeper to the floor.

"Anthony." Yellow diamond gathered the boy's attention. "Is this the right time to demonstrate your capabilities?"

"Yeah, I'm alright." Anthony nods to Sunny, who stops. "What do you want me to do?" 

"However you like."

"Alright." The boy closes his eyes, and soon his body vibrates to a blur, revealing Grid.

He dashed between the giant's diamonds, leaving a blue line before standing in the opened ballroom.

Grid visor drops, revealing the blue speedster. The blue speedster's white eyes lock on the group of gems and Sunny, who stare wide-eyed and blankly.

"This is Ben's alien, but I called him Grid." Grid dashed from one side of the ballroom to another. He continued this, leaving multiple lines across the ballroom as big as three football fields.

He stops in the center before being engulfed in a fire cyclone. It burst, revealing Nova.

"Nova." The firey humanoid pulled his fists to his hips. He performed two strikes, delivering a burst of fire from his fists. Before landing a sidekick. "Rah!" He spins on his heels before performing a backflip. A line of flames followed before vaporing.

"Whew! What else can you do?" Amethyst shouts while Diamonds all raise their brows.

The fire burst reveals Will shaking his hands and stretching his legs.

"What's he doing?" Steven asked, only to get no reply from Sunny, who remained focused on the boy who had taken a knee.

"Ok," Anthony said under his breath. "I hope this doesn't kill me." He breathes out.

The boy grew to the size of an adult man, only to continue.

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa." Amethyst and Pearl took a step back.

Will's clothes dive within his skin, only to reveal a tight white suit with a design of blue spikes pointing from the limbs and towards his slim chest. Blue frills form along his wrist and curve behind his elbows. Another formed along his head.

A solid white eye looks down at them. A long claw mark rides along his right eye towards his thin lips.


Way Big Will= Consequential


"Oh, my stars." Pearl covered her mouth while Steven stared wide-eyed.

Consequential remained at a knee, running his white-gloved fingers along his closed eye. He draws it back before staring at the tall and wide-eyed Diamonds.

The giant stood tall, remaining the same height as the diamonds.

"A To'kustar." Blue Diamond spoke while the diamonds approached him.

"To'kustar?" Consequential weighted voice spoke.

"I saw one a few thousand years ago. I grew curious if there was an edge of space." Blue diamond poked Consequential's lean right arm before gently raising it. "My Pearl and I came to see one. It was grey, bulkier." White diamond and Yellow diamond kept their distance, studying the giant. "It briefly grew hostile, but thank the stars, it was patient."

"Wait, there's an edge of space?" Steven raised his voice while the group slowly followed towards the towering giants.

"Indeed. And it was pretty unsettling. Imagine you're soaring through space only to see a line in the void. Where you are floating, there's evidence of life while in front of you. It's just black."

"I've been there for a few moments only for a To'kustar to arrive from the darkness. I didn't allow it to get near before I returned to where I came." Yellow Diamond rubs her chin.

"Hey! Hey!" The four giants look down at Pink Pearl leaping off the ground. "Up! Up!" Consequential takes a knee, locking his one eye on the group of Gems and Sunny. Pink Pearl leaped on his white palm before taking her seat on his shoulder.

"Woah! We're so high up! I could never get a chance with the diamonds." Looking down at Steven and the others, she kicks her pink leggings about before waving. "Hey! Pink!"

"It's Steven. And please get down from there." Steven plead.

"Hey, uh, W. If there's any more you'd like to show us, this is a good time." Amethyst waved her hand.

"If Peridot was here, she would flip." Garnet voiced.

"Of course she would." Pearl rubs the bridge of her pointy nose.

"Come on. Off you go." Consequential opened his palm to the Pink Pearl, wearing a pink and dark rose midriff-like top.

"Aw! But, you promise me a walk." Pink Pearl takes her place on the floor with Steven and the others.

"Of course." The giant grunts his teeth, holding his head.

"Will! Get out of that form! Right this instant!" Pearl points to the shrinking giant, revealing Anthony on his knee.

"Hey. You alright?" Steven questioned while he and the others hovered over, wincing Anthony.

"I'm alright. Just got a headache."

"Here." Pearl summons a bottle of pills and a water bottle.

The boy takes it wincing.

"It's so cold."

"You don't like it?"

"No. This is perfect."


In the laboratory, a green metal arm-like device hangs from the ceiling, wielding away at the upside-down dial held together by a silver clamp.

Sparks flew, and Albedo kept his eyes on the screen, getting a close-up of the crack getting burnt shut. His right-hand moves within a bubble of blue light.

"Is there anything to cool it down?" Albedo asked, not turning back on the crowd of ten behind him, which included Max, Phil, Benita, Peridot, and the Homeworld Peridots.

"The ring finger has a gel agent. Give it a moment, then the middle to shave it down." The Peridot with the limb enhancers points.

"Noted." Albedo acknowledged applying the gel before standing back and letting out air. "The hard part is out of the way."

The peridots clapped.

"Astonishing!!" A peridot raised her voice.

"Given the short time, you can use Gem tech well." Another voiced.

"Is it given that one minor slip-up could blow this lab to a mess?" A peridot with a gem implanted on her cheek raised a brow. "And yet, we're here marveling at his work like school girls."

"A risk I'm willing to take."

"Azmuth is proficient to have you." Peridot looks into Albedo's eyes, to him wiping the sweat from his head. 

"Thanks for your gesture. But all of this goes to my master of the craft."

"There's a saying on Earth. More leaning of what Steven taught me." Peridot raised a finger with a smirk. "Teach a person to buy a fish. Goes a long way. Teach a person how to fish. Goes a lifetime."

"I'll keep. That in mind." Albedo smirked before gazing at Max and the others. "Peridot. If you and your team."

"Oh! Of course!" She pushed her counterparts from the table. "Out! Out! You heard the galvan!"

"Ow! Hey! Stop!! I didn't give him my emergency contacts!" The sliding door closes behind them, leaving Max and the others.

Albedo let out a breath.

"I thought they'd never be gone."

"Did you fix it?" Benita questioned.

"Of course. Given enough time, it should be in working order." Albedo frowns his brows. "And given the fact the domestic abuse among the Omnitrix is noted. But I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. You should treat the device like it's your grandpa. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." Benita looks to the floor with a sigh.

"Now. Let's get to the gritty part." The mid-age-Galvan looks at Max and Phil. "I don't know if your granddaughter is either the luckiest or too young to understand, but due to the damage, it should initiate a countdown or possibly a yellow glass icon alerting me to make my arrival. Since it was knocked out, I must make some repairs." 

"You're telling me she's carrying a silent bomb?" Phil cocked his head, squinting his eyes.


"And why in the hell are you giving it to Max?!"

"You don't talk to him that way!" Benita shouts at Phil.

"Kid. Do me a favor. Buzz off."

"Phil." Max glared at his partner before staring at Benita. "You too, let him speak."

"As I was saying." Albedo pressed his fingers together. "Due to that feature being knocked out, and the dial constantly jamming is due to lack of care the girl put in it, not only that. The outside force that caused this damage will make this a bomb, not only a silent one but an Initiating one. That could only take this room and also the entire universe." 

"Wait, excuse me?" Phil shook his head. "You-"

"I lied." Albedo cut him off. "I don't need this to spark another gem war; not only that, but I also don't need to include my people."

"I don't understand." Benita chuckled with a smile. "Can you dumb it down?"

"Ok." Albedo sucks in his lips. "Either of those slams before meeting me could have erased this entire universe."

Benita bites her lips, looking at Max before staring at the door.

"Ben?" The ex-plumber kneels, locking his green eyes with Ben's, who only wandered. "Benita. We're here. You possibly wouldn't known. Do you hear me?"

"Yeah. Um." She pulled Max's large hand away from her before patting it. "I think. I'm going to go." Ben cracks a smile. "To collect myself. Is all." She heads for the door.

"Ben," Max said under his breath, watching his granddaughter walk past the Peridot's. Gwen pokes her head into the laboratory. "Go after. Your cousin." Gwen squinted her eyes before following an order.

"Uh. Gwen. The laboratory is this way!" Yellow Pearl speedwalks after pasting the door.

"Uh. What's going on?" Peridot entered the room.

"She just needs some time to collect herself." Max raised to his feet, eyeing Phil, looking at Albedo.

"You know what you have to do." Phil voiced.

"Excuse me?" Albedo raised a non-existent brow.

"My partner has enough on his plate. Better yet, he is not in a suitable mind space to carry such a burden. Once you're done, I'll take the watch."

"I have, you know. Our deliverer has yet to show themself. The protective shell is damaged, and so is the Omnitrix, for anyone like yourself who would weld or protect it wouldn't comprehend the damage inflicted."

Albedo gazed blankly at Phil, staring back. "Was there an added equation? Yes. Did we solve it? Also yes. So, you don't have the right to make DEMANDS! WHEN YOU SHOVE ME IN A CONTAINER FILLED WITH FROZEN TASTY LIQIUDS!" He roared before turning back to the watch dial on the table. "Unlike you. Maxwell has the brain capacity to talk it out while you brute force everything like an undeveloped Arachnichimp."

Phil remained quiet, locking on the Galvan.


"I don't want to hear it." Phil cut Max off, biting his lip and breathing through his nose. "I'll tell you this, Galvan."

"It's Albedo. You tool!" Peridot shouts.

"Stay out of this. I mean it." Phil points.

"Or what?" Peridot crossed her arms. "You'll laser me with your eyes? Possible use of the iron on your hip? Come on, cowboy, I'm standing right here!"

"Peridot." Max squinted his eyes.

Phil points at Albedo's back. "You tell your Azmuth. When that watch falls into the wrong hands. He'll be sorry."

Phil leaves the room.

"I doubt. It." Peridot remarked.


"Ben." Gwen jogs after speedwalking Benita. "Ben. Wait up."

"Leave me alone." The girl passed a group of Amethyst's walking down the yellow corridor.

"I would, but you're currently wandering around a planet filled with species that are not your own." Gwen remark.

"The skin complexion, the height, the technology, strength, and agility are easy to spell. We're clearly superior." Yellow Pearl shrugs.

Benita turns on her heels.

"Pearl or Yellow. Whatever. I need some air."

"But you breathing just fine."

Benita's shaky hand rubs the bridge of her nose.

"She means. If you have a balcony or somewhere Outdoors." Gwen answered, getting a nod and a raised finger from Yellow Pearl.

"I don't normally accept second requests, but since I'm in a good mood. I'll allow it. Come along."

The children followed Yellow Pearl, avoiding gazes and waving at a few friendly gems before arriving at a yellow door that slid open upon their arrival. 

They entered a nearly lit room. A yellow bed was on their left, and space on the wall above it stretched to the large window at the end of the room, giving off a white light. 

"This is not entirely the outdoors, but this should do." Yellow Pearl stood aside, allowing Benita and Gwen in. They gazed at the grey walls on their right. "Just knock on it twice, and will soon release a booth."

Benita eyes locked on the white light ahead, eyeing a white glowing shattered planet surrounded by two rings.

"What happened?" Gwen questioned, brisking in the glowing light. Benita was staring out the window.

"Our planet is slowly and yet steadily coming to an end." Yellow Pearl answered, staring out the window. The Tennysons look up at Yellow Pearl with her hands behind her back. "To give or take. Twenty to thirty years. Earth or either a few closer will be our substitute." She looks down at them. "If that's alright with you two, of course."

"I don't mind." Gwen voiced while Benita only looked back at the planet.

"Alright," Yellow Pearl sighs before standing by the open door. "I'll be out here when you're ready." She takes her leave.

Gwen looked back at Benita, planting herself on the gray floor. She rested her arms on her knees, staring out the window at space and Homeworld.

Gwen planted herself beside her cousin. She eyed Benita, not gazing back.

"Can you leave me alone?" Benita questioned.

"I'm afraid. You can't get rid of me that easily." Gwen smirked. "Can't a girl enjoy the view?"

Benita remained quiet, making Gwen's smile waver. They stared out the window together.

Eyeing the bright stars and pieces of rock scattered away from Homeworld.

"Gwen." Her orange-haired cousin only remained. "Please." Benita croaks. Her wincing breaks through the silent room, getting Gwen's eyes. "Please!" she wailed, hiding between her legs.

"Benita?" Gwen watched Ben's back rise and fall before clenching a handful of her brown hair. She eyed the floor below and saw it collect droplets of liquids.

"Please!" Ben's voice shakes.

Gwen planted a hand on Ben's arm, only for her to pull away. She spins on her butt, facing the bed on her left. Her sobs filled Gwen's ears while she could only watch.

Benita's wet eyes remained glued to the floor, taking breaths and wailing.

Gwen's legs settled out and around Ben's, her chest pressed against Ben's back, her arms around her waist.

Ben's orange-haired cousin hugged her from behind, resting her face on her neck, and tightened her hug.

Not saying a word, she only listened to Benita's cries.


Now, in the silent and nearly lit room. Benita and Gwen remained within each other embraced.

Gwen raised her head, looking at the yellow bed before them.

"Why don't you listen to me?" Benita glared at the floor with red eyes. "You're so annoying."

"You should thank a certain someone." Gwen chuckled lightly. "But, it would've been better if you led off with."

"Gwen. You did a good job."

"Stop!" Benita slaps the voice recorder from her sight, getting a smile from Gwen. "I swear! I can't stand you."

"Hey. I normally don't get compliments from you, so I'll take what I can." She pinched Ben's cheek.

"Gah! Alright!" Benita slaps her hand away.

"But, Ben." Gwen hugs Benita's back once more. "I don't mean to scare you. You know?... I learned my lesson." Gwen hugs Ben tighter, getting a light hand pat from Benita. 

"I know, " she croaked before clearing her throat. "You can get off me now." Benita chuckled before rising to her feet with a grunt. "This is getting rather depressing. I hope Albedo has a shot to get rid of all of the cooties I got from you." Her red eye looked over her shoulder at Gwen, who was also rising to her feet, her gaze never leaving her cousin. She looked away, taking a breath. "Let's get back to Grandpa."

Benita heads for the door, followed by Gwen. The metal door slid open to Yellow Pearl across from it, standing straight with her hands intertwined.

"The laboratory. Is waiting."

"Lead the way." Benita smiled, pointing her opened hand down the yellow corridor.

They paced down the empty hall. Gwen pulled out her flip phone.

no service


"Uh. Yellow Pearl?" Gwen questioned.

"Hmm? Yes?" Yellow Pearl gazed and remained ahead.

"What time is it now? On Earth?"

"Ten-thirty am. Given the fact. You two were in that room about twenty."

"Right. Thanks."

"Hey. YP." Benita starts.

"It's Yellow Pearl." The yellow gem voiced.

"Right. Uh. What do you think of your job? You know. Looking after Yellow Diamond."

"If you mean I like how everything is in order. Yes. I've been ensuring Homeworld stays that way even after Pink's debate."

"And what do you do for fun?"

"My defined vision for fun is doing my job while looking good." Yellow Pearl smirked, pressing her hand on her flat chest. "Even in this Era, I will show My diamond. I will not falter due to some simplistic idealogy."

"I bet. You're the best of the three." Benita remarked.

"Pssf! Pardon?!" Yellow Pearl smiled with a yellow blush. "We all have our static, but I checked all the boxes for the majority. Besides, I see what you're doing. You're hoping to buy all favors by your sweet words." She held her chin high, continuing forward. "And I'll allow it."

The sliding door opened to the Peridots, the ex-plumbers, and Albedo tinkering with the watch's band.

"Benita," Max takes a knee before grasping her shoulder. "The Onmitrix is nearly done. And remember, we didn't know. Alright?" He locks his green eyes with Ben's, who looks away, rubbing her arm.

"Ok." The girl breathes out, and Max looks at Gwen.

"Where's Anthony?"

"They should still be in the ballroom." Yellow Pearl voiced, getting Max's eyes.

"Great. Do you mind fetching Anthony?"

"Well, I was heading back either way. So, I see why not." She heads out the door.

Gwen eyed Phil, sitting in a rolling chair in the corner of the room, keeping himself upright with his Sabali sniper rifle.

"You guys seem to be in a hurry to get somewhere." Gwen eyed Max, who gazed back at her.

"We need to head to the Rogue Gallery. So we can pay off the administrator. We know a guy there."

"Do you have enough credits?" Albedo continued tinkering with the Omnitrix. "Even I know. It's a bit much."

"We have a few on our savings, but if that's not enough, we can sign up and do a couple."

"I believe the diamonds can help." Peridot steps from the crowd surrounding Albedo. "Come along." The lime gem walked past Max.

"I'm fine."

"I insist." Peridot turned back at Max. "And besides. They will help. I promise."

The ex-plumber sighs before standing to his feet. He looks to Phil, who nods before turning to Peridot.

"Lead the way." He bites his lip, following after the crystal gem.


"I have a question." Anthony voiced to the Diamonds that towered over them all. "Do you by any chance know of Rudea?"

"No." Yellow Diamond spoke before turning to Blue.

"I have not. My apologies."

"White?" Steven voiced, getting a gaze from Anthony to the afro boy on the floor like everyone else.

"I'm afraid not." White stared back at Steven. "There could be millions of species that hold that name. Is there anything linear?"

"I heard. There's someone who knows of the name. The shade of the night?" Will cocked his head.

"Pearl?" Blue Diamond looks to her Pearl, who gazes right back from her blue bangs covering her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I don't know of such things."

"I'm genuinely sorry." Blue Diamond looks down on Will, who'd waved back.

"It's fine."

"One moment!" Blue Pearl raised her voice, gathering everyone's attention. She clears her throat, looking to the floor. "I believe. I have something on Homeworld that will help with the search. If you allow it." She said softly.

"What's in Homeworld that we don't know of?" Blue tilted her head.

"A message of sort. I gloss over. It will only take a moment."

The diamonds and Amethyst squinted their eyes while Pink Pearl tilted her head.

"A mystery of sorts?!" Pink Pearl gasped. "Mind if I tag along?"

"Absolutely not." Steven voiced, getting a pout. "It's gem-related. So I should come along." Steven stands to his feet.

"Absolutely not." Garnet voiced.


"Ha!" Pink Pearl laughs.

"I shall go," Garnet said, rising to her feet. "How about introducing your favorite show you like to watch?"

"Alright," Steven grumbled, only to notice the saddened eyes of the giant colored-coded women. "Of course!" He raised his voice, causing the Diamonds to jump. "Sorry. Uh. There is this show called The Super Buddies!"

Anthony, Zed, Garnet, and Blue Pearl head for the giant bronze door.

"Hold on! I'm coming with." Sunny rushed to Will's side as they exited the room. "I don't need to be around all that nerd stuff."

"You prefer walking?" The boy remarked.

"I prefer you." Sunny winked. "Who else will keep you company?"

"Anthony." Garnet looks down on Will, who looks up. "Once this Virgo finds this Rudea? What then?"

"I don't know." The boy looks ahead down the empty yellow corridor, following Blue Pearl. "I could never get a read on the guy."

"He's the one that helped?"

"Yes." The boy locked his shades with Garnets before staring ahead, getting an eye from Sunny. "Is this message broadcast in a sense?" He asked Blue Pearl, who jolted.

"Oh! Very. I don't recall much, but I'm happy to show you." Blue Pearl looks over her shoulder before staring ahead.

They reached the Hangar before taking the pad. Within a minute or two, they reappeared on another warp pad made of blue crystal, taking in the rushing waters filling their ears.

The boy eyed the waterfall outside the black-and-white platform with a pattern of spikes. The platform contained a bed of white silk, a dark brown wooden chest, and a display stand made for a canvas sat at the center.

Blue Pearl steps off the pad and heads towards the display stand, carrying a canvas of the waterfall in her room's background.

"Well, uh. You kept your room clean," Sunny said, following Garnet, Will, and Zed, who were eyeing Blue Pearl's room. "Mostly, there's nothing in it."

"I wanted to fill my room with art." Blue Pearl bites her lip, removes her Canvas, and leans it on the side of her bed. "A blank canvas means many possibilities." The white gem in her chest glowed before summoning a large canvas on the display stand. "This will take time."

She started with a paintbrush and a color tray while the rest stared at the blue streaks Blue Pearl applied.

"Well. I would rather have an art class than a nerdgasm." Sunny folded her arms. Following along with Garnet and Will.

"What does painting have to do with a message?" Will questioned, only to watch Blue Pearl wave her painted brush into a line in the middle.

"Give her a moment." Garnet eyed Blue Pearl glue to the canvas.

"Ugh! Fine." Sunny strolled along the platform, sat at the edge, leaning against the pristine pillar, and gazed at the waterfall.

The boy breathes sharply before taking his spot beside Sunny, followed by Zed. His legs hang from the platform's edge, swinging.

Anthony's eyes followed the roaring waterfall as it crashed down into the clear pool of water below, revealing the gray stones underneath.

His fingers tap along the edge before taking his spot against the pillar on the left of him.

The boy stretches his leg, giving the alien dog a lap pillow. His eyes land on Sunny, who remains on the waterfall before she gives a quick glance at Will, who only stares at his hand.

Blue and grey ink erupts from his hand, revealing his notebook. He flips it open to see his second alien. Red Riot. His face and hair were now in color, even his rage form. 


They, in fact, share a DNA structure similar to Tetramand's. Their primal nature halts their civilization to a crawl due to their anger issues.

 -Theories have it they were a part of an evolution due to environmental changes.

-Vulnerable to sedatives

"Hey," Sunny spoke out, getting the boy's eyes. "You know. You have a voice of your own."

"Come on again?" Will raised a brow.

"You know what I mean." She squinted her eyes. "You have more power than you think. Don't let them dictate it."

"They came all this way for me." The boy flips a page to Impulse. "It's for the best."

Sunny rose from her seat before planting herself by Anthony's shoes, getting Zed's attention.

"For the best. My ass." She whispered, eyeing Garnet and watching Blue Pearl. "I wouldn't have said anything if you weren't going insane."

"Cool it. Alright?" The boy looks down into his notebook from Sunny's blue eyes.

The grey skin and large bushy purple comb-over rest on the Tempo's head, hovering over the corner of his left red eye, revealing his half-sketched face.

-What makes Tempo's challenging is their sheer numbers. You take one, and there'll always be another. Added are their capabilities with Flow. One song or presence can grant their allies a boost of the Tempo's emotions, with an added buff-like strength, speed, reflexes, or Durability.

-Tempos are known to establish an open community called the NoteBook.

A hand brings the book down onto his lap, revealing Sunny lasering eyes.

"Just say no." Sunny stared softly.

"What is this?" Will whispered. "One of your tactics?"

"Fair." Her hand gripped his leg, making the boy dash his eyes to her hand and to her face. "We can be partners. You help me, and I help you. We need experience. When we're going to prove the others wrong."

"This may be harsh, but I still have trouble reading you."

"That's fine." Sunny bites her lip, raising her hands. "Just so you. Know. I'll be one step away." The black-haired Gwen got on her hands and knees. She placed herself between the boy's legs before laying her head on his chest, getting a growl from Zed. "Ah. Don't be shy."

Anthony pats Zed, sighing. He wraps his arms around Sunny, getting a smile from her.

"This is nice." She snuggled in his arms. "You smell good."

"Thanked the Goo Goo Grape." Anthony planted his head against a pillar supporting his back. "Get comfortable." Sunny only listens to his beating heart growing a wide smile.

"I'll take you up on that." Sunny closes her eyes, facing the roaring waterfall. "I Love you."

The boy's eyes slowly climbed to his skull, and his gaze lingered on Sunny, smiling. A smile crept on Anthony's face, relaxing along the pillar before he caressed the black-haired girl's arm.


Still staring at the waterfall, the boy embraced sleeping Sunny.

Many whispers filled his head as he turned to Blue Pearl, covered in a mess of different paint colors. Garnet is now seated with her arms crossed, watching the art show.



"Pss. Hey." Will shakes Sunny awake to no avail. "Sun." His hand reaches for her face, only for her to grab it.

"You tried it." She said weakly before getting comfortable again. "What is it?"

"I need to stand."

"Give me a moment." She groans.

"Sunny." The boy squinted down at the girl, who clicked her tongue.

"Argh!" She sat up from the boy, allowing him to stand. He paced to the two gems, followed by Zed. "You owe me." She hides her eyes in her palms.

Anthony followed the loud whispers to Blue Pearl, making a canvas of clouds colored blue and purple with white stars embedded.

The canvas drags his vision into the tunnel of light before revealing the pair of eyes staring out to the many beings made of space itself and the giant feminine alien with her palms left out, remaining in the center of the cloudy wonderland.

"Virgo." A voice forced the eyes back to a blue figure made of the universe. His blue, glowing eyes lock into Virgo's.

"My lord?" Virgo dropped his eyes.

"You can call me by my title. You have surfaced from the Gates of the Decipher. Follow." Virgo blinks, only for the figure to be gone. He blinks once more, floating right beside him. "Do you know what this is?" Its blue, glowing eyes lock with Virgo, who quickly stares at the swirling blue light within space itself.

"The Milky Way."

"I want you to aid Axel. Bow." Virgo does so, keeping his eyes up at the blue-eyed being. "As my decipher, you are granted privileges to act out of your desires." A white light flashed within the blue-eyed being's hands, revealing a metal helmet with a fork-like appearance. "And doing so, there are limitations within this cosmic law so as I and many expect you to hold. Any Celestialsapien willing to alter this universe should be tried in court. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Beyond." Virgo's white eyes pierce from the opening holes of his helmet and at Beyond, who only grins.

"Rise. Do you have any questions?"

"Quite. If that's ok." Beyond nodded with a blank gaze. "Where does one of your decipher Rudea embedded in the series of galaxies?"

"Here, but I'll remind you." Beyond squinted his blue eyes. "This is a serious matter. A few years from now, these galaxies like Andromeda will collide. I need you and Axel to aid Rudea and Maximus. Fail. And you will be replaced. Understand?"

"Yes, Beyond."

"Good." Beyond turns to the Milky Way with his hands behind his back. "As many opportunities are given to the chosen celestial sapiens. You are also given one as well. You're given a right to create a species."

Virgo's eyes widen.

"I-it's an honor."

"This is different. If your species interests me. I'll give you the right to spread them. Do you have any ideas?"

Virgo stares at the blue swirl of light.

"I'm unsure. A rock? Maybe something beyond that. Possibly a Gem."

A blue tunnel of light grabs his sight before revealing Anthony wide-eyed.