
Chapter 25: Drill

A full moon shines down the calm lake and dock.

Crickets and frogs sang while The campfire crackled. Three tents surround it before one on the far right opens its zipper.

A head pokes out, looking about. It was Will. He looks back to sleeping Gwen in her usual pajamas.

Will climbs out in his black shirt and blue shorts, zipping the tent close. He sighs before eyeing the moon raining down the dock.

He walked past the campfire. His slippers pressed against the dock, letting out solid thuds.

Will sat on the dock, letting out another sigh: Eyeing the scenery.

'You seem on edge.' A new and familiar voice states within Will's head.

"And who is this?" Will questioned.


"How much did you see?"

'The fiasco with Optimus...he's different than I last saw him. Everything but my sister. She hasn't changed a bit.' HighRoller sighs. 'What year is this?'

Will stays quiet.

'You know I'm bonded to you?' HighRoller sighs again. 'I need some time to think.'

"Wait, that GreyMatter." Will pulled his leg to his chest. "Azmuth? Did you and he talk before that?"

'No...everything is a blur.' He paused. 'Where is the Omnitrix?'

"A friend of mine has it. That thing is the cause of this."


"What are you doing out here?" A voice states behind Will.

He looks back to see Gwen wrapped in a blanket approaching him.

"It's cold out here. You could catch a cold."

"Oh, I didn't notice."

Gwen took a seat next to Will, gazing at the lake. They are silent until Gwen sparks up a question.

"What do you see in Sunny?" Will looks into Gwen's eyes before looking back at the lake.

"That's a dangerous question."

"Will." Gwen's gaze hardens.

"Ok." He looks back at her. "She's getting there."

"You've seen it?"

"Yeah. I don't know if that was the heat of the moment." Will paused. "Sunny saved my life, back at Megatron's Carrier, and to top that; off, she'd protected: me and Miko."

"Don't you think it was to have numbers in strength?"

"I guess." Will rubs his neck before lying on his back, looking up at the stars. "She's really complex sometimes." He sighs while Gwen joins him.

"Will, I need you to promise me." Will raised his brow, looking up at her. "Be careful around her." Will nods.

"I will." Gwen sigh.

"Good." She leans toward him, kissing him on his cheek. Will blushes. "Don't be out here too long." Gwen hid her face in her blanket before speed walking back to camp.

Will gazed blankly.



The loud banging of a pan woke Will up.

"Up and atom, kids. I have a special announcement." Max states.

Will groans before noticing Gwen sitting up, rubbing her face. She sees him staring before looking away.

Gwen climbs out of the tent, followed by Will. The sun blind-sighted them before seeing Max still banging a pot with a metal spoon.

"Grandpa?" Gwen questioned while Will stretched by her side.

"Morning! You two." Max shouts over the banging.

Benita climbed out with Sunny from their tent.

"You know." Benita yawns. "I was hoping, on waking up on my own."

Max stops causing a disturbance.

"Ok, everyone's here." Max clears his throat. "I know you kid's wondering why I'd wake you up around this time of day."

"I was in the middle of my beauty sleep, but Yes." Sunny crosses her arms against her black shirt, hanging to her knees. "Please continue." She ignores a minor glare from Gwen.

"I was hoping I could train you all." The children raise their brows.

"Really?" Benita questioned. "Isn't sparring nearly every day not enough?"

"Swinging a blade: chips over time, but embodying it is everlasting. " Max states before Will and Gwen perk up.

"I never knew you were a fan of Blood and Snow." Will states.

Max clears his throat. "Get ready; we're starting at ten." Max walks back into the RV.

The children gazed at each other.

"What do you think that was about?" Benita questioned.

"There's no way to say this, but-" Gwen sighs before folding her arms. "The Forever Knights."

Will frown his brows.

"The cult that made those robots and created genocide in every path they take?" Sunny smirked before placing her hands on her hips. "I like a piece of that!"

"This is not a laughing matter!" Gwen squinted her eyes at Sunny. "You don't seem to grasp the reality of possible death if we make one slip up."

"I do, but handsome over there." She nodded her chin to Will with a smirk. "He will keep me safe, will you?"

Will gazed blankly.

"Ok, I heard enough." Benita walks to RV. "Good luck." She waved her hand over her shoulder at the three.

Gwen and Sunny eyes land on one another like they were sizing each other up.

Gwen glared harden while Sunny only smirked back at her.

"Alright." Will stood between the two. "What can we do to stop all this?" Will looks between Sunny and Gwen with drop brows.

"We can always get a return policy from aunt Verdona." Gwen declared. "If we tell her what's wrong with 'it'- " Gwen raised her voice on the specific word causing Sunny smirk to drop. "I'm sure she'll understand. "

"If you keep this puss in her cage." Sunny's glare hardens as a pink hue shine in her eyes. "I'll spare her from humiliation."

Gwen chuckled.

"Big words, coming from an elementary dropout." Sunny approaches Gwen only for Will to keep them apart.

"Ok!" Will clenches his teeth. "Just go!" He grabs Sunny shoulder, only for her to glare at him. "Go." He ordered.

Sunny stared silently at him before slapping his hand away.

She walked toward the RV with clenched fists.

Gwen folds her arm, frowning her brows.

"The nerve on that girl." She said under her breath while Will brushed his eyebrows with his fingers. "And to threaten me like that."

"Gwen." Will turn to her. "Why can't you compromise?"

"Compromise?! You don't know her!"

"You're right! I don't, but since we're going to be hitting the Dangerous Cult, we've ever done. It'll be best to bond with her: so everything runs smoothly."

"There's a thing called Manipulation. Sunny has you wrapped around her little finger: if you haven't noticed!"

"What if-"

" 'If' Is not in her category! Why can't you understand?!" Gwen cut Will off.

"I do!"

"Then believe me!" The two stared at each other silently.

"We'll talk again once you're cool off." Will leaves.

"Will! Will!?" Gwen called while Will passed a tree, heading into the woods.


The Tennysons and Glover stood in between a circle surrounded by trees.

Max boots thud against leaves and flowers before coming to a stop.

"Alright!" Max states looking at the four children. "This place has to do." He began pacing himself around the children. "What makes a great fighter?"

"Oh! Oh!" Benita raises her hands, hopping on her feet.

"Yes, Benita?" Max rasied a brow.

"Wait for the opportunity to strike!" Benita answered.

"Yes." Benita pumps her fist. "Patience will win a fight, but sometimes you'll have to abandon it. I'll teach you about takedowns. I'd learn through the years." Max looks to Will. "Will?"

Will nods before shifting Rogue.

"What do you want me to do?" Rogue stood in front of Max.

"Rush me." Max beckons Rogue.

"Ok." Rogue sprints toward Max.

Rogue strikes, but Max's judo throws him onto the ground.

"And that's the tip of the iceberg. Thanks, Will." Max comments before grabbing Rouge's hand and pulling him to his feet.

Rogue groans.

"I hope that didn't hurt ya." Sunny grins at Rogue, shifting back to Will.

Will only shook his head as he lined up beside the three.

"Who would like to spar? That way, I could see what I'm dealing with." Max questioned.

"Say less." Sunny walked past Max.

She turns on her feet with a grin on her face.

"Anyone else?" Max eyed the last three.

Gwen looked to Benita, scanning her watch, then to Will was gazing blankly.

'This is pointless.' A voice whispered in Will's head.

'It's not. With this, I believe I'll get better.' Will thought back.

He noticed Sunny smiling at him bouncing her brows.

'Huh.' A Phantom of Novis appeared as Will folded his arms. 'It seems you have an opponent.'

Will sighs.

"That it seems." Will took a step before Gwen sped walk past him.

Sunny could only glare at her. Gwen did the same.

"Are you two ready?" Max took distance.

"We all know how this gonna end." Sunny stated.

"This gonna be the last you underestimate me!" Gwen's said while her hands glowed.

"Fight!" Max announced before Gwen hurled a pink disc.

Sunny leans from the attack before Gwen casts Charmcaster's book.

"Certa pro me! Grasavin!" Gwen's eyes glowed while roots shot from the ground before assembling into a horse made of grass and roots.

It flashes its eyes open, sharing Gwen's glowing eyes. The horse flared its nostrils before rushing Sunny with a cry.

Sunny raises her hand, shooting beams that Grasavin dodges while light on his hoofs.

Grasavin grew inches from Sunny before leaping back from Sunny's attempt to slash him into pieces.

"Very." Sunny back steps from a pink glass beam that went past her face. "Original." Her eyes roam to Gwen, clicking her tongue.

Grasavin circled Sunny, firing green beams from his eyes. Sunny hacked and slashed beam after beam before she spun on her feet, side-swiping a beam deep into the woods.

The ground underneath her rumbled. Sunny leaped from the roots reaching after her before it wrapped around her ankle.

"Now! Grasavin!" Gwen shouts while Grasavin neighs.

The roots slam Sunny on the ground back first before hurling her into a sturdy tree that caved. Splinters fly before Sunny stood to her feet with a glare.

Gwen only smirked while Sunny reignited her energy blade.

"They sure. Hate each other." Benita commented while the battle raged on with explosions and wind brushing their hair.

Will and Max only remained quiet.

Sunny flies in the air, dodging roots, swatting and grabbing her. She swirls past another attempt before firing down balls of energy at Gwen, only for Grasavin to rescue her from balls of explosion.

Dirt flies while He races around the battleground keeping an eye out on Sunny.

"What's wrong?" Gwen called out as Grasavin huffed. "Would you like to stop?"

Sunny's eyes flared before a beam rushed from her eyes toward the duo.

Grasavin dodges the beam following after them. Gwen looks back, seeing it inches from them.

"Gra-" A root grabs Gwen before hurling her off his back.

The girl hits the ground before seeing, Grasavin being cut in half, releasing a cry.

His body goes to attach itself, only for Sunny to crash onto his skull. She pulled Grasavin's head from his torso before hurling his head at Gwen's feet.

The girl watches his life dead in front of her eyes. A sound of a blade gains her attention to Sunny standing before her.

"Like I said. You stand no chance." Sunny smirks while her pink pupil's shimmer.

Gwen does the same, peeking from Sunny's shadow casting down on her.

"Alright! That's enough." Max's voice called to their attention.

Sunny turned her back on Gwen while Gwen stood to her feet. Her eyes never left Sunny while Will and Benita approached her.

"Gwen?" Will called as Benita stood back.

"I'm. Fine." Gwen said, walking past Will. Benita only let her pass, not turning her back on her.

Gwen stood by Max's side with Sunny on the other side of him.

Will noticed this.


"I'm good." Benita cut him off, clearing her throat before cracking a smile. "Let's get this show on the road." She took her distance from Will while he did the same.

Will pulled Mar's Prowess from his wrist, causing his veins and eyes to flare a color of sky blue before ceasing to exist.

"Ready?" Max questioned while Benita scanned her watch, keeping her eye on Will.

Blue and Grey ink crawled among the boy's skin before revealing: Edge in his slim body.

"Ready when you are." Edge flashes his claws while a green light flashes.

"Let! Go!" BlitzWolfer does the same before howling.

Max's eyes stayed glued on Edge posing.

"Fight!" Max announce.

Blitzwolfer opened her mouth. Edge snap ink her mouth closed before rushing her.

Blitzwolfer swipes at Edge, Which flip over her. He twists his body before shooting a line of ink that drove into the ground between the Shewolf.

Edge pulled himself toward the Shewolf's back, only for her to leap from the crushing attack.

Dirt flies.

Edge focused on Blitzwolfer ripping the ink from her muzzle. She uses a sonic howl.

The symbiote embraces the attack flying off his feet. He rolled on his back before releasing a piercing screech.

"HAA!!" Will screamed while the symbiote glitched. Blitzwolfer's serious: glare remained while she continued her attack.

The boy's bloodshot eyes gaze at Blitzwolfer's. He clenches his teeth while struggling to his feet. Slowly the glitching symbiote glues back on the boy powering through the sonic attack causing Blitzwolfer eyes to widen.

Edge remains to glitch now and then, growing inches from his sparring partner.

Blitzwolfer stops before keeping her distance. She circled the symbiote on all fours releasing projectile after projectile of her sonic howl.

Edge stumbled, clenching his head. Yet remained on his feet.

"Stop!" Edge shouts.

"Ben!" Max called only for Blitzwolfer to remain immense into the fight.

The boy's black sclera and white pupil peeked from ink before expanding. "STOP!" Will roared, causing Blitzwolfer to slow down in a blur.

Edge stumbled before hiding in the boy's skin.

Will held his eye, wincing.

"Benita?" The boy hears Max call as he looks up at the situation.

BlitzWolfer remained in a blur, semi-circling him at a walking pace. Her mouth glows as the she-wolf howl winds up.

Will snapped from his position while BlitzWolfer's time resumed.

The boy flew off his feet before tasting dirt.

BlitzWolfer continued circling before sliding to a halt.

"Oh! Crap!" She races to Max, helping Will to his feet. "I'm so sorry!" BlitzWolfer stood from her fours.

"I'm alright." The boy said. Clenching his left eye and wincing.

"Did we not discuss this?." Gwen countered while Max took a knee

"Alright. Let me see." Max said as everyone gathered around.

He forces Will's left eye open to see all white, only for it to shrink into a dot.

"Ugh." Sunny cringed while the boy forced his eye closed. "Interesting, but ugh."

Will opened his right eye to see Max's green eyes looking back at him.

"Sit this one. Out." Max stated, giving a weak smile. "I'll get to you." The boy nodded before going off from a distance.

He presses his back against a tree before sliding to his butt, sighing. The grass brushed against his jeans as he stared; up at the branches rustling gently.

"Edge. Are you alright?" Will questioned only to hear silence. "Edge." His voice echoes while his environment snaps to black.

His hand became soaked before the boy rushed to his feet. His eyes wandered the void before staring down at the water, reaching his shoes.

Will breath shook. He snapped around with his eyes popping from his skull.

"Deep breaths, Kid." A sincere voice causes him to snap to a giant green, eyeless face before him.

"Hah!" The boy yelped before falling onto his back. He shielded his eyes.

"That's. Subtle." An emotionless voice filled the boy's ears.

"Can't you see I'm trying?!" The sincere voice protested. "Help is always nice!"

"Thank you."

"Ugh!" The voice groans.

Will unshielded his eyes, seeing the two faces arguing.

"Very helpful." The face of a youthful male lightly glared at the Stoic female gazing back.

They noticed the boy watching them.

"I'd like to apologize for our behavior." The male said, giving a light smirk. "We don't get much around here."

"W-what are you two?" The boy stuttered, studying the faces gazing down at him.

"Samuel. And this is Sabrina." Will gazed at Sabrina, who only stared back at the boy. The boy slowly raises his hand.

"Speak. Boy." Sabrina stated.

"What is this? Or where is this? Are you two one of my-the aliens?"Will corrected himself while Samuel and Sabrina remained silent. "If you don't mind me asking."

"We are. The embodiment of your ego." Samuel answered.

"Like Passionate and Calculated?"

"You could go with that."

"We consist of three. If not, we can't function." Sabrina stated while Will squinted his eyes.

"I don't mean to pry." Will started. "You two seem functional enough."

"I choose my words very wisely." The voice of the boy cause Will to snap to the figure that haunted him.

"Virgo. The kid is curious. Is all." Samuel replied.

Virgo glided toward the three while the boy kept his distance from him. Siding with Samuel.

"Curious or not. The shifter has a job to do." Virgo kept his eyes on the egos. "Who invited him?"

"What would you do?" Sabrina spoke up, getting their attention. "Blink?"

Virgo folded his arms.

"You know I have no quarrel with you."

"You know fear won't provide your desperation."

"And you know there's something important of what we've lost." Virgo stared daggers at Sabrina.

"Have you ever thought Samuel and I wouldn't want to remember again? Yet you discarded; the fact that everything we try to collect leaves an unwanted taste in our mouths."

"That only means something or someone is lingering. Without that knowledge, how could we avoid it?"

"The kid is still here." Samuel pointed out as the giant faces and comic entity land eyes on the boy that only sweated. "Besides. It can't hurt to get an outside perspective."

"I-I don't think I could." Will clears his throat before pulling on his shirt. "I'm just a kid." The entities remained quiet with their eyes glued on the boy. The boy coughed before answering. "I could still search for this Rudea. On my own terms, out of respect for Samuel and Sabrina." A fiery aura escapes from Virgo. "Give me time!" The boy said quickly, while Virgo got looks from Sabrina and Samuel. "I can only carry so much. I only asked for your protection if things get hairy."

A deafening silences remain in the void while the three egos think upon the boy's words.

Samuel sighs.

"I agree to your terms."

"I. Follow. Boy." Sabrina replied while Virgo remained still as a statue.

"I'll stand by your compromise." Virgo's white eyes stared into the boy's soul. Literally. "It seems your time is up." His eyes blinded the boy.

"Hey?!" A voice called out to him, causing the boy to jolt.

"AH!" The boy yelps while Squirrels and birds take off from his body. His vision lands on Sunny and Gwen crouching on his left and right while Max and Benita stand behind the two.

"You have your way with animals. " Sunny said, pulling an acorn from a sock amount pile on his shirt.

"An, what going on with you?" Benita questioned.

"Virgo, he reeled. Me in." Will answered. "Somehow, I managed to convince Sabrina, Samuel, and Virgo to give me time."

"Who?" Sunny questioned, squinting her eyes. "What's this about?"

"I'll fill you in." Max cut in. "But, it's getting late."

The boy noticed the warm environment falling. Gwen helped him up.


Back at the dock, in front of the campsite. The half crescent shined down on the boy, meditating.

"Hey." A familiar voice called out. "Do you have a minute?" The steps grew closer while Will opened his eyes to Benita standing beside him.

"Yeah." The boy answered while Benita found herself a seat on the supporting beam in front of him.

"I'm deeply sorry. About earlier." Benita stated. "My instinct kicked in and all."

Will sighs.

"No. Don't be. That only means you could take me on."

"Yeah." She said lightly before staring at the lake before them. "Tell me." She paused. "Can we truly go back to times where it once was?"

The boy turns his gaze at Benita.

"I don't know, but where's this coming from?"

"Ugh." She shakes her head before standing to her feet. "Sorry. I'm spewing all this nonsense. Don't worry about it." Benita walked away while the boy turned back to her.

"I pity the girl." Edge face emerged from the boy's shoulder. Will only clenches his fists.

"Hey." A voice causes the two to turn to Sunny hovering in front of them. "Neat. Puppet show."

"Can I eat her?" The symbiote questioned, turning to Will as Sunny giggled.

"You're funny."

"You need something?" The boy questioned, staring up at her.

"Fly with me." She smirks while the symbiote shifts into the boy's skin. "How come the others get all the attention, and I don't?"

"Tonight? Do you know how late it is?"

"You're telling me your afraid of the dark?"

"No, I like to stay here. In case something happens."

"They'll be fine." She reaches a hand out to him. "You deserved a breather. So do I. We won't be far."

The boy squinted his eyes before standing to his feet.

"Alright. Only for a minute." Zero wings spew from the boy's back.

"That's all we need." Sunny took off with Will right behind.

They followed the lake while the boy looked down at the water seeing the reflection of himself and the starless night.

"Admiring yourself?" Sunny questioned, getting the boy's attention.

"There's nothing to admire about." Sunny snickered before pushing the boy lightly.

"You're it." She zooms down the lake leaving pink particles for Will to follow.

"What?!" The boy questioned, seeing Sunny grow farther. "Hey!" He flapped his wings, catching up with her. "This is not the time for games!"

"Come on. Lightened-up!"

"Sunny! I'm serious!"

"I am too." She chuckled before taking off again.

Will came to a halt snapping his head to the way they came and back at Sunny. He clicks his tongue before flying after the girl.

He shifts into Nova before blasting towards Sunny at an alarming rate. The wind smacks into his face as he grows inches from her.

Nova reached out his hand before shifting it to Will's. He speeds into Sunny, yet she barreled rolled from his attempt. Nova staggered before regaining his stability.

"Ha!" Sunny looked back at Nova with a smile. "Someone desperate." She took off once more before Nova followed.

Sunny does a quick turn into the woods. Nova followed, slowing down.

He dodges several trees while he notices Sunny doing the same.

Nova dodges a close call before turning into Edge. He spun before a line of ink shot from the palm of his hand. It wraps around a thick branch.

He swings before doing a side flip. Edge repeated this process before doing a back flip. He zips to a branch before pushing off.

The symbiote glide to the lagging Sunny before slapping her back.

"HA!" Edge swings breaking from Sunny. "You're! mistake!"

Edge swings before kicking into the air. He dives, gaining speed before shooting ink. He leaps a greater distance.

"I like her." Edge comments.

"What?" Will questioned while Edge peaks over his shoulder to see Sunny using her energy whips to swing after them.

"Surprised?" Sunny called out before doing an inverted flip.

Edge landed on a branch before leaping.

He swings while Sunny catches up.

"Show me. What you got." Sunny commanded.

"Don't cry when I win." Edge stated before backflipping.

He swings, kicking to the sky. Edge does an indy grab while doing three backflips before catching himself.

He swings once more before using his ink to make him spin horizontally. The ink from his palms stretches out while following his movement like a tornado.

He catches himself once more.

"Ok. Ok. Not bad." Sunny stated, smirking. "But, I can do better."

Sunny alined her whips before shooting them into a thick branch. She pulled herself past it before swinging, picking up speed.

Sunny does a cannonball side flip spinning with her dual whip following. Creating a pink spinning circle.

She catches herself before doing a turtle spin.

"HA! HA! Nice!" Edge laughs, catching up while doing air tricks beside Sunny. "You're not bad!"

"You too!" Sunny dual whip grabs onto a branch while Edge corkscrew between them before landing on his feet.

"WOOOO!!!" Will and Edge howl and shriek to the sky while Sunny backflipped, landing on her feet. "Ok!" Edge looked back at Sunny before shifting Will. He approaches Sunny with a massive smile on his face. "How can you do that?!"

"With boredom. You can do anything." Sunny smiled back while they high-fived each other.

"Ok." Will laughed, brushing his hair with his hands. "I-I need that."

"I know you do, but we can do more."

"Like what?"

"You know." The girl blue eyes lower, giving 'the eyes.'

"What?!" Will stumbled before looking away. "We're-"

"You knucklehead." Sunny chuckles. "Fight me. Yet I don't mind you being my first."

"Fight you?"

"Yeah." Sunny body glowed from her pink energy before flashing, revealing her other form. "Besides. It's another form of training."

Will became quiet.

"I don't know. I think we should get back."

"And miss a chance to go all out?" Sunny questioned. "I still sense an urge of stress from you. Neither of my cousins can satisfy you as I can." The boy continued staring blankly at Sunny Alien form. "Let's release it. Ok?"

The boy squinted his eyes, looking away.

"Alright." He looks back at her, causing Sunny to smirk. "Let's hurried this up." Will pulled Mar Prowess from his wrist, causing his veins to glow.

He grunts opening his glowing eyes before it returns to his own. He put the bracelet in his pocket.

"Alright." Will bend his knees. "Ready when you are."

"Don't pull. Your punches." Sunny said while her mana hair gravitated above her head.

They stood silent as the wind breeze filled their ears while the shade of the moon crescent lightened the field.

Sunny rushes the boy, summoning her mana blade along her arm.

Will shifts Rogue summoning his Forever knight's handle from Edge's ink.

Rogue ignites it, causing Sunny and his blade to clash, releasing sparks. Rogue flew back a great distance, rolling on his back before becoming Rogue Riot.

He stood to his feet before Sunny closed the distance. They clashed once more before quickly striking and blocking each other attack.

Sunny spins on her feet, releasing a slash that Rogue Riot blocks. She does it again but ends it with an overhead slash.

Rogue Riot's energy blade slides along Sunny's as he spins, giving her an elbow to the face.

She staggered before He thrust his back into her causing her to roughly crashed to the ground.

She quickly stood to her feet, growling before releasing dual blades forming around her arms.

Rogue Riot summons another handle, igniting it before Sunny rushes him again.

They release another flurry of blocks and attacks while his eyes burst with electricity.

"HAA!!!" Sunny screamed, coming down on Rouge Riot blocking. The attack causes his knees to bend. She continued hammering down on him, causing him to stumble to a knee. "AAAGH!!" She gave an upward slash releasing a projectile causing him to fly into a tree caving it.

His dual Forever knight blades blink until they cease to exist.

Rogue Riot grunts before Edge absorb them. Sunny's scream brought him to reality as a slash projectile headed his way.

Rogue Riot shifts to Edge while doing an Aerial Cartwheel from the attack that split the bucky tree in half, leaving a size-like tunnel.

"Ha! Ha!" Sunny released slash after slash cutting down trees that fell in their field. "Hold! Still!"

Edge lands on his feet before clenching his fist. He leaves a blue line only for Sunny to judo throw him across the field.

"Oh! Shit!" Edge cursed before roughly rolling to his feet.

"Come on!" Sunny roared. "You're not even trying!" She pushes herself, flying toward Edge with fists radiating her pink aura.

Edge grew hair like Riots. His ink turned red while his lean build became more defined.


Edge & Red Riot = Riot's Edge


He shrieks while his mirror eyes glow yellow. Bursting into electricity.

Their fists clashed, causing the grass under their feet to rustle. Riot's Edge overpowered Sunny causing her to crash to the ground. She ate away the dirt before her back hit a tree.

Sunny looks up to hear Riot's Edge rolling shrieks as he falls at her. She pulled up her right arm only for it to swing limped.

She quickly dived from the attack that Riot's Edge delivered into the base of a tree. He rips his arm out, causing the bark to spill out splitters as he tilts his head, noticing Sunny out of her alien form, crawling away.

Riot's Edge bends his knees. He pounces, only for a fireball to crash into him.

Riot's Edge flies across the battered field shrieking.

Sunny's blur-shaking eyes noticed a figure towering over her. A golden ball spews out from the figure before connecting with her.

Sunny's vision returned only to see wild orange spiked hair, pink shimmering eyes piercing from the darkness that tried to hide it.

Gwen stares down at her before gazing at Riot's Edge, patting out the fire on him.

"C-Cousin!" Sunny yelped as her arm broke back to place. Gwen grabs her arm roughly, pulling her to her feet. "H-hey!"

Gwen throws Sunny arm, causing her to stumble.

"RAA!!!" Riot's Edge ear-piercing shriek rings in the environment while his ink glitches. "HAAAAA!!" He flashes his claws while Gwen slowly approaches.

"Cousin!" Sunny called out while Riot's Edge rushed them.

"Su nu, ka." Gwen's soft voice filled the environment as a bright pink light from her blinds, Riot's Edge.

He screams, coming to a halt, swinging wildly.

The pink light revealed Gwen in alien form like Sunny, yet a firey pink aura leaked out of her. Causing Sunny to stagger.

"Sta. Fu." Gwen whispered. "THAAA!!" She released an ear-piercing soundwave.

Blowing Riot's Edge onto his back before digging his clawing into the dirt. His pain shriek called out as his glitching ink became violent.

"HAAA!!!" Will cried before the ink quickly glued back onto him before; pushing him through Gwen's attack.

Gwen continued as Riot's Edge got closer. Pink chains shot out from the ground keeping the symbiote in one place.

Gwen's polar opposite kept her hands glued to the ground in her alien form.

Riot's Edge continued screaming before falling to his knees. Will claimed eye peaks from the ink dilating. Slowing Alien Gwen to a blur. The symbiote took this opportunity to shoot ink at Sunny for her to fire an eye beam redirecting it.

Gwen time resumes unleashing her attack on Riot's Edge once more. He shrieks again before the symbiote hides within the boy screaming.

Gwen stops her attack, watching Will on his knees, still held by Sunny chains.

Gwen floated toward the boy before Sunny released him. He falls into her arm, showing a hint of dead veins on his face. Gwen closes her pink glowing eyes.

"Per. Tactum. Dei. Da. Illi. Sanitatem." She whispered once more, releasing a ball of light healing the boy.

Gwen's alien form vanishes while Sunny slowly approaches.

"Hey. Um." Sunny rubbed the back of her neck while Gwen sat up straight. " I don't normally say this, but I'm sorry." She looks away while Gwen stands to her feet. " I want to release some stress, and I-" Gwen clocks Sunny in the face causing her to stumble to the side.

Sunny felt blood rushing down her nose before looking back at Gwen's deadly glare.

"I don't care. You're my cousin." Gwen said calmly. "If you mess with my family. Again. I'm presenting your head to aunt Verdona."

Sunny wipes her nose squinting her eyes at her until her eyes widen.

Gwen does the same. The girl's vision begins to blur and spin.

Sunny fell to a knee while Gwen wobbled. She pulled something from her back to see three darts.

Sunny fell on her face while Gwen fell on her knees and onto her side.

Her vision landed on an unconsious Will as a figure in blue crouched to his side before they became naked to the eye.

Gwen's eyes close.

Darkness and silence welcome her.

I'm going for three chapters. After that, I'm editing two previous ones.


Kghost2015creators' thoughts