
Chapter 14: Katlyn Levin

-Currently in the Null Void-

"Hand me the Omnitrix. Girl." Vilgax demanded, facing Gwen in a plumber uniform using a jetpack, with Benita in her arms carrying an orb.

A squid-like bat that Vilgax was riding growls at the two as Gwen gulp, eyeing the Golden warp cut off from them.

"I don't think so." Gwen declared as her ears piece ring.

"Gwen, you three need to get out!" An explosion rings, crackling in her Coms.

"Grandpa?!" She called only to get the last reply.

"Hurry!!" They noticed the golden warp slowly, shrinking.

Benita gazed at the orb in her hand that happened to have her watch.

"Gwen, toss it." Darkness engulfs Benita's eyes while she whispers to her cousin.

"Seriously?!" Gwen's eyes land to her's baffled of letting go of something her cousin holds dear.

"Will and your life are important now, do it!" Benita urged while Gwen gazed at Benita demanding eyes.

"The. Omnitrix." Vilgax glares, holding out his hand.

"Fine, you can have it." She drops the orb.

It plummets through floating rocks and into the darkness below.

Vilgax rushes for it while she snaps back seeing, (Mutant) Katlyn and Enraged Red Riot in a clash on a floating rock from afar.

"I'm not you're enemy, Will!" Katlyn's reasoning falls on deaf ears while the ground below their feet cracks from their superhuman strength.

"And neither am I!" Red Riot's eyes crackled, staring back at her's.

"Will!" Benita shouts, gaining the attention of the Mutants.

"Come on!" They rush for the warp while Will's heart drops.

Red-Riot face shifts Big Chill and blows ice into Katlyn's face causing her to stumble back: blind.

He leaps away, but only to crash face-first to the ground while Kat's abnormal hair coils around his ankle.

"You can't leave me!" Katlyn cried.

Heat-blast arm surrounds red riots, and the boy blasts the hair that caught flames, setting him free.

The fire spread as Katlyn cried out in pain, embracing Big Chill, He breaks through the warp exit, but a hand grabs his foot.

He grunts as Ben and Gwen help Max to his feet; Where the earth he remember and hold dear.

"Will!" Max called out as Will was already reading his thoughts.

"I can...handle it!" Big Chill strains as he pulls Katlyn out, stopping the portal to her mutated chest.

Kat hangs for dear life as Big Chill realizes his sticky situation.

"K-Kat..." He grunts as Katlyn lands pleading eyes on him.

"Vil- Vilgax has my foot!" She points out while Max's voice rings out once more.

"We don't have much time." Max staggers back as the Null void gun begins to spew electricity.

"Do me this favor, and I'll turn from this!" Big Chill gazes back at Katlyn's Mutant eyes. "I'll turn from this petty vengeance's if you help me turn back!"

"Will!" Gwen shouts as the warp shrink with nothing else to convince her, Will's beetle eyes land on Katlyn's, searching for any redeeming factors.

"Kat-" She cut him off almost to the verge of tears.

"I'LL DO IT, PLEASE!!!" The warp grew smaller, almost inches to her hips.

The world around Big Chill slew to a halt, his decisions wrestle for dominance. The past events came like a fastball, shadowing every action. A warm grin creeps to his face getting Katlyn to smile back at him, yet she frowned, seeing something she didn't want to see.

Tears rained down the grinning Big Chill face, that shook threatening to fall from him.

"I'm sorry." He used ice breath, blowing Kathlyn back through the warp.

Too Much (feat. Akacia) - Soundcloud

Katlyn plummets with Vilgax behind, in shock. Time seemed to slow down while her memories came by.

'CALL THE AMBULANCE!!!' Young Will looks back.

' If I was in your shoes, I love every minute of it.' Katlyn Diamond's hand reaches for the warp that soon closes.

' I can't stand you!!'


Vilgax and Katlyn crash onto a floating rock, causing dust to cough up. She stares up at the purple sky where the warp used to be while a single tear falls from her face.

"UGH!!! PEST!!!" He shouts into the sky while his voice echoes the void. "You..." Vilgax huffed. His metal boots crash against the rocks like a jerky jackhammer.

He grew closer to Katlyn, still on the ground in a daze.

"I should kill you." He stated as Katlyn noticed Vilgax blocking the portal that used to be, knocking her from her daze.

"You got a problem?" She sits up, glaring.

"You're greed for the Onimtrix, and the boy spoiled my plans, but now I have no used for you!" He crushes Katlyn, yet Blueline flashes from her point while Vilgax searches around for his target.

"Two minds think alike!!!" He snapped to the source and was tackled off the rock by Katlyn.

They plummet, gaining speed soaring past a few rocks in their way.

Vilgax strikes Kat, but she tanks it with a grunt seeing a huge rock; Below. She lets go, hurling stink fly slime and Heatblast fire beam.

Combining the attack created a massive explosion, pushing Vilgax into the rock below, leaving a large crater.

"You're a joke." Katlyn hovers using stink fly wings. The flames within her grew as she watched the dust roam below. "AND TO THINK YOU COULD-" A blue line wraps around her wrist, electrocuting her.

Katlyn howled as she noticed a figure in armor riding a null guardian. "RAAAAGH!!!" She whips the armored figure into a wall by a nearby rock; Her rage triple as another guardian follows after. "COME ON!!!" She roared, blinded by rage. Another guardian crashes on Katlyn from above with a screech.

She falls, crashing into the ground by Vilgax crater while other's Null guardian riders swarm her.

"You want a piece of me?!" She screamed: bloody murder as she fired fire beams and diamond shards like bullets hitting unlucky riders that surrounded her. She continued her hellfire until an electrical line caught around her neck, shocking her; more came, wrapping around her ankles and arms.

Katlyn's screams were heard; throughout the void until She dropped to her knees as the guardian riders hoisted her into the air. They flew, heading in some direction as she lost consciousness.


Darkness ceases as her eyes take in her environment.

Standing in the center of her cell, she gazed to a single bunk bed her size, but that didn't faze her much like the red energy barrier sealing her from freedom.

Kat's cellmates that were out of this world and out like a light were her soon-to-be; neighbors she won't afford to have.

She approached the barrier out of curiosity and lightly tapped it, giving her a jolt she wishes she hadn't learned.

"Ah, damn it!" She cried, flicking her wrist.

The alarm blared, pulling her from the pain: she was experiencing as the energy barrier vanished.

The aliens in slumber climbed out of their bunks and exited their cell while Kat slowly followed.

Kat steps out, noticing aliens of all species standing in front of their cell: even some Kat thought that was out of her league or plain old crazy.

"Eye's front." A voice of a male approaches Katlyn.

She looks down at him with disgust, remembering his armor all too well.

"I'm sorry, care to- HAAAA!!!" Electricity burst around her neck, causing her to take a knee.

"Get up, Eye's front." Katlyn looks up at him, clearly wanting to rip him apart.

She followed orders, not wanting the electrical shock while the guard kept an eye on her.

"Let's, move out." He commanded.

The long line of aliens walked, floated, or stumbled through the halls in silence.

Kat eyed the walls and the cells until a bright light blinded her, soon revealing a large courtyard and the muti- dark colors of the sky from the null void.

They all scattered doing their own thing while Katlyn was an outcast, again.

"Hey!" She looks back, seeing three aliens approach her. "Fresh meat.~" He flashes a charming smile with his arms stretched out.

"Tsk!" Kat clicked her tongue as she mentally prepared the interrogation or some biz.

"It seems; you can take care of yourself, but we must stick together if you want to survive." A fish in a dome shape as a head claimed.

"Not interested." Kat walks away, distancing herself from them.

"Then die; no one will remember you." Katlyn stopped with her back turned to them as a man with blue skin; continued.

"Here in this hell, no one cares until the three of us became posse. We got you're back, and you'll get ours." Remembering the betrayal; she faced only lit a spark in her soul.

Kat approaches, leaving cracks in her wake while her eyes shift nasty purple like GhostFreak.

"I don't need anyone!" She spat, gaining a few looks. "I need no one! HEARD ME?!!" Her teeth grew sharper than kitchen knives, while her long hair danced like live snakes.

"Girl." A firm voice snapped her back from reality as she gazed over her shoulder to an alien the same height as her, and his build can put anyone to shame.

"I sense you're anger a mile away: Tone it down." He ordered, not fazed by the frightened gaze she gave him as if she, gazing into his soul.

"MAKE ME" She shouts once more, sounding distorted, causing the other prison-mates to stagger.

"Sure, you've been warned." Kat attacks the alien, but only for him to use her momentum to trip her, causing her to crash onto the ground.

"The name Kwarrel, The anger within you is destroying the temple you create only for the matter of time it will soon crumble." He walked away while a few guards raced to the scene.

"You know where to find me."

"Grrr!!" Kat growls as she bashes the ground with her fist, causing it to crack.


In her cell once, again.

She uses Heat blast finger, marking the days on her wall.


"Hey." She looks back, seeing a neighbor of hers. A weasel gazed through the red barrier at her from his cell.

"You were the one who tangled with Kwarrel." He claimed, causing Kat to growl under her breath, not saying another word.

"You know..he's just trying to help. He'd helped me-" Kat cut him off.

"Do you want your head on a pole or up you're ass?" The weasel staggered while his sweat rained from his head.

" Sorry, Uh, I'll let you...do you."


In the courtyard once again, Katlyn watches Kwarrel talking with his peeps on the bleachers.

"What's so good about that guy? The dude bald, don't that supposed to mean he has more wisdom?" She rants to herself while the three aliens from before approaching her.

"Hey, girl." The charming alien called, not getting a reply from her.

"There's a favor I like to ask."

"Don't you dumbasses, don't get 'Not interested'?" Kat rolled her eyes.


"That's fine, but we have a plan to escape." The fish explained, gaining Katlyn's attention.

"You see, we need one of the guard's key cards: doing that is like opening the doors to freedom, and for someone with your talents, we are steps closer to gaining it.

Katlyn stares at them blankly while Kwarrel watches from the sidelines.

"You're not gonna tell me the rest?" Kat questioned.

"We don't trust you." The fish folds his arms.

"Action is louder than words."

Katlyn stays silent.

"Fine, but I'll be in charge!" Kat pushed past and towards the guard that was heading to the exit.

Kwarrel strolled past her, letting his words escape his lips.

"You're only fueling more." Kat ignored him and continued to her one-way ticket to escape.

The guard uses the card to the door and exits, but her XLR8 tail grabs the card from his holster.

"HAAAA!!!" Her collar went off, gaining everyone's attention.

"Get down!" The guard aims a rifle from the watchtower ordered from the coms while others surround her.

"Down!" The guard ordered, she followed, stopping the shock.



Katlyn's back was against the wall as she gazed up at the ceiling of the room of darkness, heels clicking filled the dead room until the door opened, letting in light that blind Kat for the moment.

"Your time is up." The guard stands in front of the barrier.

"The warden said, if you pulled something like that, again he would not let you off so easily." The barrier vanishes while She gets to her feet up and walks through the halls with the guard behind.

' Action is louder than words.' Her glare hardens.

'You are only fueling more.'

'The anger within you is destroying the temple you create only for the matter of time it will soon crumble.'

Those punks made a fool out of her. That man tried to warn her, yet she shut him out. She was fuming, her fists hungered to cave their heads in, but Kwarrel appeared in her mind like Will.

Kat going to hate what she's going to do next.


"Teach me to control my anger." Katlyn was bowing to Kwarrel that was confusing everyone with her behavior.

"What's up with her?" A prisoner questioned.

"She acted like a Null guardian before..." The other claimed.

"I wonder what they did to her; I'm going nowhere near the pit." The third claimed to herself.

"Kid." Kwarrel called. Kat gazed up at him.

"Once taking this path, you can't forfeit."

"I won't." She nods while Kwarrel flashes a grin.

"Let's get started."

Black Hydra X City Wolf X Easy McCoy- I wasn't Born To Behave


llll ll

"You feel the anger eating away your soul?" Kwarrel strolls past Kat, trying to meditate.

"Yes?" Kwarrel slaps the back of her head.


"Then focus!"


llll llll

Katlyn falls on her face while Kwarrel looks over his shoulder.

She growls, flashing her sharp teeth.

"Your rage is a weapon: use it, don't let it use you." Katlyn gets back up and charges.


llll llll llll

Katlyn was still as a stone in her mediate position.

Her breath was soothing; Kwarrel was watching from the bench.

"What makes you furious?" He questioned while voices filled Kat's head.

'....I'm sorry.'

' Don't forget Will. Oh, Silly me, I forgot. HE'S IN A COMA!!!'


"What you are feeling now is only temporary: your goal is to let it go."

Katlyn's memories rush. All the bad memories came like flowing water. Benita rants, bad words, even Will's encounters, and past.

Slowly her body shrinks while diamonds and hot rocks tumble onto the ground. Her skin returns, eyes peak, and the familiar scar across her eye is back.

"Whoa..." She looks down at her human hands again. She looks up at the smirking Kwarrel.

"Now, your power." She took a knee, touching the ground with a sigh, encasing; herself in concrete.

Her skin returns while she gazes awestruck at her hands, Fond of her new method of power.

"There's nothing much I can teach you." Katlyn's lip shake, while she kept in her tears.

"Thank you." Her smile quivered.

"No problem, kid." He took a knee." Now, do you want to get out of here?" Kathlyn staggered.

"I don't think it's possible."

"It is you, just haven't seen it: yet." Suddenly the prisoners begin to become provoked.

"Hey!!!" An alien approaches another and punches him to the ground.

The others begin dog piling and battling it out, releasing all-out welfare throughout the courtyard while Katlyn stares clueless.

"Come on, kid. This our chance." He light pats her back.

They sprint from the courtyard, around back: They came to a halt of a row of air conditioners.

"Kwarrel, where are we going?" Kat questioned while Kwarrel eyed down each one.

"Here" He pushes the air conditioner away, looking down the hole, surprising Kat.

"I dug this in secret, I didn't know when, but this the time." He drops down.

"Come on, kid." She drops after.

He caught her and set Kat down. They break it through the tunnel encased with diamond shards.

"Wait, Kwarrel." She called but came to a halt, seeing Kwarrel stop with his hand out as the size of her kid body in a guarding kind of way.

She noticed a guard pulling his helmet from his head.

"Morgg." Kwarrel guards Kat.

"You know, you could've gotten away, but I stumbled across this a few months back." Morgg aims his rifle at the two.

"It seems your plan is in vain." He pulls the trigger letting out a loud crackle, but before that happens, Kwarrel pushes Kat from the path of the bullet.

Kwarrel pressed Morgg against the wall as they wrestled for domination.

Kat gazed at the place: she last stood and saw a hole hazing smoke.

"Kwarrel..." Kat called out weakly.

"RUN, KID!!!" Kwarrel pushes Morgg back once more.

"You won't...make it far." Morgg clenched his teeth while Katlyn froze.

This was the second she froze in her life before her scar, not because it was her lifeline.

She was going to lose someone she would call a father.

"But, Kwarrel-"

"GO!!!" Katlyn barreling down the tunnel, not looking back.

The light blinded her as her willpower increased ten folds.

She stumbled to a stop, staring at the Null Void once again.

She jumped, hearing a gunshot once again, looking back, in regret.

She said something before leaping from the cave.

"I'm sorry."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Plus, what do think about the MC?

Kghost2015creators' thoughts