
Bekhauf (Fearless)

Asia is a beautiful and vast continent where countries in South East such as the Philippines, Japan, China, Taiwan, etc. reside. Many folks have registered stories of old which they called Urban Legends that dated back decades of centuries ago are noted to be scary, historic or heroic. But this legendary story I am about to tell you will make you think and realize about your existence. That reading this urban legend will make you rethink if you are part of their lineage or not? Keyoshi is tagged as the village’s finest, fear less girl alongside Yuna, the former’s challenger in the Hunt’s game. She is part of a clan in an ancient village called Mimiko. Mimiko Village has tradition that to be able to grow strong, and be part of a powerful hunting team, young girls at the age of 13 years will need to travel West and fight all goblins and dark spirits (dead monsters) that they will face in a land a hundred kilometers away from their village, called Yomi (land where a living could never go back alive). Yomi is an island where humans who lived an evil life will get trapped here. Yomi has a man-spirit king named King Aatma.

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · 现代言情
93 Chs


My dear hunter warriors, I am not speaking out of the pity nor boast as the Chosen Warrior for Myriad and the Hunt, I am here to assure you that, as your sister in the fight and the truth, I know we can come up to something great out of the battles we have won and we will intend to win after this! Your concerns are well kept and heard, my father Chief Lolo always protected and led our tribe with justice and good judgment. So, believe that everything will turn out good with you here and with whatever your concerns raised with me and Yuna, today! I will make sure that your voices will be heard and we will help each other to share the produce when we get back to Mimiko. And now we need to rest so we can hunt for our meal for the next week in order to survive the journey back home!, Keyoshi shouted and no one bothered to speak nor contest against the Ultimate Warrior Hunter.

Good night Shi!, Sarasti and Sindid said un unison tapping Keyoshi's shoulder. Along with the hunter warriors Keno, Nidar, Acamara who smiled at Shi and the rest of the teams, tribes, nations who are 12 people all in all.

Babe, I know you mean well but how can you be sure that the Gatherers will give what is due to our people?, Yuna bewildered.

I know because I told them that whether I return or not from the Hunt, they need to follow our agreement and promise, to make the lives of our people at Mimiko and the rest of the world to be rich, happy, bountiful and peaceful. All will get a fair share and the children, elderly will live with have regular rations of food, medicine and everything they need for I the Warrior Hunter says so!, Keyoshi said bravely looking at my eyes which made me shiver down the spine with her conviction and high spirits. O..okayyyy! Then!...

Chana was looking from afar when Yuna and Keyoshi were seen talking. Keyoshi kissed Yuna on the cheek and left her to walk inside their tent. While the chosen warrior hunter moved to walk into the forest.

Chana moved quickly and thought that this is the right time to have a quick chat with Keyoshi. She moved using her tentacles so she could outrun Keyoshi but the girl is already swimming in the river close to the camp. Chana sees Sarasti and Sindid who are not far off from where she is standing, drinking beer and laughing while rounding off to check the vicinity of the camp from wild animals and monsters lurking our at night near the forest.

Haa….the water cold but I can somehow feel the warmth from something or someone, now! Hmm…this is nice ahhhhh,,,huh!, What the ?!, Keyoshi thought and almost jumped when she saw long tentacles caressing her butt and back.

Hahahaha….got yah!

Cha…Chana??? You, what the fuck!

I just want to feel you, that's all!, Chana said and moved fast like after a while she is already all over Keyoshi. Her eyes shone like light bulbs and her tongue is like a lizard licking Keyoshi on the face.

Chana, stop this! I'm leaving, Yuna is…

Stop….don't avoid me. You have been trying to look down on me and as if I'm this monster ….

Stop Chana, I love you but as my dear friend. How many times have I told you that I don't feel the same way you do. I am in love with Yuna….

I know. Yuna this, Yuna that….you always mention her even in your slesp. You are so beautiful Keyoshi. I love to be with you just this once. Come here you…., Chana added and her tentacles enclosed Keyoshi that she couldn't move or talk since one of Chana's tentacle moved inside Keyoshi's mouth and stopped her from talking.

Now, you can't ignore or stop me. I can do whatever I want from you. Now that you are in my arms, or tentacles…haha…hahahaahahahahhaah! Keyoshi's eyes got bigger and felt one of Chana's long and powerful tentacle arms moved inside her pants and started to get inside her. Keyoshi struggled but it was no use, when she can't call for help nor move with Chana's powerful octopus arms. Chana felt so high and when Keyoshi was about to cum, she moved in closer with hers to penetrate the girls sensitive part. Keyoshi couldn't shout but before Chana could rape her, she got an idea to use her hand reached for her sword then decided to strike one of Chana's octopus tentacled arms to force and let go of her.

Ahhhhh...….haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Chana shouted out from the top of her lungs and didn't budge. But when Keyoshi cut two or three arms at the same time, she immediately let go of the girl and blood flew from all the parts that Keyoshi struck good.

Sindid and Sarasti ran towards the noise and saw Keyoshi struggling to swim back to shore all clothes shattered and her underpants torn.

Whaaaat happened Keyoshi?, Sarasti cramming. I'm okay, help Chana she is bloodied. I just want to fix myself and will wait for you back at the camp. I want to talk to her after you save her. You got me Sarasti?, Keyoshi said fearlessly.

Ah…yess of course. Come Sindid let's rescue Chana! Call for Tilly, Chana needs help!, Sarasti added. Sindid nodded and ran as fast as he could to call for the lizard medic.

Chana…what happened?, Sarasti shocked seeing the woman's tentacle arms, three of them cut and bleeding. She is quiet and still crying from the ordeal while Sarasti carried her into her arms back to camp.

Keyoshi, you're back…ahhhh..huh what happened?, Yuna surprised at Keyoshi's torned clothes and underpants. She has bruises and cuts all over her body too. I don't want to talk about it now Yuna, please give me water!

Yuna ran to get a glass of water and helped Keyoshi to lie down on the bed for a while. Keyoshi told everything that happened between Chana and her. Yuna got angry and wanted to reprimand Chana but Keyoshi stopped her and calmed her down. Keyoshi decided to talk to Chana alone for as her best friend she understands, She just wants to have a heart to heart talk with her childhood friend and know what's really troubling her these days.

Fuck you Chana! Why did you do that? And what's got into you forcing yourself to me like that?, Keyoshi shouted at gloomy Chana (all bondages wrapped around her three-tentacled arms) when she is recuperating inside their mini-clinic near Yuna and Keyoshi's tent.

Yuna can perfectly hear Keyoshi shouting at Chana inside the clinic.