
Bekhauf (Fearless)

Asia is a beautiful and vast continent where countries in South East such as the Philippines, Japan, China, Taiwan, etc. reside. Many folks have registered stories of old which they called Urban Legends that dated back decades of centuries ago are noted to be scary, historic or heroic. But this legendary story I am about to tell you will make you think and realize about your existence. That reading this urban legend will make you rethink if you are part of their lineage or not? Keyoshi is tagged as the village’s finest, fear less girl alongside Yuna, the former’s challenger in the Hunt’s game. She is part of a clan in an ancient village called Mimiko. Mimiko Village has tradition that to be able to grow strong, and be part of a powerful hunting team, young girls at the age of 13 years will need to travel West and fight all goblins and dark spirits (dead monsters) that they will face in a land a hundred kilometers away from their village, called Yomi (land where a living could never go back alive). Yomi is an island where humans who lived an evil life will get trapped here. Yomi has a man-spirit king named King Aatma.

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · 现代言情
93 Chs

Holy War

I'm sorry my king but we have almost used up our powers to defeat the demonoids but it's as if no use since they continue to charge and grow in numbers. We need to kill them and send them back to the Underworld with Kemolohlun!, Lord West said and talked with King Aatma telepathically. I understand my Lords but just a little bit more. I believe Keyoshi and his team is about to enter the gates and from there we can rest for a while and let them finish the job they are supposed to do for the Games, Aatma thought and reassured the lords that it's going to be alright.

Lyza is looking at Kemolohlun's face while he is sound asleep. She never thought that this crazy and dark Lord is sweet, kind and helpless when he is inlove or loved someone, like her. Lyza smiled and touched Kemo's nose which is very tall. She never thought that up close the Demon Lord is indeed handsome. Especially when he isn't mad or retaliating or killing someone or an enemy spirt. Hmm…I like what you're doing, it is soothing!, Kemologlun said. Lyza almost jumped from her seat beside the Dark Lord in a master's bedroom. Haa..you scared me, I thought I would flee by the sight of you. Yet, now that I realized how loving you are! I think I can love you and your craziness!, Lyza replied. Yes, and I love you too, so much that I'm willing to give up my throne and my kingdom just for you and our baby!, Kemo added now in a serious mood. He straightened his bare body and sat beside Lyza. Lyza, I anything happens to me, please remember that I will return and care for you and our baby. You can't leave here since I know you know, you are already dead and old. And the reason why you're still alive is because of my power as God of the Dead and Reincarnation, you are just a mere energy with a body!, Kemolohlun explained holding Lyza's hands tight and kssing them he smield again. Yes, I understand. If anything happens we will see in the after life or in our incarnated bodies. I will be excited to meet you again then!, Lyza added and smiled with tears in her eyes and hugged Kemolohlun back. Now, I must obey the orders of the gods but not as what they expect me to do. For the last time I need to do the right thing, this time, it's for you and for our future and the rest fo the world's!, Kemolohlun replied and kissed Lyza on the mouth lovingly.

I have called my friends to watch the games. Is it up yet!, King Anma of Heavens said to his angel courtier. No, my Lord, the warriors are still about to enter the gates of Yomi. Do I need to advice the gods and goddesses for the said event later?

Yes Cherub and tell them to bring in their bets who will win for the Hunt Games this time, hahahahaah!!!!, King Anma said gladly.

Let's start the games. Drinks are on me!, King Anma yelled to all the guests in the courts of heavens.

Gods and Goddesses of the heavens, middle earth, underworld and netherworld, please be adviced that the Hunt Games are about to start and we are required to enter the dining are for the meal. Then after wards we will need to ready our bets of gold for the chosen warriors to lead the pack and games. You will need to give your precious stones or golds or payments to my colleague angels carrying jars of clay for this event! Thank you! Enjoy the games!, Cherub added and with a serious face and he ordered the angels to do their jobs. And when the gods/goddesses are at rthe dining area he clapped his hands and the food on gold trays entered consist of different types of meat, fruits and vegetables. Food for the gods /goddesses are worth gold so it's a grand feast above all feasts.

Skipper and Skull drove the rovers and while driving to the village in front of Yomi gates, it seems so quiet and serenely weird. It's never like this at Yomi and there would always be people flocking in the marketplace or in the stores. Especially this time of the Hunt Games.

It's definitely weird!, Yuna said while umping out of the jeep as warriors one by one leapt out of the vehicle to check on the area.

Yeah! Emu, it's been a while since we visited the place but ho come, there aren't….haaaa…Drake! what's wrong?

Guys!, there are thousands of demonoids charging here as I speak. I can slow them down but I won't be able to defeat them, they are like ants flocking a prey and we are all their preys, the almost scared dragon explained.

Keyoshi?, Yuna looked at her girlfriend, waiting for her orders. Hmm….we can'r use our weapons to kill them but let's use our powers this time. This is for the warriors and soldiers who died for the cause and to save those who needed saving including us. We will survive, let's fight! Until the end!, Keyoshi said bringing all the warriors and soldiers together.

Until the end!, Jill, Cris, Benie, Sugar, Kana, and warrior hunters namely Sarasti and Sindid with Emu, Acamara, Keno, Mera, Veluis, Kisha. Let's go! Waaahhhhhh....Skipper and Skull stayed in the rovers and used it with the armalites and machine guns they accumulated from Major Jonas's team when they took their guns from their docking station outside of Mimiko Island. This was from the portal that brought them here in this era.

Ready, now….., Keyoshi said looking at the thousands and thousands of demonoids lurking like black and grey spirits that whenever they glide and move they dry or kill every living being or thing blocking their way. F*ck, they dry every single living thing like vampires, Cris said chewing his gum and when spitting it out he shouted, Make my day, you filthy, ugly demons! Waaahhhhh…..and all same as the warriors and soldiers charging all together this time. Skipper and Skull have driven many spirits, firing their guns and oils to burn the minions down. Some ar hurt and cried out or just dissppearing instantly. Maybe they have killed sevral thousands as they moved using the jeeps.