It is going to be soo much fun. I am going to play in the Quiddich World Cup Final.
In England. With Harry Potter in attendance.
Viktor Krum, who also happens to be my classmate, is the Seeker. I am a Chaser.
I think between the two of us, we can bag the Cup.
And that's exactly what happens. Between the seven times I scored and Viktor catching the Snitch, Bulgaria wins the Quiddich World Cup of 1994.
As I've erased Voldemort from existence, there's no Death Muncher attack on the campsite.
After I go back to my home, a miniscule castle in Bulgaria after the excitement from winning the World Cup finally dies, I begin the next step of my plan.
I am going to win the Tri Wizard Tournament.
And get hooked up with Daphne Greengrass.
And break up the Golden Trio.
But first I must finish the huge breakfast my elves put in front of me. I really don't want to deal with pouting elves with puppy dog eyes right now.