

Adam Coakley an normal teen to people standards, he drinks,party's,hangs with friends all normal teen stuff but hes an other side and that is he's scared,has anxiety and he likes anime/manga, star wars etc. but what will happen to him when dies meets god gets wishes and a universe of his choosing will he become an emperor and conquer worlds or will live he the free life adventuring the universe (disclaimer) i don't own star wars obviously this is just my fantasy and dream also there might be sexual scenes depends how well i write them.

outerself19 · 漫画同人
37 Chs

CHAPTER 1/Death and Wish's

Adam Coakley behaved like an happy 19 year old, he was born and rased in Dublin Ireland he acted like any other 19 year old he hangout with friend, went to party's, went clubbing, drank alcohol he looked happy, but that was all an act for the people he loved he didn't want them to know how he was struggling, likemany people in the world Adam suffered from anxiety it really affected his life he was afraid to get a job talk to strangers etc, it only subsided when he read and watched anime/manga,web novels/fanfiction and alcohol. the only time he drank was when his best friend Ryan tried to get him out of the house. Ryan knew Adam's problem he tried to get him to meet new people he invited him to party's,clubs,holidays it helped adam alot he opened up a bit to people

One day Adam is at home like usual he's on his laptop looking at some star wars forums he's always been a fan of star wars ( he loved the lightsabers,clones,space ships, etc) he was scrolling through some coments until he saw one that caught his eye.

ID/Ultimate God " if you could reincarnate in star wars with seven wishes what would they be "

Adam could see no one replyed so Adam decided to be the first one, he went into private chat Ultimate God.

Sibzz(Adam)" hey i seen you comment and decided to tell my wishes here they are

1) I want a system that shows stats

2) I want to be trained in all forms/abillity's of the force

3) I want the clone army (loyal to me )

4) I want four companians trained in the force ( I perfer beautiful/sexy women)

5) I want my own world with a civilization and beautiful city where i am King

6) I want the starforge that only i could use

7) I want to have an unlimited amount of resourses and blue prints (metals etc, kyber krystals)

Adam was happy with his answer even though he knows they aren't going to come true but he hope's someday they do hopefully, while he was daydreaming a *DING* sound woke him up from it

it was the Ultimate God guy who replyed with one word.

Ultimate God" GRANTED"

Adam was thinking what he meant when he suddenly got struck by lightning everything was dark.

the Darkness only lasted a couple off seconds but it felt like an enternity to Adam until suddenly everything came to light and he was in an unknown space with floating islands and tree,grass etc

when Adam was wondering whats going a blue screen appeared in front of him saying.