
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · 现代言情
34 Chs

The Isle of swans

Becca's POV

James stops in his tracks and after assessing the situation his face scrunches up as he glares at Isaac who returns a blank uninterested look

"So I shot someone, big fucking news" James says nonchalantly as he plops down onto the sofa right in front of Nathan but far enough to be out of Nathan's range in case Nathan decides to end is existence prematurely but Nathan isn't the one he should be worrying bout cause the sound of my hand hitting the back of his head startles everyone in the room

"You fucking retard, you didn't just shoot anyone you shot a motherfucking cop and turned Paris on its fucking head" I shout at a startled James as the rest of the boys stand aside too shocked at my outburst to stop me which I a good thing cause id have ripped them a new one if they came anywhere near me.

"What the fuck Becca, you didn't have to use all the power in your fucking arm" He shouts as he rubs his head with eyes now wary of my every movement as if expecting another attack.

"You deserve it for being so fucking stupid. You shot a fucking cop for fucks sake and you tried to lie to me about it James. I mean what sort of self destructive behaviour are you displaying" I say as his eyes soften and he looks apologetically at the floor which makes my anger fade a little as Nathan steps forward and pull me into hug before leading me to a chair and letting me sit down.

What happened next was expected by everyone else but me it seems cause Nathan turn right around and punches James so hard that he falls to the floor bleeding.

"What the fuck was that for. I already fucking apologized for shooting the cop" James says as he gets up and gets right in Nathan's face which as far as I'm concerned was a stupid decision cause Nathan just pushes him right back to the floor and points assertively at James as he says

"But that's the point. No one fucking actually heard an apology leave your pompous mouth. And you still haven't apologized for leaving a man behind. I don't know how Marcella runs things but no soldier f mine is a coward an disloyal" Nathan says as James gets visibly angry on the ground as his fists clench and he gets up with a swing that is in perfect form but Nathan just reverses it into an over the shoulder throw with an impact that is sure to relieve James of the use of his right hand.

Isaac and Ryan move to intervene on behalf of James but Nathan's open palm facing them serves as a warning to not interfere in what I frankly think is a well deserved lesson even though it might be a little harsh.

Ever the stubborn one, James gets right back up and launches himself right back at Nathan as his still functional left hand wraps around Nathan's legs and lift him off the ground before Nathan's elbow plants itself smack into the center of his spine repeatedly until James lets go.

"Stay down" Nathan commands but James resiliently stands right back up but this time something is different because his presence becomes more domineering and the look in his eyes can only be described as primal and savage.

His moves seem faster and more calculated as Nathan seems more focused on his advance and as he moves to counter the punch coming for his head James drops to the ground his legs wrapping around Nathan's and the heel of his right leg digging into the soft backside of Nathan's knees and forcing him to the floor. Wasting no time at all James flips Nathan over and goes for a punch with his right hand but Nathan with a move that shows impressive core strength reaches up and diverts the incoming fist to the right and wraps James in a modified front sleeper hold that uses his right hand as leverage.

James just laughs as he rolls over and wraps his right arm around Nathan's head in a guillotine hold while delivering punch after punch to Nathan's now exposed rib cage.

Nathan wriggles his head out of the lax hold that was only being held together by the right arm of an already injured James. A sequence of punches later Nathan stands with a grunt as a bloodied James lies twitching on the floor.

Nathan looks at me with a look that seems to say 'I had to do it' and though I don't approve of his methods Id rather not get in the middle of this little testosterone war so I just avert my gaze and brush past Isaac and Ryan as I head to the bedroom, Nathan following behind with his head down like a puppy that just did a bad thing.

Honestly it all happened in a flash but the unmistakable sound of a gun firing has me whipping my head around to see an injured James holding a smoking gun in his right hand.

Ryan is the first to react as he grabs the empty glass of water left on the counter and chucks it at James hitting him square in the center of his forehead and knocking him to the floor as Ryan runs over and disarms him before knocking him out.

I look over at Nathan who still has a look of shock on his face and time slows down as my brain prepares for the worst that is until Isaac collapses to the floor and time speeds right back up as we all rush to his side.

"well that hurt" Isaac says as he falls against Ryan who hands him over to me and whips out his phone to call an ambulance. Nathan on the other hand runs over to James who is just coming to and with a well placed kick disarms him and knocks him out properly.

Ryan reaches down and carries Isaac in his arms as we all file into the elevator and race down to the lobby where a stretcher is already waiting to load him into an unmarked van while Ryan stays behind to pay for a cleanup job.

Two hours and an underground clinic waiting room later we get the news that Isaac will in fact be okay and that it was a through and through shot to the shoulder and that he is currently awake so we pile into his room and Nathan rushes over to Isaac and throws his arms around him in very unlikely manner for the usually confident devil.

A moment filled with awkwardness later, Nathan finally withdraws his arms and clears his throat as he punches Isaac on the shoulder which causes the latter to scream out in pain as Nathan apologizes profusely until he notices that Isaac has in fact started laughing his ass off.

"I'm just messing with you man. Its the other shoulder" He says with a smile but the serious look on Nathan's face tells a story of intent to dismember and possibly incinerate in the hottest flames known to man.

To prevent a decapitated and mutilated corpse I drag Nathan by the scruff of his collar out of the clinic for a midnight stroll.

We decide to walk toward the Eiffel tower and we soon get to a bridge that I ask Nathan about in order to start up a conversation.

"Well this bridge leads to Isle aux cygnes or the isle of swans which is most famous for playing host to a statue given to the french b the Americans to mark the 100th anniversary of the french revolution. An almost exact downsized version of the statue of liberty" He says with a glint of childish amusement in his eyes which he reigns in before turning and saying "But you already knew that didn't you?" he asks with a warm smile

"Well I did but when you talk smart it turns me on professor" I whisper into his ears and it seems like no other motivation is needed cause he whips out his phone and shoots a quick text before turning around and saying "I'm sure Isaac and Ryan will eventually understand our absence and that being said, there's a car at the end of the bridge and as much as I'd like to fulfil my public sex fetish I intend to keep going till sunrise so I suggest you pick up the pace" Nathan says as his breath fans my upper lip due to how close we currently are and so I just nod so we don't tempt each other any further than we already have as we rush towards a sleek SUV with blacked out windows.

As we get closer the driver steps out and is about to hand the keys over to Nathan but I snatch it out of his hand and hop rather ungracefully into the drivers seat before blowing the wayward hair out of my mouth and saying "I'm driving this time" and Nathan just chuckles at how cute I must seem and then he slams the door shut.

And in that moment my window gets coated in brain matter and blood as the back door flies open and much to my relief Nathan jumps in and shouts "Drive Becca" and we zoom off as I floor the accelerator.