
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · 现代言情
34 Chs

I really need to put a lock on that elevator

Becca's POV

I wake up to the sun streaming down on my face and roll over to find the other side of the bed empty. I stand up and wrap the covers around my body as I start to wonder where my clothes went.

I walk out to the living room to find Gloria cleaning up the mess I made last night with the peanut butter jar.

"Good morning Gloria" I say as I walk towards her.

"Good morning young miss. I'll get your bath ready now" she says with courtesy as she moves towards the bathroom. As she goes I look at the countertop and the rush of memories from last night has me smiling as my cheeks heat up.

I bite my lips as the memory of his lips on mine washes over me. The way his hands gripped me, the feel of his muscles under my fingers, the sensual dance of our tongues, and the way he makes me feel all rush into my mind as I stare at the countertop with a stupid smile on my face.

As I make a move to get back to my room I'm suddenly grabbed as a big hand covers my mouth and I'm thrust into darkness. I waste no time in quickly going for the nuts of my attacker but come up short when my knee is caught in the palm of my attacker and he twists me and pulls me flush against his body as my back comes into contact with his chest.

"Kicking someone in the nuts isn't very nice Tesoro" my attacker whispers into my ear and as his voice and his scent finally wash over me, my eyes widen in surprise as his hand leaves my mouth.

"Nathan?" I ask even though I'm pretty sure that it is him

"yes, it's me" he says as my eyes adjust and I find out that he's in only his boxer shorts, and judging from the tent that is currently rising down there, id say that he's pretty aroused.

"If you keep looking at it like that, then we're going to have to burn your pantry to the ground" he says in a sultry voice that makes me blush in embarrassment that he caught me. I look away from his smirk which for some reason no longer appears smug but is starting to look endearing. As I turn I'm met by a shelf with some nonperishables on it and as I look around I notice that we are in fact in my pantry.

"Yeah let's definitely not have sex in here, there are these coffee beans in here that I snuck into the country because they were deemed illegal and I wouldn't want to have to burn them cause my re-up is in three months and that's too far away," I say as I look away from him even though I want him right now.

"Wait why are your coffee beans illegal?" he asks with a chuckle

"apparently coffee beans infused with a little bit of coke, ecstasy, and hallucinogens are not exactly world health organization approved" I reply with a roll of the eyes at how ridiculous the world health organization is for shutting down the factories I'd already built to manufacture this strokes of pure genius.

"Yeah I think you've just spoilt the magic of Starbucks for me," he says with a smile.

"If we ever get out of this room then I'll fix you a cup" I reply with a smile and he must have been really motivated cause merely moments later, he borrows my phone and a 'ding' is heard as Gloria who I can see through a crack in the door, rushes in and leaves.

"How the fuck did you get her to leave?" I ask as we come out and move straight to the kitchen where I get to work on fixing him a cup of my special blend.

"I just told her that you needed a file from the office and that she shouldn't leave till she finds it," he says as he sits down on a stool with his eyes fixed on the exact spot on the countertop as a stupid smile forms on his face.

"That was smart," I say as I saunter over to him with the coffee in my hands. And for some reason, he has some really weird smile on his face.

I soon notice why when I get close enough to him and get caught in the full blast of the air conditioner. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me squirm, I decide to play it off.

"That reminds me, where the fuck are my clothes?" I ask as I pick up my cup and take a sip.

"Oh, well in the middle of the night you held me down and climbed on top of me before taking off your gown and trying to sleep with me," he says nonchalantly as he continues drinking his coffee.

"Nice try motherfucker, now what the fuck really happened to my clothes?" I ask as he smiles at the fact that I was able to catch on.

"The truth is that in the middle of the night your temperature skyrocketed so I had to take off your clothes," he says with a straight face

"And the panties were what? Collateral damage?" I ask

"Actually that was for my personal amusement. Those pesky little things always get in the way and I would have hated to tear them up" he says as a devilish smile forms on his face.

"Whatever you say, you panty-sniffing pervert," I say as I'm about to walk off and put on some clothes but he grabs my wrist and pulls until I'm flush against him with my palms on his chest.

He doesn't ask for permission this time as he cups my cheek in his left hand and pulls me closer with the right before smashing his lips to mine. Now I could lie and say that I pushed him away and went to dress up, but in reality, I kissed him back with as much passion as he gave which is a lot and besides I kind of want to see where this leads.

But can you really blame me? The last time I had sex was 4 weeks ago and I was so drunk that I don't remember it so in reality the last time I had sex was 6 months ago. So I'd appreciate it if you didn't blame me for being horny.

He stands up as I wrap my legs around his lower body and he walks us over to the same spot on the countertop where we had our moment last night.

"Aren't you grateful that you aren't wearing panties right now?" he asks with a smug smile as we pull apart for air with our foreheads still linked.

"Very" I reply as I grab his head and smash it back onto mine. Our breaths mingle together as our bodies and our minds start to meld together.

As our bodies move together, my hands start to venture south as his lips start to nibble on my neck which causes my back to arch as soft moans erupt out of my body at sporadic intervals.

"Sei Bella," he says in a sultry voice, and the way the Italian rolls off of his tongue is truly magical.

I pull on the waistband of his boxer shorts and just as I'm about to grab his member, he sneezes which totally ruins the moment as we slowly pull apart.

"On the bright side, while I'm in recovery you can always go buy a sexy nurse outfit. Trust me you'll need it, and don't forget that there are no panties allowed" he says as he tries to make light of the situation with a smirk but he sneezes again and by now I'm totally convinced that he needs rest so I lead him to the couch.

"Why don't you rest up and I'll go make you some soup," I say and then I kiss him before heading to the kitchen. He might be sick but I can't deny the fact that he gives magical kisses.

I pull some vegetables and milk out of the fridge and as I close it I see Nathan on the other end.

"No offense mi Tesoro, but you can't really cook so I already called someone else," he says apologetically and so I drop the pot dejectedly and go to my room to change.

Roughly thirty minutes later I am seated on the couch when the elevator doors open and my grandmother walks in.

"Where is that Piccola merda that had the balls to sleep with a married woman?" she shouts as she goes on a rampage, tearing apart my apartment.

"Grandma calm down. What the fuck are you talking about?" I ask as I try to stop her from thrashing my place

"Don't you dare play coy with me. Gloria saw the trousers in the guest bathroom and she reported straight to me for your safety, and I have to say that I'm truly disappointed and frankly disgusted that you'd cheat on your fiancé, I expected better from you" she says with anger and disappointment evenly displayed on her face as she pushes me aside and continues her search. I don't know why, but even though she was wrong it kind of hurt me to see the disappointment in her eyes.

As she gets closer to my room, the sound of a toilet flushing is heard and as she walks towards it the door is flung open and Nathan walks out in nothing but a t-shirt and his boxer shorts.

Shock and embarrassment quickly wash over my grandma's face as he exchanges pleasantries with her. Just then the elevator pings again and Isaac and Ryan walk in with charlotte in tow.

And as they all cram into my apartment whilst arguing very loudly. I think to myself 'I really need to put a lock on that elevator'