


"Sir, are you sure she won't post a video" my driver asked

"I don't think she will, she just looks hungry" I replied him

Thinking about it, since Nicole passed, a lot of girls have tried their best to get my attention but this particular girl talking back at me and threatening me is a first for me.

I miss Nicole so much, I miss her smile, her face and all.

"Chase do not even listen to this girls no matter how they appear or present themselves" Nicole would say

"I won't baby, I'll only look at you" I'll promise

"Because although they seem to be happy for our love, they will kill at the slightest opportunity to be in my position" she'll say

I'll nod and listen to her, I loved watching her talk, watching her sleep, I loved every little thing she did.

I remember the first day I met her

It was at a function that my dad had asked that I stand in for him

My Dad's personal secretary had invited my dad to his wife's birthday celebration and since my dad was out of the country, he asked me to go on his behalf

I wasn't feeling the event at all and wanted to be out of the place but I had to stay for at least thirty minutes before excusing myself

I felt someone sit beside me, I didn't turn, I was used to this

"I'm not feeling it as well, it's very boring" she said

I turned to look at her but didn't say anything

"But then I'm not frowning at them, you need to smile Chase Banks and act like you're enjoying it. Frowning is not a good impression" she said

I guess she is right.

I smiled

She smiled too, the smile was captivating

"My name is Nicole Wilson and you?"

I raised an eyebrow in confusion

"This is the first time we are meeting, you should introduce yourself properly" she informed me

"I'm Chase Banks " I said not believing myself

She smiled widely

"Nice meeting you Chase. I have to go now, remember to smile" she left

I watched her as she danced with the celebrants daughter, she didn't as much as stare at me as she danced. I was shocked and attracted

I knew I wanted to talk to her again at all cost

I beckoned on my personal assistant


"The lady that spoke with me earlier, I need her phone number" I said

I waited impatiently for him to return

Finally he did

"Sir, she said she doesn't think you need it"

"What do you mean?"

"I think she wants you to ask her for it yourself" he replied

"She can keep it then" I scoffed at the thought

So I should walk up to her and request for her number?? As who??

I poured myself a glass of whine and sipped still looking at her, she turned to me and smiled

My legs worked on their own as they stood up and walked towards her

Her smile widened as I approached and I couldn't help but smile back

As I opened my mouth to speak she beat me to it

"Give me your phone"

I di as she requested and watched her type in her number

"Here is my number, I think it's improper to send your personal assistant to get my number, I'm not doing business with you or something" she said

That was how I and Nicole became friends

I could safely call it love at first sight...

I don't remember officially asking her to be my girlfriend but I guess our hearts connected and she could tell what I wanted.

"Chase" she had called that day

"Yes sweet"

She had come and waited for me at the company...my dad had just handed the company over to me .

As we rode home she suggested we stop by a restaurant and eat

" I'll be your girlfriend "

I looked at her


"I know, and I'm saying yes to you or you do not feel the same way?" She asked

"I do, I feel the same way, I just.."

"Didn't expect it this way?" I smiled as she easily read my mind

"Chase you have to understand that I'm very different from other girls, I tend to do things differently" she smiled

But my mom didn't like her, for reasons I thought was silly. Like why should a child suffer because of the sin of a father

She had to accept her cause she wants me to be happy

I also remember the day she died like it was yesterday

Our wedding was a week away, I had gone to Madrid to round up a business deal. I wanted two weeks honey moon with my wife and I didn't want work coming in the way.

As soon as I landed the airport, I called my love

"Hey handsome"

"I just arrived"

"Wait right there, I'm on the way to the airport"

If only I had known, I wouldn't let her pick me that day, I would have asked that she stayed home.

I miss her so so much


"Sir! Sir!!"


"I'm sorry for waking you up Sir, see what's happening on the internet"

I pressed a button and whatever he was trying to show me projected on the screen in my car

A video of Nicole talking back at me


"I guess the road was not as lonely as it looked " my driver said

"No, I think she put up all these to dent my image" I stated

"I don't think so,I thinking it's so so else "

"Ate you arguing with me?" I asked in anger as I took my phone

"No Sir, sorry Sir "

📞 Get me as much information about the girl in that video before I get to the office 📞

★★ Anonymous ★★

No one is as fulfilled as I am right now.

I could gain more if I have him but no, I don't want him. I want Chase Banks to suffer, I want sadness to be the order of the day in his life.

I want Lawson Banks to watch his son silently die in the pain of loosing the love of his life, Nicole.

By the time I am done with the Banks, they'll know that it's not everybody they hurt.

It was just fraud, common embezzlement, small fifty million that my father collected from the company's account and they sacked him, arrested him and let him stay in jail for one whole year. When he was finally released they refused to take him back.

He had me to take care of, he had my sick mom to take care of.

It was the height of heartlessness not to just forgive and forget and let him fend for his family.

It was their fault that my dad could no longer get a job anywhere cause the news of what happened was everywhere.

He turned to drinking, until he got drunk one day fell and sustained internal injury that led to his death.

So I will hurt them as they hurt me

Chase will never find happiness... Ever!!!

who do you think anonymous is??

Sweetlife_22creators' thoughts