
Chapter Eighteen_ Pleasurable Punishment

Anne's POV

"Ma_master"i stuttered and stood up glaring at Lucas who showed me and i innocent smile.

He knew that Master was behind me all this while and didn't made to stop me from blabbering all those non-sense.

"Go on"he said with dark eyes slowly coming down from the stairs.

"I was just kidding Master... you're the best,the best ever Master"I smiled praying he bought that.

"I think that you've forgotten your place here Anne"he said.

As my name rolled down his tongue,it sounded so pleasant in my ears,i wished he could say that again.

I never liked it when anyone calls me Ann except for my sister and Dad,Ann had been a name only my Mom calls me when she was still alive but now that she's gone, I've never allowed anyone that i wasn't close with to call me that.

But why does him calling me Anne feel so relaxing like am used to it even though i know that this is the first time, he's calling me that but the feeling doesn't want to leave me.

"Am sorry"i bowed my head down.

"Since you're done eating, you'll be energetic to do some work"he asked and i knew that he isn't taking a no for an answer.

"Come on"he said and walked back upstairs.

I sighed,if he isn't taking me to the garden or any place else than his room,then it won't be that hard.

At least, that's what i thought.

I followed closely behind him,he went to his room and i followed him inside.

"Master...why am i here?"i asked slowly not wanting his wrath upon me.

"To give me a massage"he went to where i think was the bathroom,then he came out with only a bathrobe looking as sexy as hell.

I think this guy was so hellbent in making me nosebleed.

I sniffed lightly as he lied on his bed taking off his robe and tying a towel round his lower body leaving his upper body for my eyes to feast on.

"If i'm not pleased,you could stay here for five hours so i hope your fingers are as good as your mouth and not

as poor as your boobs"

What's with this man and my boobs?, always making fun of me whenever he get the chance to.

I cracked my knuckles and started to knead his back slowly, going downwards,then upwards.

Just after an hour of kneading and massaging,he abruptly stood up and carried his robe and put it on.

"Your turn"he said with a mischievous glint.

"No need master,am perfectly fit"

"I didn't think i gave you much of an option"he said.

I was almost at the verge of tears.

He gave me a spare bathrobe"Or do you like massage while naked"he winked as i blushed.

I was probably as red as a tomato,i went to his bathroom and tied the bathrobe around me well and tight to avoid any further embarrassment.

I breath in and got on his bed"Won't you drop the bathrobe to your shoulder?"

"No need,i like it like that"

"But i don't"he objected.

I didn't bother to argue again as i loosen the bathrobe a bit and dropped it to my shoulder.

"Let's begin"i could hear a tinge of excitement in his voice and am already regretting everything at once.