
The tour

It was obvious the others were not okay with the new student's vague introduction. They wanted to know him and by that, they wanted to know EVERY. SINGLE. THING. Sophie was alert the whole time. She was afraid she would miss something vital if she even blinked.

"Where are you from?" 

"How old are you?" 

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Are you single?" 

"Do you play sports?" 

Some of the girls were already shamelessly flirting with him even in front of their teacher and it was obvious he was uncomfortable with the overwhelming attention but that didn't concern the excited ladies. 

The questions continued to the point where Mrs. Davies could not control them either until—

"CAN YOU ALL JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" Liam yelled loudly in annoyance and hit his desk. Everywhere was instantly quiet and he realised his mood swing had gotten the best of him when he saw the horrified look his teacher was giving him, and how scared some of the students were.

"Mr. Adley! I will not tolerate that in my class. One more wrong word and you'll be in the principal's office or facing detention." Mrs. Davies warned, looking really annoyed. 

"I'm sorry. Was having a bad headache." He explained honestly.

"Still doesn't give you the right to speak like that in my class or in any class for that matter! What impression are you giving the new student about this school?" She glared at him. 

New student? Oh yes, there was a new student still standing beside her. Liam's eyes went to him. Their eyes met for a second before the new boy looked down.

"I apologize." Liam apologized.

"And I hope it won't happen again!" Mrs. Davies hissed.

"Can she just let it go already? Why is she being so annoying today?" Sophie turned back and whispered. 

"The new student really is from a bigshot family to have her reacting this way." Harry noted. 

"Mrs. Davies doesn't seem like the type to bow down to those kind of things. Maybe it's just the pregnancy hormones?" Sophie supplied as she stole a glance at the heavily pregnant woman.

"Well, you never can tell." Harry shrugged. 

"Kids! No talking!" The woman bellowed. 

"Here we go." Sophie rolled her eyes before sitting straight and looking ahead. 

"Mr. Adley, you are going to show the new student around and take him to fit for a uniform that suits him." 

"Me? Why me?" Liam asked with a frown. He had a lot going on with him and the last thing he needed was becoming a tour guide to some new student especially one who looked like he would prefer to be anywhere else but here. Maybe he was looking down on their school? Or maybe he was just introverted?

"Excuse me?" Mrs. Davies said while giving him a pointed look. "Who has been showing the new boys in your class around since the previous year?" 

It took him a moment to remember it was him. An incident that occured a while back where a new female student was harassed by a senior male who was supposed to show her around. Since then, the policy changed. The girls showed the girls around while the guys showed the guys around. Mrs. Davies always picked him to show the new boys around and he didn't know why. Maybe because their class monitor was a girl and he was the only guy she could fish out since he was quite tall, but there was Harry who was taller right? 

He really hated it, especially when the so-called new students begin to chatter nonstop and talk about stupid things he didn't care about.

"Okay Mrs. Davies." He sighed in resignation. He didn't want to argue. He was losing points and needed good points if he wanted a good recommendation after graduation. 

This was also a perfect opportunity to receive fresh air so he stood up and followed Mrs. Davies and the new student out of the classroom. 


Oliver was his name. Oliver Sallow. He walked slowly behind Liam without saying a word. This was really new for Liam since most new guys chattered nonstop and was eager to become friends with him. But this one was really quiet. He simply nodded when Liam showed him something or a place.

A lot of eyes watched them. Some flirting, some curious, some were curious and flirting. 

Liam was glad Oliver seemed to be ignoring them unlike the other guys he had met who always try to flirt back. Or maybe he just didn't notice any of it?

"You can join any club you like. It is compulsory for every student except students into sports since we already have a lot going on for us."

Oliver nodded again when he was done explaining. 

As much as Liam liked the silence, it was beginning to tick him off. 

Liam suddenly caught sight of two familiar figures approaching them and sighed. There goes his little peace time... 

"Hey guys!" It was Sophie who stood in front of them and gave them her broadest smile. She was with Harry who was giving Oliver a scrutinizing look. 

Sophie looked at Oliver and extended a hand to him, "I'm Sophia Villin but everyone calls me Sophie. And this is Harry Brown. We are both Liam's best friends." 

Oliver looked a bit confused which equally confused Sophie and Harry but Liam understood so he stepped in and said, 

"I am Liam. Liam Adley." 

He couldn't believe he had forgotten the most basic thing to do. Oliver was probably wondering who Liam was when Sophie mentioned it.

"Oh wow! Two antisocial people. Why am I not surprised?" Sophie said, still extending the hand he had left hanging. 

It was only now that they noticed he was wearing a pair of black leather gloves in both hands. 

Oliver shook her hand and withdrew his almost immediately. 

"So how old are you? Where are you from and why did you come here all of a sudden?" Harry asked.