
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · 现代言情
143 Chs

His Sweet Memories....

"Aaahhhh!" The guy with the blonde hair, stretched his arms long as he came out of the building along with his three friends. "This was the most tiring day of my life!!" He said.

"You say this every day!" The guy, who was wearing glasses said on which the remaining two guys laughed.

The Blonde haired guy pouted, "Why you are always so mean, Mu Yeolaaa?"

Mu Yeol just shrugged his shoulders, on which the tallest guy among them threw his arm around Mu Yeol's neck and said, "Don't you know, Dae Wonaa? Our cutie Mu Yeol has always been like this!" He said clinging to him.

Mu Yeol tried to push him away, but his strong arms were still holding onto him.

"Chan Woo!!!" He growled. "Let me go!!!"

But Chan Woo didn't move. So, Mu Yeol just stopped his actions and with a slow turn of his head, he looked at the guy clinging to his arm.

That glare was more impacting than the words.

On the next instant, Chan Woo just let him go and went 2-3 steps away from him. "Better keep the safe distance….Hehehe…." He murmured to himself.

"Enough of this now…." Jun who's been quiet for all this time, said finally. "We all have practiced a lot today and we all are hungry. So let's just stop annoying each other and go somewhere to eat."

"Yeah…" All three of them nodded.

"Where should we go?" Dae Won asked.


The Birthday boy blew the candles after making a wish and everyone else clapped for him,




All the little children of around 8-9 age were singing the birthday song for their friend as he was cutting the cake.

As the song finished, the little boy fed the cake to his mother and his father, who's been standing beside him.

Mia was standing in the corner, watching all these little ones enjoy their time. After a minute, she went towards the little birthday boy and smiled at him. "Happy Birthday to you!" She said.

"Thank you!" He replied.

"Should I take this cake with me?" She asked bending to him. He looked at her uncertain on which she couldn't help but laugh, "Don't worry. I'm not going to eat all of this. I'll just cut this into pieces so that all of your friends could eat it. Okay?"

He looked at his mother and as she gave him a nod, he said, "Okay!"

Mia smiled and took the cake in her hands, then bowing to the child's parents, she went towards the counter.

As she was walking with her hands full, she noticed a little guy sitting in the corner chair, away from this birthday party, alone and sad.

She kept the cake on the counter, still looking at the little guy, "Yuna Unnie…." She called and a girl, 2-3 years older than her, came out from the kitchen. "…Will you please cut this for me?" Mia asked and before Yuna could answer anything, she went towards that little boy.

"Hey there…" She said with her soft voice.

He slowly looked up.

His eyes were a little moist, his nose was red and the big, puffy cheeks of his were puffed even more as he was holding them in his hands.

Mia came down on her knees. "Aww…what happened little one?" She asked.

He didn't say anything.

"…Don't you wanna go to the party? See? All of your friends are having fun! Don't you wanna have fun?"

Still, no answer.

"Humph!" Mia folded her hands and just looked at him without saying anything.

He looked at her from the corner of his eyes, for 1-2 times. And he realized that she wasn't going anywhere, until she gets an answer.

So he opened his mouth to say something, but then from nowhere, 3 boys came to him, "Hey chubby!" One of them said and chuckled to his friends.

"What are you doing here? Don't you wanna play with us?" the other one said.

The little guys just shook his head saying 'No'.

"Why chubby? Why don't you wanna play with us?"

"Or are you here just to eat the cake!!" And on that all the 3 boys burst into laughter before turning to him, and again going into the party.

Mia glared at those boys but the next instant she looked at the little chubby guy, her eyes got filled with warmth.

"…Now you see?" The little guy said. "This is why I'm sitting here alone, by myself…."

He sniffed in and continued talking, "I…I really like cakes so much!!! Not only cake, but all the sweet things…..But….Whenever….Whenever they see me eating, they tease me….And make fun of me because I'm chubby…."

'Ohhh….' Mia thought to herself, 'So that's why he was sad and alone….'

"So please, when you give cakes to the others….Don't….Don't give to me…." He sobbed.

Hearing his words, Mia couldn't understand what to say, when Yuna yelled from the counter, "Take the cake, Mia!!"

"Yeah!" Mia stood up quickly and went towards the counter. Thinking for a second, she stood there and then deciding something to herself she took the trey in her hands.

Walking around the tables, she distributed the pieces to everyone, one by one.

In the end, she came towards the little guy's table. He was looking down, closing his eyes, "I won't eat the cake! I won't eat the cake! Just don't open your eyes! I won't see the cake and so I won't eat the cake!" He was talking to himself as the clenched fists, holding his pants were getting tighter and tighter.

"Hey there…" Mia said with a cheerful voice.

"I told you, I don't want the cake!" He said with his eyes closed.

"But, I'm not here to give you the cake! The cake is already finished!" She said.

"It's finished?" His eyes opened wide.


"Really?" He asked again with a hint of a sad tone.

"Yes! See for yourself!" And she showed him the empty trey in her hands.

"Ohhh…" He looked at it and then down at the floor, in disappointment.

"Well, you told me you didn't want the cake, so I finished it…."

"Yeah…I know…." He said. "….But…" He looked up at her with a question in his eyes, "But then, why did you come to me?.....Are you…Are you also making fun of me?" He asked as his face darkened.

"What? NO!" She denied right away. "Not at all!"


"You know…" She said as her hand went to her pockets and she brought out her phone. Clicking some buttons, she opened a screen and then showed it to him, "You reminded me of someone else I know…"

The boy looked at the picture on the screen, confused, "Who is he?" He asked.

"…Well….He is my…..friend….." She answered using the words carefully.

The boy gave her an even more confused look, "And why did you get reminded of him, when you saw me?....Look at him. He is so handsome!"

"But he didn't look like this always…." Mia chuckled as she remembered what she was talking about.


"You know what? He also used to eat cakes, sweets and candy….a lot of it!!!"



"…But then….How he's so fit and tall!"

"He got like that as he grew up and I'm sure you will be too. But as I said, he wasn't like this before. He was also chubby and cute! Just like you!!!"

"….." The boy's cheeks burnt red on that compliment.

"Aw! Cute!!!" Mia couldn't stop smiling looking at his face.

"Don't…Don't say that…" He said.

"HAhaha…." Mia burst into laughter and said, "And do you know why I told you about….this friend of mine?"

The little guy shook his head.

"Because, even though he was chubby; even though everyone else teased him for that; he never stopped doing what he loved!"

On those words his little round eyes opened wide.

"So…." She continued and looked at the counter. Getting the signal, Yuna hurriedly came towards them with a plate in her hands. Mia took it from her and completed her sentence, "So, even though the whole world is against you, never stop doing what you love!" And with that she swirled the plate in the air and then brought it in front of his face.

There was a large piece of cake in the middle.

The little guy's eyes twinkled in excitement as soon as he saw it.

"Just for you…" Mia whispered. "There is one more in the back. Just tell me and I'll bring it out for you." And she winked at him.

The boy looked at the cake and then at the girl before him, smiling so brightly.

"Here. Take it!" She said.

He took the plate in his hand and then with a spoon he took a big bite of it. "Ummmmm…." The sweet cream of the cake got spread in his mouth and his eyes got closed involuntarily, while enjoying the taste of it.

Looking at his satisfied face, Mia smiled to herself and turned back to go.

"Wait!" A mouth filled voice came from behind, on which she turned back. "….I bon't bawnt the other piece…You can bave it…" He said and licked his lips.

'Ahhh! Cutiepie!' Mia and Yuna exchanged the glances with the same thought running through their minds.

"Aw! That's so sweet of you! Thank you so much— Wait, what's your name sweety?" Mia remembered she didn't know the name of this little friend of hers.

The boy swallowed the bite and answered, "Yejun. Cha Yejun!" He said and beamed a smiled.

"…Oh! Well thank you Yejun…For sharing your cake with us….And also for reminding me of that friend of mine!"

He just smiled and gave a nod.

Mia turned back, with only thought in her mind, 'I knew, it was not possible to forget you Ray….But as I have decided to start everything from the scratch; it doesn't feel that painful now….Your sweet memories will always be with me….'
