
Beauty: Day In The Sun

A fallen angel from heaven, dwelled on Earth by borrowing the bodies of human. Through that the angel lived over a thousand years and still not satisfied with her existence on Earth. She wishes to lived for ever as her end drew closer and unfortunately ended up in a weak body of a gorgeous teenage who committed suicide the instant, the angel possessed her body.

Ticklepink · 青春言情
13 Chs

I'm Back To Teach You Miscreants A Lesson

As soon as we got to my room, she pushed me down to the ground as I fell on buttock. I knew this would definitely happen and I'm glad she led me up here herself.Afterwards, she crouches down in front of me, scowling that her face looks like a spook.

"You dare let my son go through a mess you made and think that you would go scot-free?"

I played along, as usual scared, "But I didn't do it," My voice was small.

"Whether you did it or not, I'll make sure that cops get your filthy body out of this house to the cell where you belong. And read my lips, if you ever get my son's attention again and he used you to leave his work, that day I'll skin you alive," She threatened and stood up to leave.

But I didn't permit that, I want her to display a little bit of her madness before I pick up from there.

"And what if I don't want to," I said cheeky when she turned her back at me and it made her halt, clenching her fist tightly, before she turned to me and grabbed my shirt till it tightened my neck.

"If you mess with me I'm going to kill you this instant, you savage!" Her eyes were sharpened in anger but I wasn't satisfied with that level of her furiousness. I want her to seethe.

And the best action wasn't words, it was action. In just a bit, I pouch her face and get up to my feet as she shrieks in pain.

Before she could gather the energy back and stand up, I push the flower vase to the ground and it shattered, then I picked up a half piece as a weapon. A weapon of defence not for her, but for me. Certainly, I also knew that the thudding sound of the huge vase would drew anyone's attention in the mansion to this direction. It was part of my plan -- to create attention.

The squab woman got ready to prance at me as I also held firm the pieces of ceramic that my hands started to bleed.

However, I wanted to fulfill the promised I made to her son tonight and right now I'll pay the sacrifice to give him an answer to his question. I'll prove it this instant. I'll prove that she's evil and doesn't deserve to be called a mother.

"Wait till your son gets here at this instant. You know for sure he would never forgive you. You're a dead meat,"

Moreover, the aggressive woman clearly didn't understand, but she would know what I meant a little bit too late for her to handle the situation.

I gave her a wry smile that left her dazed and almost before she knew it, I gave myself a quick stab at the left side of my stomach, still smiling despite the pang the stab left me with, but I don't mind, after all revenge is bitter at first, but at last tastes sweeter and piquant that the joy is something incredible.

I cover my stomach tightly with one of my hand as I threw myself to the ground, cause my acting wasn't complete without that particular scene. Although, I didn't stab myself that deep but it seemed like I stabbed the wrong place, telling from the unbearable pain that brought tears to my eyes, this time it was not actually acting now. It was real tears and real panic-stricken.

A brief moment later, I began to hear the sound of heavy footsteps approaching my apartment entrance and as I briefly looked at the door, it was the both of them. They stepped in befuddled and then Mary's sharp screaming filled the air of the room as she saw fresh blood, gory on the floor of the spot I laid flinched.

Immediately, his eyes caught sight of me too, his poker face turned into a sore expression that he pushed Mary, blocking his path, when he plunged at me with grave fear.

He quickly took my weak body into his arms as his forefingers lightly smacked my cheek, calling my name loudly, begging me to wake up, as I was already losing consciousness, my eyes went shut and all I was hearing at the moment was double voices.

Precisely, his roaring voice, at his mother, asking her what she did to me. Those were the last words I heard that brought back some peace in my stormy heart, despite the chaos waging war in my heart and it made me rest assured that my labour wasn't in vain. Gradually I lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep, I just can't tell which.


When I woke up, his face was the first figure I saw. He noticed me and quickly took my hands in his as he called my name. I was glad I made it alive or else I don't know what might have happened to my soul.

Feeling this things, I sat up to talk to him, only to caught sight of the hypocrite and my excited face reddened in rage as he wasn't angry at her anymore about the incident earlier and she was also pretending to always care like the good woman she was when his around.

The more of think of it, I grow larger and larger in furiousness, that it seemed as if I would turned everything upside down in this place.

'Is this guy a fool, I can't believe all my effort in trying to convince him went in vain? Is something wrong with you?,' The more I was glaring at him seems like I wanted to crush him to pieces, 'Is he that blind to see clearly enough who that monsteress he called his mother is?'

Then, my whole system was burning in anger as I loses control that moment, when she tried to hold my other hand and I began to act crazy. Despite my condition, I felt pain the way I recoiled back ferociously, in an nonsensical reaction by covering my ears and screaming at the top of my lungs that made the nurses dart into the room in alarm.

"Go away from me! Take her out of here, I don't want to see her face!" I continue to yell, till they sent her out and then I switched acting and began to sob heavily that even when the young man kept trying to calm me down I increased intensely in sobbing and

The doctor left to get sedative, while he kept trying to bring me back in control. By then, I was furious and had fired back without minding that I was supposed to keep acting like a psycho.

I drew close to him again, grabbing his hand, "She tried to kill me like last time and you still brought her here. Don't tell me you're also working with her?"

"Alexandra, you're mistaken. Mom was only trying to persuade you to go to bed. You won't understand if I explained it to you, because of your condition_"

"For chrissake I'm not insane! I'm normal and I remember everything, I remember all the times she's treated me so badly. I also remember that she's not my mother nor your late father is my father. I'm just an outcast I remember everything and it hurt so badly_" I paused as I saw the surprise on his face, trying to process what I've just said.

"My God, Alexandra you should have told me, I have no idea you knew something and you're not an outcast, you're my younger sister, a daughter of Scott family, neither do my mother treated you badly…"

I stopped listening to his riffle neither would i going to take it easier on him. He's the judge here and I need to win him over by force. I want him to disown his beloved mother who on the contrary had used him to always brag. To me, I sees her as nothing without her son, the heir of the possessions of the late Chairman's property. That's why, she had treasured him like gold.

However, the greatest pain on Earth comes when you're lurch by someone you love dearly. My earn was to make her feel the same pains the real Alexandra went through and cry over it forever.

If not that being, I would had used my powers, but this more than a torture I can sent to her. And this young man is that object.

I quickly picked him up by surprise, going to that extreme of saying things too shocking for words to him, "What did I expect? After all, I'm not your blood."

"Alex, don't say that, it's not true!" He yelled at me again.

"Because of her you're even yelling at me now."

"Alexandra, look at me. Look me in the eyes," His voice suddenly hushed, when I turned my face away from him angered as he forced it around with his hand, making me look into his eyes, "You don't know how special you are to me. But, I owe that woman a lot, she has done so many things that I can't repay her back. She was there for me even when the world was against me and you think it's easy to just disassociate from her like that?"

"That's what you would say, that's why you always turn a blind eye, that's why I hate telling you this things, that's why I'm leaving in hell up to date, that why I wishes badly to just end this damn life of mine,"

"All of you should go far away from me, I don't want to see anyone again. Just go." I choked as my throat was clouded with liquid. My eyes blinded with tears.

"Alexandra, I'm sorry for everything. If you want to go far away from them, I'll take you somewhere else. Just don't try to kill yourself_"

"Just go and let me die. I want to die, I want to died and rest in peace_"

Before I could finish talking, he grabbed my small body and fuddled into his broad embrace, despite my reluctance as I cried aloud while clenching his shirt in my hands.

It's sound real and seems real. But it's just acting and I always pulled it off.

'Though, I haven't got you to do what I want, but soon, so soon, you would willingly do them for me. You would probably turned your back on your family one day, because of that same younger sister you cherish. And as long I'm in this body, I'll make that surely come to pass -- ruin your family.'

That was my damn thought, even though I hadn't figured out what to do yet...