
Beauty Awake

After being expelled from the elite Marine Corps for a serious mistake, he returns to urban life in a state of decadence, where fate continues to mock him. A series of misunderstandings make him a regular at the police station, where he is regarded as an extremely dangerous individual. When various urban beauties appear before him in different ways, he unwittingly finds himself in conflict and misunderstanding with them. What stories will unfold between him and these women? Starlets, wealthy heiresses, beautiful policewomen, high-level executives, flight attendants - these outstanding beauties, the dream of every man, will grace the pages of this book, inviting you to explore each one.

jojokria · 都市
42 Chs

017 Boring man

Zhang Ziwen, uncertain, handed the menu to Tang Shu. "What would you like to drink? Ladies first."

"I'll have a cappuccino," Tang Shu replied, passing the menu back to the server. She then asked him, "What about you, Brother Wen?"

"This is your turf, you choose something for me," Zhang Ziwen said, unfamiliar with such places and thus delegating the choice to Tang Shu.

Tang Shu tilted her head in thought for a moment before saying, "The Blue Mountain coffee here is quite good. You should try it, Brother Wen."

"Alright, I'll go with your suggestion."

"Very well," Tang Shu told the server. "One Blue Mountain, one cappuccino, and a serving of crystal cake."

In no time, the server brought their coffee and dessert.

The ambiance of the place was incredibly elegant, making Zhang Ziwen feel slightly out of place. Not accustomed to such settings, he found it hard to relax. Facing Tang Shu, a beautiful young lady, he struggled to find a suitable topic of conversation and ended up taking small sips of his coffee to mask his unease.

The Blue Mountain coffee was indeed excellent. Its rich aroma was enough to leave a lasting impression, and each sip carried a subtle, mellow bitterness that lingered pleasantly on the palate.

Noticing his discomfort, Tang Shu asked softly, "Brother Wen, do you not like it here?"

"Not at all," Zhang Ziwen smiled. "It's just that I rarely come to places like this. It's very nice; I quite like it."

The calming effect of the coffee began to take hold, and Zhang Ziwen started to enjoy the environment more.

Hearing this, Tang Shu sighed in relief and smiled sweetly. "Since you think it's nice, you'll get used to it after a few visits. Let's come here again next time."

Seeing Tang Shu's sweet smile, Zhang Ziwen couldn't refuse. He nodded with a smile, feeling an impulse to accept her invitation no matter the cost.

"Xiao Shu, you come here often, don't you?" Zhang Ziwen asked, curious about her familiarity with the place.

Tang Shu's face flushed slightly as she replied, "Not really. My mom likes to come here for coffee, and she sometimes brings me along."

Zhang Ziwen didn't understand why she blushed but smiled and asked, "So you came to like it after a few visits with your mom? Is that why you brought me here today?"

"It's just that I thought this place was quiet and nice for a chat," Tang Shu said, hesitating a bit before continuing, "And also, I have a free pass card for here."

Zhang Ziwen smiled, noticing her adorable blush, and waited for her to continue.

"The card allows us to dine for free," she finally confessed, a bit embarrassed.

"That's great news!" Zhang Ziwen was genuinely delighted. He had been worried about the expense, but now he could enjoy without concern. "I'm really glad. I was worried about spending too much, but now we don't have to pay. That's wonderful."

Seeing Zhang Ziwen's happiness, Tang Shu was also pleased. She took out a shiny gold card from her backpack and handed it to him. "Brother Wen, take this. You can use it whenever you come here."

Zhang Ziwen looked at the VIP card and, without hesitation, accepted it with a smile. "Thank you. But what about you?"

"Don't worry, my mom has more. And if I want to come, I can just invite you," Tang Shu said, blushing again as she finished.

"Sure, just call me when you want to come. I'll gladly accept this card. Thank you!" Zhang Ziwen said, not noticing her blush, too happy about the VIP card. This place was nice, and he planned to visit often now that he had the card.

Tang Shu watched Zhang Ziwen accept the card without any pretense. Unlike other men who might refuse out of politeness, Zhang Ziwen's straightforwardness amused her. The more she looked at him, the more she found him interesting.

Zhang Ziwen felt a bit uneasy under Tang Shu's direct gaze. He touched his face and asked, "Is there something on my face? Is it dirty?"

Tang Shu couldn't help but laugh, her laughter ringing out like bells. Zhang Ziwen, feeling even more self-conscious, turned to the large window, trying to use his reflection to find any flaw on his face.

His antics only made Tang Shu laugh harder, her attempts to stifle her laughter causing her face to flush a delicate pink, making her look even more charming.

"Brother Wen, there's nothing on your face," Tang Shu finally managed to say, catching her breath. "You're just too funny."

"Really? Then why were you laughing at my face?" Zhang Ziwen asked, puzzled.

"Alright, alright," Tang Shu waved her hand, trying to suppress another bout of laughter. "I was just looking at you. Your serious expression was too funny."

Realizing his mistake, Zhang Ziwen laughed awkwardly. "You little rascal, making fun of me. Be careful, or I'll spank you."

"I'm not afraid of you," Tang Shu retorted, sticking out her tongue playfully. "I'm not a little girl anymore; don't call me that." Her coquettish demeanor was both endearing and alluring, making Zhang Ziwen's head spin a bit.

"Oh, so I can't call you a little girl? Then how old are you?"

"A lady never tells her age so easily to a gentleman. Didn't you know that?" Tang Shu found Zhang Ziwen's straightforwardness both amusing and charming.

"Really? I didn't know that. Is that a rule?" Zhang Ziwen asked, feeling a bit embarrassed by her direct refusal to answer.

Tang Shu looked at him as if he were from another planet, her beautiful eyes wide with amusement. "You really didn't know?"

"Well, you can tell me now, and I won't ask any other girl their age again," Zhang Ziwen said, feeling a bit downcast, wondering if he was really that out of touch.

Seeing his dejection, Tang Shu spoke softly, "Alright, I can tell you. I'm 19." She added shyly, "I'm in my second year at Zhonghai University. You should come visit me at school sometime."

Zhang Ziwen nodded with a smile. "I will. I'll visit when I have time."

"Promise you will, don't just say that," Tang Shu urged.

"Don't worry, I keep my word. Besides, I have plenty of free time," Zhang Ziwen replied, then immediately regretted it, realizing he sounded like he had nothing better to do.

Tang Shu didn't seem to mind, though. She was just happy that Zhang Ziwen had agreed to visit her. Her cheeks flushed again, and she felt a little frustrated with herself for blushing so easily around him, something that never happened with other guys.

Zhang Ziwen saw her blushing and assumed it was a reaction to his previous comment. In this competitive era, he felt a bit ashamed of his aimless lifestyle, especially in front of a bright, young university student like Tang Shu.

Both were lost in their thoughts, worlds apart in their concerns.

Zhang Ziwen glanced at his watch and, seeing it was almost six, used an appointment with a friend as an excuse to leave.

Tang Shu had hoped to have dinner with him but didn't push the matter, seeing his excuse. Her eyes showed a hint of disappointment, but Zhang Ziwen, oblivious to her feelings, didn't notice.

They took the elevator down together and exchanged phone numbers. Zhang Ziwen hailed a taxi for her, watching it drive away before slowly heading back to his place. His unintentional lingering gaze made Tang Shu's heart race, a blush spreading across her face, this time not from shyness but something deeper.