
Beauty Awake

After being expelled from the elite Marine Corps for a serious mistake, he returns to urban life in a state of decadence, where fate continues to mock him. A series of misunderstandings make him a regular at the police station, where he is regarded as an extremely dangerous individual. When various urban beauties appear before him in different ways, he unwittingly finds himself in conflict and misunderstanding with them. What stories will unfold between him and these women? Starlets, wealthy heiresses, beautiful policewomen, high-level executives, flight attendants - these outstanding beauties, the dream of every man, will grace the pages of this book, inviting you to explore each one.

jojokria · 都市
42 Chs

010 Angry policewoman inspector

"Upon completing the training, he was assigned to the Navy Military Division Quick One Brigade in Wuhai City. He served on missile speedboats and, just a month after joining the team, participated in a naval artillery competition, winning first place and earning a third-class merit once." As Wu Min read up to this point, her tone turned sour, feeling somewhat disgruntled.

"Three months after joining the team, he encountered internal selection within the Navy for Marine Corps members. He applied for the selection, passed the political review, physical fitness tests, and various subject assessments, and was recruited into the Navy Marine Corps Reserve. After rigorous training lasting half a year at the Political College, he emerged as a formal member of the Marine Corps three months ahead of schedule, becoming one of the members of the Navy Marine Corps Rapid Assault Squad."

Suddenly, Wu Min felt a bit uncomfortable. After reading for so long, why was everything positive? She began to suspect if she had the wrong file. In the morning, it was evident from the materials handed over that he had committed a serious offense and was even sentenced.

Wu Min gave a questioning look to the assistant beside her. The assistant shrugged, indicating that the documents were correct. Glancing at Zhang Ziwen, the assistant's eyes showed a hint of admiration. As a former soldier himself, before becoming a policeman, he served in the Army Reconnaissance Battalion. He knew the hardships of special forces training. Seeing someone who could enter the elite of the elite, the Navy Marine Corps, three months ahead of schedule was truly admirable.

Wu Min was not pleased with the admiration in the assistant's eyes, giving him a glare before continuing, "In the rapid assault squad, this member excelled in all training skills, achieving outstanding results. After three months in the Navy Marine Corps, he was sent on special missions and successfully completed tasks assigned by superiors, earning a collective second-class merit once and a personal third-class merit once. During his two years of service in the Navy Marine Corps, he was sent on various military missions a total of 76 times, including 12 overseas missions, all of which were completed excellently. He has outstanding military achievements, receiving numerous commendations within the military. In June 2004, he was recommended by the unit to be admitted to the Naval Military Academy and became a student there. In July 2004, this student had a conflict with local residents."

As she reached this point, Wu Min's excitement grew. Finally, there appeared a blemish in Zhang Ziwen's records. Wu Min felt a surge of triumph. She looked at Zhang Ziwen, who furrowed his brows, seeming lost in thought.

Wu Min knocked on the table and raised her voice, saying, "Zhang Ziwen, what are you thinking? We're getting to the point now."

"Hmm?" Zhang Ziwen raised his eyelids, seeing Wu Min staring at him triumphantly. He furrowed his brows and asked, "Where did you stop?"

"We're at the part about what you did wrong. You better listen carefully, so you won't accuse me of wronging you." Wu Min was quite angry. She had been reading aloud for so long, and it seemed like he hadn't heard a single word.

"Alright, continue. I'm all ears," Zhang Ziwen said indifferently.

"You better listen carefully. I won't repeat myself," Wu Min said sternly.

"Verbose," Zhang Ziwen muttered under his breath.

Wu Min's ears were sharp, and she heard his murmuring. She asked angrily, her face turning red with irritation, "What did you say?" She was further incensed by Zhang Ziwen's behavior.

Ignoring her thinly veiled anger, Zhang Ziwen didn't bother to explain himself.

Wu Min took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. She couldn't understand why she had been so easily agitated all day at the station. People below her seemed to be walking on eggshells around her, avoiding her gaze, afraid to provoke her. Finally, she had this nuisance in her hands again. She couldn't let him slip away easily tonight. Looking at this annoying scoundrel, she felt an inexplicable sense of hatred.

Deciding to play with her adversary a bit, Zhang Ziwen said with a feigned tone of impatience, "Alright, what do you want? Just spit it out. Do you want me to confess? Assault? Rioting? Attacking a police officer? Do you want me to admit to everything?"

"Hmph, you know what you've done, yet you choose to play dumb. Time is being wasted," Wu Min said, her irritation growing. Based on her experience in interrogation, when the suspect became impatient, they were more likely to confess. Wu Min felt a sense of satisfaction at this thought.

"Heh, you want me to confess? You're dreaming," Zhang Ziwen suddenly chuckled. "I refuse to admit to anything. I'm innocent. That's my answer to you."

Amused internally, this mere display—do you still think you can pin the blame on me? You're rather inexperienced in this matter, aren't you? Zhang Ziwen regarded Wu Min calmly, anticipating how her expression might change.

"Hello there, Zhang Ziwen," Wu Min said through gritted teeth, her face flushed with anger. "You're still so audacious even in the police station. Well, I refuse to believe that I won't be able to handle you." Her chest heaved with agitation, her words disjointed, evidently provoked by Zhang Ziwen.

"Don't get so worked up, don't harm yourself with anger," Zhang Ziwen observed her irritated demeanor, barely able to contain his amusement. Seizing the opportunity, he continued to taunt, "The safety of the people still relies on you, this wise and valiant female police officer. If something were to happen to you, I'm afraid I couldn't bear the responsibility."

"Zhang Ziwen, you've gone too far!" Wu Min, now incensed, grabbed the documents in her hand, poised to throw them at him.

Seeing Wu Min lose her composure, Xiao Pingtou quickly intervened. "Inspector Wu, don't fall for his provocation. The angrier you get, the happier he becomes. Let me handle this interrogation, and you can take a break."

"No, I will conduct the interrogation myself," Wu Min refused resolutely, unable to heed Xiao Pingtou's words at the moment.

Xiao Pingtou sighed inwardly, shaking his head as he sat back down. He had been observing Wu Min's demeanor for quite some time and had noticed that her mood was consistently off. This was unlike her usual interrogations; her emotions had never been this volatile before. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of history she had with Zhang Ziwen. At this rate, interrogating him all night might not yield any results.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. A uniformed police officer poked his head in. "Inspector Wu, there's a lawyer outside who wants to see you."

"I'm not available," Wu Min replied impatiently. "Can't you see I'm busy? Tell them to leave."

Her blunt response left the police officer bewildered. Seeing Wu Min's frosty expression, he dared not say another word and quickly retreated, closing the door behind him.

A few seconds later, the officer pushed the door open again and timidly spoke, "Inspector Wu, the lawyer says he wants to see his client."

"Fine, let him in. You take him there, can't you see I'm busy? Don't interrupt," Wu Min said impatiently.

"The lawyer says his client is here, it's Zhang Ziwen."

"What? Zhang Ziwen?"

"Yes," the police officer replied, noticing Wu Min's displeasure, his response strained.

"Bring him in."

Though reluctant, Wu Min knew the consequences of obstructing a lawyer's access. As a senior inspector, she understood the legal implications, so she reluctantly allowed the lawyer in.

Seeing Wu Min reluctantly agreeing to the lawyer's entry, the police officer breathed a sigh of relief. He felt like today, his superior was like a dragon spitting fire. He was genuinely afraid that the beautiful inspector would scold him again.

Hearing that the lawyer wanted to see him, Zhang Ziwen was puzzled. He didn't know any lawyer. He certainly couldn't afford one. How could a lawyer come to see him?

As he was contemplating, the police officer brought the lawyer in.

Wu Min appraised the lawyer before her—smartly dressed, wearing glasses with gold rims, in his forties, he exuded an air of sophistication. But try as she might, she couldn't associate him with the detestable Zhang Ziwen. Seeing his appearance, she couldn't help but wonder why someone like him would need a lawyer. Suspicion filled her gaze.

"I am surnamed Han, from the Jinzhong Law Firm. Here is my business card," the lawyer introduced himself, handing Wu Min his card.

"Ah, Mr. Han, your client is Zhang Ziwen?"