
Emmy's Beasts Children

In the dark, under a strange-looking tree, a lady around twenty-something could be seen clenching her stomach and looking pitiful. She seemed to be in pain and was breathing heavily. Above her in the sky, the color was very black and blurry. Rain started falling, and the thunder was clapping loudly and violently. The wind was very thick, slapping everything harshly. The lady stood with the support of the tree, using one hand to prop herself against the tree and the other hand to hold her stomach tightly. She breathed out and continued moving weakly. "Seems like I'm not going to escape this. What type of poison is this?" she wondered. She unbuckled her belt to relieve some pain, then sat down somewhere and groaned while her hand wandered around on the wet ground until it made contact with something. She picked it up and saw the object with the help of the lightning. The thing was round like a bead, and something joined them together. She did not care about what it was and just swallowed it. She was going to die anyway, at least she ate something. She could not figure out the taste of the thing, but it was surely not normal because as soon as it made contact with her throat, it felt very hot, as if she had drunk hot water that had not cooled. "Sh*t! Even in death, my luck is still very bad," she muttered. She was still lamenting when her aching stomach suddenly stopped aching. She did not have the chance to rejoice when her stomach started swelling up, getting bigger and bigger. It was as if it wanted to burst but, alas, it didn't. She could feel herself in labor. She groaned until something escaped her body - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. She was relieved from both the poison pain and her swollen stomach pain. When she looked at what she had given birth to, she was shocked. Eggs. She had given birth to eggs. And there were six. What happened to the eggs? How did their journey begin? read the full novel. update time:6:00pm *by love gold*

Lovegold · Fantasy
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54 Chs

boyfriend condition worsen

The next day.

Emmy woke up earlier than anyone, she went to the kitchen, did her job and when the food was ready, she set the table. Everything was settled exactly at 6:00am, she was about to go and call Devin when she saw the man coming down, seeing him, she smile. "Good morning handsome boss". She bow playfully.

Devin stopped walking and stare at Emmy for a while before replying. "Morning" then he held out.

"Um..." Before Emmy could speak, Devin has already disappear. She twitched her mouth in annoyance. "What is wrong with this pervert? Always cold and nonchalant. "She frown and quickly ran out to catch up with him".

"Boss, I have prepared your food, you should eat something first". She smile, trying not to show her anger.

As you can see, am going out for some exercise, I will eat when I came back. "Devin replied as he tied his shoe properly". Got it. "He gave her a mocking smile".

"I..." Emmy did not finish her statement before Devin disappear from her sight. "Like seriously?" She was very angered. "I did not even care whether you eat or not, who would bother about a cold pervert like you, I was merely trying to tell you that am going out idiot, can't you even read expressions?". Emmy cursed him nonstop after he was out of sight. "It's your problem for jogging around, bye for now". She went back in to the room that Devin had prepared for her and changed as she was ready to leave she found a paper on the dressing table and an idea pop up in her head, she took the paper, found a pen and wrote something inside the paper then she went to the kitchen and put the piece of paper on the cabinet before heading out.

Bye the time Devin return, it's already after seven, as soon as he entered the house he found it abnormally silent, thought Emmy had just started living with him yesterday, he could already feel her presence just that one day. "Where is she?". He wondered and went to the kitchen but found a letter on the cabinet. He picked it up and read.

Written in the paper was....

"Don't worry handsome boss, I went to check on my boyfriend and pay for his surgery, make sure you eat something - Emmy."

Reading the letter, Devin's brows furrowed. He felt a surge of anger towards Emmy's boyfriend and tore the paper before storming upstairs without touching the food.


It's the resumption period for students. Emmy busy herself making preparations of her children entry of school, because her children want to enter first level directly the children undergo some exams and she spent a lot on their entrance. She settled the school stuffs and busy herself with selecting clothes for her children since the one she bought for them before was not enough. Since the men are of the same height and she managed to guess their fit last time, it was easy for her to select clothes for them, last time she could only depend on her sense, as for the girls she used herself to select for them.

After buying more than enough clothes for her children, Emmy finally felt relief and happy. There is no need for her to keep them in the hotel because the school has it own dromy and she had already make the room meet up to her children satisfaction, she didn't want her children to feel dissatisfied at all.

Emmy went back to the hotel and noticed that they are in one room just like before, she didn't ask them why they are together this time as she already know the answer. "You guys will start schooling by next week you already aware of that, I will leave you to go for your choice of course all you have to do is to face your study and make Mom proud ". She chuckle.

Mother really work hard, we won't disappoint you. "Dave swore".

"Of course, I know. My children are my heaven. I know you all will make Mom proud." Emmy smiled beautifully, revealing her pretty dimples. "I bought you additional clothes. Here, Mom needs to go to work, okay?"

They all nodded.

Emmy smiled and gave them more instructions. When she checked the time, it's already after six in the evening. "Oh no!". Emmy heart skipped and she bid her children farewell. She rushed a cab back to Devin mansion.

Getting back to Devin mansion, Emmy took out something from her bag and add it to her Lower eyes making it dark and swollen then she sneakingly entered, looking everywhere she found no traces of Devin and she was about to breathe in a sigh of relief when Devin cold voice sounded behind her making her rooted in one spot.

"You finally decided to come back".

"Oh no, he was outside, did he saw me applying makeup on my face? No even if he saw me, he would think that am wiping something on my face. Yes that should be it". She thought to herself and took in a deep breath before turning around.

Looking at Emmy ugly swollen eyes, Devin was shocked and his heart skipped. "Did you get beaten up?". He asked.

Emmy almost twitch her mouth. "Your whole family got beaten up,am a professional fighter yet all this pervert could think is that I got beaten up? Did this guy even have any positive heart? It's good anyway, this also prove that he didn't see me applying things on my face". She thought to herself.

"It's nothing Boss". She made tears escaped her eyes. "It's just that my boyfriend condition worsen and my heart ach so much". She wiped her tears carefully so as not to wipe away the makeup. "Am late I know, I will cook a lot of dish tonight". She made her smile a forced one.

Emmy expression and appearance was so real that Devin believe her without any hesitate but thinking of the fact that Emmy was like this because of another man makes his heart ach and he could feel bitterness in his throat. He keep his cold appearance and said. "No need to cook, just re-warm the one you cooked in the morning" he replied with a heavy tone and seeing Emmy falling tears he was annoyed. "Rule number two, remember not to ever shed tears in front of me again". He sounded angered.

Emmy did not bother about his last words and looked at him weirdly. "Boss didn't eat in the morning? Don't you see the letter I left for you?". She asked

I lost appetite. "Devin replied and his mood lighten". Did she care about me?. "He thought to himself".

"You what?". Emmy was enraged. "Do you believe that I woke up before anyone else and cook for you yet you are telling me you lost appetite, are you kidding me?". She was not aware but from Devin point of view, she look like a little wife scolding her husband for refusing to eat and this made his mood more good.

Devin maintain his cold face and said In a less cold voice. "I asked you to re-warm it didn't I? That means am ready to eat".

You...."Emmy point at him and gritted her teeth angrily". Am telling you, you will never find a wife in your lifetime with this habit and attitude of yours" she cursed.

I will look for you and make you my wife if I really found non, after all you are the one that cursed me. "Devin smile warmly".

Emmy did not notice Devin warm smile as she was still fuming in anger. "I will eat pig tail if I ever agree to marry a pervert, unmanned, cold, arrogant man like you?". She spat and left angrily.

Devin couldn't hold it anymore and laugh happily. "Call me when food is ready!". He shouted but Emmy did not reply him, he shook his head and went upstairs in good mood".