

"Uhh" Waking up, wondering where i was. Feeling weak and dizzy i heard that annoying alert


[ Mission completed

Updating status page]

Host Status

Name: Not Given

Race: Forest Mouse

Rank: Won't last a second



God's Eye;


Dash; Increases speed by 20% for 5sec.

[Waiting for host's state to return to normal before giving the remaining reward]

"What happened" I asked.

[Host was knocked out by the aftermath of a collision during the battle]

"I survived? Thank god.....not. I almost died! Where am i anyway?" I said.

[Host can get this information from your reward.]

[Receive reward Y/N]

"Yes" i said.

[Transmitting information to host.]

I felt my head grow heavy for a second. The information i received is that this world is a no name Beast world filled with different kinds of creatures both on land and in the waters. Even mythological ones too like griffins. And of all the creatures I ended up being a mouse. F*$k!!!

So there's only one continent surrounded by water and it's about twice the size of the biggest one on Earth. It's divided into five regions serving as the territory for five different Beasts, that's the three headed hydra in the north, the thunder winged tiger in the east, the blood vulture in the west, the armored crocodile in the south and the stone monkey king at the center. But there's still the ruler of the oceans which is the draconic whale.

I am currently in the center region at the outer layer which is good but not safe. In this place my death can come at any time, what i need to do is get stronger.

"What other method can i use to increase my strength?"

[Host can kill and eat other creatures while the system will gather their essence in the form of xp for the Host]

"Oh. But first i have to eat something before i starve to death."

Looking around trying to find a fruit, i remembered something.

"Silly me, i have a skill to solve that."

Using God's eye i searched for something edible, now that i focus on what i see, i couldn't help but be amazed by the spectacle i was seeing. From the ants on the ground to the droplet of water on the leaves it was just incredible. I could see every thing withing the skill's range but I have to focus on it. Sadly no fruits.

'What can a mouse eat and still gain experience from?' I thought

Hi everyone, and thanks for reading. Please if you like my book or find errors and mistakes or a suggestion on how to improve my writing, leave comments. Thanks.

And from this point i will be switching to a third person point of view.

Phantom_Mousecreators' thoughts